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Status Replies posted by eastwestdivide

  1. Half a pound of sausages, and a tin of prunes

  2. has anyone actually met RSS Catcher? Sounds a right sporting type!

  3. Venus in blue jeans, Mona Lisa with a pony tail etc.

  4. I'm wondering how I get a* on past papers yet I come out of exams with Cs :-\

  5. is going kayaking tonight.

  6. is all for tautological pleonasms.

  7. i only live 2 miles from the hepworth

  8. Has discovered the day consuming evil of http://www.greatlakeslive.com/F-town_CAM_1.html So much inspiration!

  9. saw some jigsaw pieces on the path today in Buxton. Its a bit of a puzzle...

  10. Have you ever been perlocutionary?

  11. Been to see 4492 at Wincobank Junction this morning, only to get pictures blocked by a 221 stopping at a YELLOW signal!

  12. has no Chorley cakes :-(

  13. 6 infrastructures, Colas timber, a DRS ECS and frothylino - not bad for an afternoon (and loads of Pendos/Voyagers and 350s too)

  14. has realised that it is nearly Beer 'o' clock

  15. Normal service has resumed here in the Peaks - its raining.

  16. wonders what's so difficult to understand in the site's copyright rules.

  17. Be concatenative!

  18. But chilly, chilly is evening time

  19. when you go to supermarkets does it seem you buy alot less for more these days

  20. kitchen rebuild come to a halt when new (deeper) sink needs to have water flowing uphill to get to waste pipe - so have to remove dishwasher + cooker + cupboard to reroute. All because water won't flow uphill.

  21. byte-byte online world? BT coming tomorrow.

  22. Breaking rocks in the hot sun. well paving slabs anyway.

  23. ¡Aquí se habla s-bahñol!

  24. ¡Aquí se habla s-bahñol!

  25. The more we learn, the less we believe to be true. The more we prove, the more remains to be proved.

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