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Everything posted by emt_911

  1. Morning all. Zero degrees this morning and no reported delays on Southern. Not much else happening. Hump day today so it can only go downhill from here
  2. Quote of the day where the snow has settled on the pavement. 'It's a bit slippery isn't it'. Talk about stating the obvious
  3. Morning all. Bob has said it already, a light dusting of snow. Chaos will probably reign on the roads because of it and although there are no reported disruptions except from MK to South Croydon, it's probably going to be the wrong type of snow. I must be getting cynical in my old age. Have a good day everyone
  4. Evening Brian. Coming along nicely. Looking forward to some more details
  5. Another follower here Derek. Some amazing detail and I hope there are many other followers. Your work deserves it
  6. I've obviously got fat finger syndrome this morning looking at my first post. Missed my normal train this morning thanks to people not knowing how to use the ticket machine. The 06:57 from ECR was only 4 coaches so very crowded and then some id10t blocked the doors and refused to get off delaying it by another 3 minutes. Not the best start to the day
  7. Morning all. A cold start to a new week, -1 outside and frosty. The Southern website is saying that there are no problems although they have made more minor changes to their timetables. Hope you recover soon Trev. Jock, hopefully the news will be what you hope for this week. Have a good wee, stay safe and warm if at all possible.
  8. Mike. It looks better every time. I just don't know how you're going to improve
  9. Nicely done Jason. However, I don't know if I would class that as tenacity or madness
  10. Thanks Jeff. I don't feel any pressure from having HA in the public eye although it would be very easy to fall into that trap.. I enjoy modelling when time permits, which, as has already been discussed, is a bit short at the moment. Things are due to settle down in the next few weeks which will help. I'm also looking forward to the better weather arriving so that I feel that I want to do more as well. That's also the time for building the base boards. These are still in the design stage as it will be transportable and need to get this bit just right. I've thoroughly enjoyed the journey with KL and KL2 is going to be far superior after learning from the mistakes of the original. I'm just hoping not to make similar mistakes although if everything goes right first time, what will I have learnt.
  11. I've noticed it myself. Also then indecipherable button has gone AWOL.
  12. Morning Jaz I have to admit that I'm enjoying getting something done when free time is available, even though free time is a rare commodity at the moment. I keep a notebook with me when I'm working for ideas / solutions as they come to mind which is useful. Last night was one of those times when I had some of this free time and achieved something that will work out well by the looks of it. The pub, although using the basic look of Alan Downes Railway Hotel, is a combination of the pubs from the films The Battle of Britain, 633 Squadron and The Dambusters. If I get chance later today I'll upload a couple of pictures of the progress so far.
  13. Hi Peter Sounds like you had a good day with Andy and George assisting / encouraging. Hope tomorrow goes better for you
  14. OK. Didn't make it to Stafford this weekend thanks to work. However, I have managed to get some modelling time tonight. The wall structure for the pub has been marked out and cut. I now need to find a bit more time to tidy it up.
  15. Congratulations Ernie. Enjoy the day and your time together
  16. Now snowing at ECR but I doubt it will settle
  17. Morning all. The thermometer tells me that its 1 degree outside but it feels more like -3 and frost on the ground. Having to work again today (not a fan of Saturday working) but at least I can leave home that little bit later.. Enjoy the weekend and hopefully those that are unwell will at least feel better to enjoy some of it.
  18. emt_911


    Have to agree with you Jaz although mine are work commitments
  19. Still dry here and not too breezy. It was certainly POeTS day today and now have to go in tomorrow as well .
  20. Morning all. The temperature is just managing to stay above zero but feels a lot colder here. POETS day at last as long as the 'E' is attainable I'll be happy. Stay safe on your journey's today especially those who are having some real weather
  21. emt_911

    A New Start

    Happy Birthday. Mine today as well but can't afford to take time off at the moment
  22. Morning all, dry and 1 degree here at the moment but feels a lot colder. It looks like the weather might well go downhill later. No reported delays on Southern yet. Have a good day, stay safe especially if travelling. Apparently I'm number 6953
  23. The islands are beautiful and the weather can be challenging. The one thing that hit me when I returned (both times) was trees. Whilst there it never occurred to me that there was only one place where they grew.
  24. Cav, as has been said by many, sad news. However, I for one totally understand having been in a similar situation myself. I'm sure that many on here would more than welcome your input on their threads.
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