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Everything posted by Stubby47

  1. Happy New Year to all. Spent the festivities fast asleep in bed, no drinking either due to antibiotics for a chest infection. Not the best start, but things will improve.
  2. I've got (had) 3 kids, it's very similar...
  3. You've got a change in gauge in the trackwork approaching the point? Even in 00 that sounds risky, but in P4 seems suicidal. But it obviously isn't.
  4. Chacewater to Newquay. With all the intermediate halts and stations, and including the branch to Treamble. Yes, I've had a bash at both Shepherds and Treamble, but neither accurately. Space required - a large barn with the single line snaking back and forth. Time & money required - ha, not a chance for either. But I can dream...
  5. Still can't see those rumoured cottages.
  6. And the gent who played the Bishop of Bath & Wells also played the nasty Gestapo gent in Raiders of the Lost Arc.
  7. Walls stuck together, sections stuck together, primed and stone coated. Should be dry by mid-Jan...
  8. I've put the three kits together to form one building. The barn (left) has had the door widened and a window added, the outhouse (middle) will have the rear wall adapted to make a walk through ticket office, and the larger barn (right) will have a door fitted to the outhouse.
  9. Justin has just released this little ramshackle shed: https://www.scalemodelscenery.co.uk/kx084-oo-polsue-barnstores--workshop---oo4mm176-13264-p.asp
  10. Not that I've got anything to do with this manufacturer or anything... https://www.scalemodelscenery.co.uk/bb017-micro-layout-baseboard-in-a-box-1-1102-x-250-x-221mm-7891-p.asp
  11. Have just ordered a new KX083 Polsue Barn, a KX057 Barn and a KX063 Outbuilding from Scale Model Scenery. These should make a nice little 009 station complex for Newham.
  12. A new 24/7 webcam has been set up to overlook Plymouth Sound. https://westwardshippingnews.com/live-webcam/
  13. Whether you have 9 sidings, or 10 sidings, you are going to need an awful lot of coaches to fill them.
  14. The other option is to glue the buffer beam on with enough glue to provide an electrical insulation from the rail supports, but this is perhaps a tad more difficult in practice. Would also need to be done with the stay, too. PECO SL-340 anyone ?
  15. Yes, I can't see why not. The only chance of a short is if both wheels bridge the gaps between their live rail and the stop-block rails. Off setting the gaps, even by only a few mm, should prevent this.
  16. Is that where the spiders cover whole picnic tables in webs?
  17. Just writing our Xmas cards, and most of them have snow scenes. A random question occurred to me - do Australian Xmas cards have beach scenes on ?
  18. Oh, sorry to hear that. Let me know what letters you need to replace those no longer needed.
  19. It sits nicely in the corner. Has the name been spotted on the tank yet ?
  20. An almost unanimous self-diagnosis, which we all (well mostly) agree on.
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