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Everything posted by micknich2003

  1. Been quiet on here of late. To hopefully create a bit of interest, my latest efforts. Std ex LNER "Tubes", usual construction, ex D&S etches, and still a little work to complete. Mick.
  2. Yes, indeed, not much point in modelling detail that will never be seen. Mick Nicholson.
  3. The NBR "Blue" glass was used as parafin lamps gave off a yellow light, when shone through "blue" glass showed signal green. "Green" glass was used for oil lamps which produced a white light. The "Blue" glass on your model is colour perfect, we made the mistake of using Blue glass in a NBR flap ground signal - a yellow light behind it gives off a purple light. The correct colour is a blue/green tone, a guy that restores stained glass windows is making a replacement for us colour matching it using a piece of broken spectacle glass. Thanks for the update, I was infact getting confused between the NB and Cal Rly's and O S Nock's wartime writting on signals in the "Model Engineer". Nice "Flap" signal and slotted as well. Mick.
  4. Thanks for kind comment re my model signal. I note your full size arm still has the ex NB "Green" spectacle glass and not the more usual "Blue". I fitted the ladder to "Finish off" the job, it didn't look right without one. Mick.
  5. Further to earlier posts re Wilmington Bridge, here is one that came my way yesterday. Said to be the first train over the new span. Whatever, and apart from the bridge a nice view of a "BTP" and NE rollingstock. Mick.
  6. Latest effort, ex North British Railway stop signal 4mm scale MSE etches, post edged with 0.8mm angle Arm to be connected and a slight amount of tidying up. Mick.
  7. The ones I make now are tapered, and soldered up "Model Aircraft" fashion over a drawing. Mick.
  8. Paul, yes spot on. In those far off days, I built the main stem around a length of square timber. Best Wishes, Mick.
  9. Paul, I'd not noticied, but indeed you are correct, though I have noted the odd difference on full size arms. Mick.
  10. Yet another "Blast from the Past", I stumbled across the attached, one of my early signals of c1994. No prizes for noticeing the deliberate mistake, I look forward to your answers. Best Wishes, Mick.
  11. I too model the H&B but c1962, even so, I intend to have several "Earlier" trains. I'm pretty sure the transfers you require are available, I will ask a couple of like minded mates. Mick Nicholson.
  12. Yes indeed an "Austerity" I was unsure of the spelling, so I went for "WD", certainly "Austerity" was the name used by all local engine and railwaymen. Wonderfull picture, apart from the number almost timeless. Mick.
  13. WD 2-8-0 and 2-10-0. !00% functional and no frills. Mick.
  14. If anyone is interested, I have a good set of drawings here of Wilmington Bridge, as reproduced in the Engineer 1908. A quick calculation, the bridge as a 160ft span x approx 30ft wide (Plus the Walkway on the north side) or 3ft 9ins X 8 1/2ins (7mm) and 2ft 1 1/2ins (4mm.) I know of at least one model, I don't recall the builder's name but the finished job was in "BRM" about 15 years ago. Mick.
  15. Gravy, as always "Omskirk" is the "Business" very good work. Mick.
  16. The swing bridge was released by Wincolmlee signal box, there was electric locking etc between the various signals. As a further safe gaurd Sykes Lock and Block was also in use. At your request, I have kept it simple, I have full details here, or see the book "More Illustrated History of the Railway's of Hull". I belive still in print from "Booklaw". Best Wishes, Mick.
  17. Strictly speaking Wilmington is not a "Block Post" and never was, so therefore not a "Signal Box". Nevertheless, a very interesting structure. I have numerious glass plate negatives, plus several drawings. For your interest, a few attached. On the sky line of the top picture, about 4inches from the left edge, the H&B bridge and signal box can be seen. Best Wishes, Mick.
  18. Dear James, Hull Bridge was reduced to a "Bridge Box" June 1931, and as remained so since. I believe it was manned continuiosly but at tide time only until the mid '90's. Chris Barley, will probably know more. Mick.
  19. A post or two back, I reffered to Springbank North signal box. Attached a picture of how it looked in those far off days. The block instrument etc I mentioned is the one at the far end of the block shelf. The later picture is how things were when I worked the same junction from Hessle Road. Not very exciting, and I much prefer the mechanical instalation. Of interest, by 1992, 143 points, were then the only ones still in use on what had once been the H&B Main Line. Best Wishes, Mick.
  20. Paul, that's how I got it wrong, I got the singular and pural arse about face. Whatever, the are both "Wild" and like a good drink. I will have to keep away from them, I have a layout to build, and at 63 turned, time is not on my side. Mick.
  21. Thanks Paul, as usual, I would be in a rush. Once upon a time, I could find a spell checker with RM Web. It now seems to have vanished, any ideas? Mick.
  22. Dear Ian, yes I did notice I had mixed up "East and West". It was my intention to make amend, but after several pints of "Good Ale" and the company of my "Favourite Wild Women" it got over looked. Best Wishes, Mick.
  23. Ian, I well remember the S Howden service, and way back c1953 my late father lifting me up to the block bell in Springbank North cabin to put "Push an Pull" On Line to Walton Street. Who would have known then that forty years on I would be signalling trains legally over the same junction. Attached picture is not at "Your Street End", but best I could lay my hands on, in anycase only about two miles west of your old place. Best Wishes, Mick.
  24. Lovely stuff Mick! Particularly like the co-acting one..very lofty! Jon F. Jon, thanks for your kind comments. I remember making the "Sky Arm". I don't now recall the height, but I do remember filling a half joint in two lenghts of bar, rivetting them and then finaly silver soldering them together before I filed the taper. Mick.
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