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Status Replies posted by eastwestdivide

  1. More chutney on the hob, marrow, tomato and apple this time.

  2. Thought I enjoyed building track until I tried this left hand three way tandem in copper clad - bo****ks!

  3. Just asked wether I would like a new career with La Senza! Things are looking up!

  4. EPBs? 4CEPs? VEPs? So much to take in, and so much I simply don't know. Fun to find out, mind!

  5. packing for UK...dry clothes or wet clothes required?

  6. weekend engineering works

  7. Any of you ever met this chap called Al Cohol?

  8. Thought I'd have a crack at writing a status...

  9. may be much too old for Frosties, but d**n if I don't like them... :-D

  10. Eccles Road signal box photographed today, lots more pictures to take though

  11. Hic latine locutus est!

  12. now understands the old adage measure twice, cut once.

  13. Typing away whilst watching ICE trains and DB and DB regios rumble past hotel window on way into Koeln

  14. Has a plumber in today fitting a new hot water cylinder and moving the header tank to the loft - I thought Monday was the gas man ......

  15. Where can I find a replacement spine?

  16. 'Miaow.......miaow' - another quote credited to Winston (the cat that lives up the road) :-p

  17. Porridge or porage?

  18. Exeter - heavy rain, clearing slowly, visibility good, winds slight....

  19. Do penguins have pen pals?

  20. i didn't get where i am today by...

  21. is looking for a copy of 'Those Bones' by The Correct Speech Gospel Quartet'.

  22. Look pretty young but I'm just backdated

  23. thinks he should evaluate other treatment options for his hayfever :-( . Feeling very much down at times due to this c**p.

  24. Perhaps the forum could be replaced witha big noticeboard that we pin bits of paper to. It could be sited on the back of a lorry that slowly tours the country. After all, computors will never really catch on...

  25. Perhaps the forum could be replaced witha big noticeboard that we pin bits of paper to. It could be sited on the back of a lorry that slowly tours the country. After all, computors will never really catch on...

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