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Status Replies posted by BlackRat

  1. As shifts go......one of the worse in 27 years! :(

  2. As shifts go......one of the worse in 27 years! :(

  3. Forget the finescale. I'm having much more fun with Percy and his mail bag drop

  4. Maximum layout size I can have due to storage and places to put it is 3ft 6" x 1ft 1" Is it worth it to have a go?

  5. MRI and a CT scan on monday means another day in hospital, It means another night away from the wife and kids though (Big Smile :-)

  6. Is that blue sky I yonder see?!?!

  7. I've just read an appalling thread by someone with a huge ego... Gawd.

  8. To iPhone or I phone - that is the question

  9. Big meetings today! Could have very nice implications :-)

  10. is looking forward to watching "The Devil's Architect", starring Sebastian Koch.

  11. Just realized how much phones and iPods with 'Flappy Birds' installed are selling for on ebay.

  12. Sometimes, just sometimes, I really love my job!

  13. Not happy. Rear-ended at traffic lights about 30 mins ago. Nobody hurt. Car looks OK, but I have a feeling it's bent underneath the plastic. Grrrrrrr.

  14. Coca Cola and steam, great advert.

  15. Note to self: don't pay for fuel at Sainsbury's with the zip of your breeches undone.

  16. That's it! Time to batten down the front door,

  17. A smash of glass and the rumble of boots An electric train and a ripped up phone booth Paint splattered walls and the cry of a tom cat Lights going out and a kick in the balls

  18. my sister just said thought my nearly 3 year old nephew was quiet, went in the room and he's eat all the chocolate out of the advent callendar.

  19. CTMK now has the second experimental cake recipe for next Taunton Members Day currently sitting on the cooling rack, waiting to be sliced up and tried out!

  20. I don't mind whether a loco is red, black or green, or if it goes 'chuff chuff' or 'brumm brumm'. If it has flanged wheels and runs on rails, then I'm interested!! :D

  21. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe, attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion....

  22. Home mulled cider :)

  23. Deep in a secret laboratory in the recesses of Kernow Towers, highly-qualified experimental chefs have been working on a new cake recipe for the next Taunton Members Day, results so far are very encouraging...

  24. All the leaves are brown...and the sky is grey...

  25. All the leaves are brown...and the sky is grey...

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