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Everything posted by toboldlygo

  1. Damn the King would of looked so nice lined out in yellow - better get the thinners out to remove the Malachite Green and the Airforce Blue from the Name & Number plates
  2. I was slightly shocked at the PM you sent me about repainting all your GWR Rolling Stock in Post War Southern Green
  3. With all the names the GWR use to give freight & NPCCS stock - was there ever a Newt, Carp or Goldfish?
  4. With TLC, ancient decals will go down - at least there not garage decals. A quick brush in one direction with Tamiya Extra thin. Emphasis on the one brush swipe, will pull them down, just don't touch them afterwards.
  5. Ratio kit looks better, the Rails one looks wrong. Tip from young Skywalker - decals prefer a smooth gloss surface to sit down on
  6. Where have the last 12 days gone - oops. I finished a couple of loco's. Some wagons.. Some trolleys.. A 'few' Modelu lamps (over a 100). Works in progress.. Well there's some wheel barrows.. The Lancer will be in paint this weekend. And possibly the Mustang III as well.
  7. Just finished rectifying this for a client.. Lovely looking loco, however what on earth did the factory use to glue parts on - Prit Stick perhaps? You only had to look at it a bits fell off The dreaded bunker trench was easily sorted with clamps, super glue and Deluxe Materials Perfect Plastic putty. The main cause - the plastic coal load is oversize on the dimension between the back of the cab and the back face of the bunker. So the coal load had been forced in place at the factory and then en-route to Blighty the seam failed and the poorer new owners had to deal with it themselves, the advice from the loco's commissioners 'Hide it with the fire irons'
  8. Nope Though the Rebel Alliance are upset as they can no longer use the trench (that was there) for practice runs against the Death Star
  9. So after an awful long time in the works a patient has finally been released... The 16xx now asks 'Do my seams look big in this?' Now time for my observations of the model. Overpriced. Build quality - appalling, I lost count of the parts that fell off, the factory must of used prit stick as glue. Bunker Seams, caused by an oversized coal load force fitted in the build process, in transit the seams popped. Mis-leading instructions and part list - the exploded diagram clearly shows holes for the running plate lamp brackets, does the running plate have holes (or partially blank holes) - nope. It does however look like a 16xx, but buyer beware.
  10. I vote for 1 -8. My preferred choice is 7 (the Mink F) - which I've built the superb (and very rare) Hobby Time kit of
  11. Forget football, Unity's just come home - two more Brits are getting their astronaut wings.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Good on them, anyway.


    3. KeithMacdonald


      Yes, if NASA X-15 Pilots got astronaut wings, that's good enough for me.



    4. Kris


      Shame the live feed of this was so poor. 


  12. Another productive week.. The GWR Dia. O11 is finished. Weathered (and in one case renumbered) some 12 Wheel Pullmans... Finished another Wartime Black Pannier. Made more progress on the class 22's repaint. And today got the Lancer back on the bench.. I have the RAAF colours for it too (Australian Paints too). And started on a quick 1/48th Scale Tamiya build..
  13. I believe the tarps became quite optional on them, as GWR didn't like to pay to replace the Tarp bar when it failed.
  14. My choices are 2,3,5,8,9,10,11,12 & 13 For 13 would be the 6 Wheel Milk Tanker that K's did in kit form (not sure of the diagram).
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