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Status Replies posted by Kylestrome

  1. Today two pre-Grouping jumpers were withdrawn from service and sent for scrapping. A further jumper of that era was placed into departmental service.

  2. Today was a 3 egg day! :)

  3. Where are you calling from?

  4. Been thinking of names for my proposed Caledonian 1900 period layout and had settled on Glen Duggan but wonder if that sounds a little to twee so am now thinking fo Itskintme do you think thats got a nice Scottish feel to it?t

  5. On the gust list for Abigail's Party we have:

  6. On the gust list for Abigail's Party we have:

  7. Be aware of the 20 page Privacy EULA before you up grade to Windows 10. Your data might not be as private as you think it is.

  8. Be aware of the 20 page Privacy EULA before you up grade to Windows 10. Your data might not be as private as you think it is.

  9. has done London-Solihull and back at a rate of 75mpg. #miserdrive

  10. Helmsman, set the main engine sequencers to full autonomic power! Let's get this bird off the pad and on her way to Proxima 3 right now!

  11. Is wondering whether to open a can of worms?

  12. I ran a business of Windows 95, 98 and XP but Windows 10 in my shiny new PC is a fekkin toy!

  13. Has ordered some Catfishes & Dogfishes, I hope they won't fight when they are put together ??

  14. Should anyone accept a free pork pie?

  15. Today CTMK and I happened upon a few market-type produce stalls in Ivybridge, from where I purchased a superior quality pork pie. Unfortunately upon subsequent consumption over a late lunch, whilst the pork pie did contain a superior quality of meat, it was found to have an excessive bulk of pastry, all of which had to be consumed with some chutney to flavour it.

  16. Today's rant has been cancelled, due to the Voyager lavatory working satisfactorily.

  17. Here there be sausages

  18. Having trouble accessing RMWeb today...might have to do some modelling instead ;)

  19. Some of these rugby players remind me of Vogons - sorry.

  20. Webinars - like Powerpoint presentations, but with the advantage of being able to yawn out loud

  21. Who is this David Gandy? Marks & Spencers have just suggested that I could buy some of his underpants, with a 20% discount. Why would I do that, when I own some underpants of my own?

  22. Denmark has suspended all rail links with Germany. Sounds like something from 20th Century.

  23. Denmark has suspended all rail links with Germany. Sounds like something from 20th Century.

  24. Denmark has suspended all rail links with Germany. Sounds like something from 20th Century.

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