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Status Replies posted by eastwestdivide

  1. The more we learn, the less we believe to be true. The more we prove, the more remains to be proved.

  2. thinks he overdid lunch

  3. It's a new dawn, it's a new day; it's a new life; and I'm feeling good.

  4. Is now the proud owner of a Lion.

  5. wishes that writing didn't involve using her laptop. Too easy to end up on RMWeb...

  6. can't think of any smart-alec comments to post here right now...

  7. Sun came out, rushed outside to finish baaseboard, rain stopped play.Staring at a rhomboid shaped baseboard and thinking of taking up another hobby. :(

  8. Has nearly replaced the stairwell carpet! Wish I hadn't started this job!

  9. I had a love-affair with Lena, In the back of my Cortina, The s3xed-up little hyena, Could not have been obscene-er,

  10. Yon lion's 'eaten our Albert and 'im in his Sunday clothes, too.

  11. Bourbon or Custard Cream?

  12. After 4 months... finally got my desktop to boot up :D

  13. Is sampling hospital food for a couple of days but I can still get on here

  14. downloaded abode acrobat and still cannot view pdf file, what am i doing wrong?

  15. is fed up of writing about vampires.

  16. is fed up of writing about vampires.

  17. is fed up of writing about vampires.

  18. is fed up of writing about vampires.

  19. Now, if only the Highways Agency had used Scalescenes road & pavement kit would it have cost £1bn to widen the M25. I don't think so.

  20. This column's quite today

  21. thinks she is pondering what you're pondering.

  22. is wondering if he should entrust the restoration of his car to a man whose naked photo can be viewed on Farcebook :-O

  23. I think computer technicians bottoms are becoming the new builders bottoms :S!

  24. happy (chinese) new year!

  25. I think computer technicians bottoms are becoming the new builders bottoms :S!

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