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Everything posted by Danemouth

  1. Loved the sound Larry, but what really caught my eye was the weathering of the wagons - they looked as grotty as a remember for the 1950s Dave
  2. I hope that the RMWeb thread flourishes as it's a really lovely model. At least on here we are lucky to have Andy Y and the Mods (sounds like a pop group) who will jump on any untoward posts with a large pair of size twelves. Warmest regards, Dave
  3. Welcome back Sparky, I'd forgotten what a truly cracking layout this is - please keep the photos coming Dave p.s. Don't let the b@st@rds grind you down
  4. Our new directory was delivered last week. Having said that you are right, its value has diminished with so many people not having landlines or going ex-directory. TBH I tend to use the BT website if I need a number - never the bl00dy expensive directory enquiry services. Dave
  5. Please don't read this post if you are having a meal! My late father worked as an officer in the Prison Service until he retired in the mid 80's. From time to time they would get a new inmate from the alcoholics that grace many city centres. The favourite tipple of some of these characters was drinking meths mixed 50/50 with VP wine. One side effect of this drink is apparently to lose control of your nether regions. These blokes would arrive in heavily oiled clothes - the only thing that could be done with their underwear and trousers was to dispose of them ASAP. They would then be given a warm bath with lots of strong soap to try and clean them up before issuing prison clothing! So fellow ER's you now know one tipple to avoid :yes: :yes: Cheers folks, Dave
  6. Is it me or is Autumn coming early? Walking the dog this morning I notice the leaves are starting to change colour on a couple of trees. Very glad to hear Deb's good news. Still no sign of Olddudders or Ashcombe in ERs - I miss the tales of rural France! Dave
  7. I've really enjoyed this thread but never having worked on the railway didn't think I had anything to contribute. Then I remembered .... When I moved to North Cardiff, for a couple of years around 1997 I commuted from Birchgrove to Cardiff Queen St. Birchgrove is on the single track Coryton branch coming off the double track Caerphilly line at Heath low level, with six stations. The service was roughly half hourly. One evening I went for the train and it was running very late, only a few minutes in front of the next Coryton train. We pile on the train and of we go. When we get to the second station on the branch, Ty Glas, the conductor shouts out that control wants all the passengers to detrain and our train to start its return journey. We would catch the next train which is now sat on the Caerphilly line waiting to come onto the branch thereby blocking the Caerphilly trains. He then says "You've refused haven't you?" we all shout "Yes". he tells control and the train proceeds all the way to Coryton. The branch is described in an out of print book "The Cardiff Railway" by Eric Mountford, there's a lovely picture of Birchgrove Halt taken in 1958 with a Prairie 6614 and a 5 coach suburban train. Dave
  8. I use the Highley buildings on Danemouth. Pictures here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/112850-danemouth-mk-4/?p=2460665 Dave
  9. I bought all three volumes as the came out, must be over 20 years! The are an invaluable reference, particularly the first part. Without going to look IIRC the third part deals with the building of a layout based on Farringdon (I think). Dave
  10. Birchgrove is still open - it's my local station! However it lost one platform as did Rhiwbina and Whitchurch when the line was singled. Dave
  11. Alan, I really like the weathering on the Prairie and the B & C coach. Regards, Dave
  12. The second plan looks like the one I am building, but a mirror image http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/112850-danemouth-mk-4/ My mojo is on an extended holiday, I hope it returns shortly! Dave
  13. I would be inclined to ring the Old Bill as it may be a dumped stolen vehicle. Dave
  14. Phil, That picture has a really lovely 1950s feel to it - please keep them coming, Dave
  15. Torper, You are right. I switched to OVO two years ago, the first year offered savings over my previous supplier and last year was o.k. This year I feel they are extracting the p1$$ I suspect that many suppliers may offer good deals to attract new customers and the hope that inertia means you won't switch suppliers. I am always most careful to ensure I don't end up on an expensive SVT! Regards, Dave
  16. Well I've just changed to EDF. My current OVO fixed price deal is expiring and their cheapest new fixed deal is a 22% price hike. EDF is cheaper than my current deal and was the cheapest I could find. One thing to watch when completing the on-line application - you get an error message if you put an "&" in the Bank Account name. Trouble is the error message is generic rather than telling you precisely where the error is! Dave
  17. Saw one at Lord & Butler today, fitted with DCC sound and a smoke unit - haven't seen that feature since goodness knows when. I will admit it had a certain play value but is not something I would wish for my own layout. I wasn't impressed by the brass dome either, I should imagine these locos spent most of their lives being more than a little grubby, so for me on the model it stood out like a sore thumb. Dave
  18. We had a professional decorator do the landing, hall and stairs and then the kitchen last year. His trick was to put the emulsion brushes in separate plastic bags tied to the brush handles. He only cleaned his brushes at the end of the job. Dave
  19. Be careful waving your Bolex about, you might get arrested! Dave p.s. My Dad's friend had a Bolex, lovely cine camera
  20. I demand we bring back the Disagree button :yes: :yes: . Regard custard as the nectar of the Gods Dave
  21. Larry, As one would expect from you a really lovely mixture of coaching stock, particularly liked the odd maroon vehicle in the middle of the rake. Please keep the videos coming, Dave
  22. Earlier in the week I posted the news that my sister's husband had succumbed to the big C. I've been overwhelmed by the support all of you ERs have shown. I mentioned this to my sister and she was also deeply touched by your support. We would both like to say a heartfelt thank you for your condolences at this sad time. May God bless you all, Dave
  23. And in the Daily Mail they've named the wrong church which is several hundred yards away! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4708008/Man-feared-trapped-wreckage-historic-church.html Dave
  24. John IIRC that was a Salvation Army chapel but has not been such in 20+ years. Dave
  25. That bridge is another Goddard masterpiece! I particularly like to soot on the arch. Regards, Dave
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