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Status Replies posted by Kylestrome

  1. I need SLEEP !!!!!!!!!!

  2. I feel like a dolphin who's never tasted melted snow. What does the color blue taste like? Bobo knows? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! I must speak with the dolphins now. Eeeee-eeee-eee-eeeeeee!

  3. After 3 years of non use, I today discovered that the ink in my inject printer has not dried up. Result, some nicely printed sheets of stonework.

  4. Where's the disagree button when you need one?

  5. The Island of Doctor Moreau

  6. Ahh, the delights of being brought up on both metric and imperial. Just measured a piece of wood and it was 1m 4" long. Doh!

  7. ..I tend to agree..

  8. Achtung....Spitfire...............lest we forget.

  9. On light duties since not following the rule of keeping ones fingers behind the scalpel blade... Have a 1" gash down to the bone in my index finger for my efforts. It probably won't teach me...

  10. Achtung....Spitfire...............lest we forget.

  11. Tristan and Isolde

  12. has just realised that today's socks are a dead ringer for BR 'Dutch' livery

  13. Operation, "Shall we go to that lovely market in Wells on Saturday, darling?" is progressing extremely well.

  14. Is wallpapering under the supervision and direction of his good lady......oh the joy *sigh*

  15. Thought I'd have a quiet afternoon in the garden but my daughters had other ideas. Instead we popped over to Lulworth Cove, then walked to Durdle Door. Glorious weather but feel shattered.

  16. Been off the Internet for 24 hours owing to a big muddle up by my ISP..

  17. ######!!!!! Xmas film on the TV and the local garden centre has started selling Christmas stuff, it's ####### July!!!!

  18. The best thing I purchased in the last ten years is my electronic Panasonic Pencil Sharpener...

  19. is going to get the b*stard file out again.

  20. Drenched Desert.

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