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Status Replies posted by BlackRat

  1. Cycled to Padstow today, I WAS the ACE!

  2. Cycled to Padstow today, I WAS the ACE!

  3. Cycled to Padstow today, I WAS the ACE!

  4. Is Lambrini and a Rustlers Burger same as a steak dinner and wine? Or should I up my game? :D

  5. Off to Man U Vs AUS All Stars. Backing Man U isn't a sin for an Aussie, is it?

  6. last day at work today then two weeks off sunny Cornwall here i come

  7. my armchair is better than your work bench ;)

  8. So that's 5,000 posts on here; can't work out if that's an achievement or actually quite sad...

  9. goes into loft, looks at trainset, spends 5 minutes looking and thinks "I cant be bothered, comes down from loft, repeat on the hour

  10. Beautiful 3-masted schooner currently anchored off Teignmouth!

  11. According to a local source of information (in the main street in Camborne) all four varieties of KMRC Westerns could and did travel on the Chacewater to Newquay branch...

  12. OMG - have seen Chris Nevards pictures of my layout for Model Rail, and am gobsmacked!

  13. 51 and not out!

  14. has just left HMP Littlehey, and is sunning himself beside Grafham Water....

  15. Why wont your loco's run on my 50 years old trackwork? I want answers NOW!! The week starts well.

  16. is watching the EuroSong!!!

  17. 617 Squadron at Derwent water - splendid

  18. Cracking open a bottle

  19. Another nitemare shift ends, thank goodness! :(

  20. is heading down to Pendon to testiculate for the evening.

  21. Has forgotten just how much a whack in the nuts hurts!!! And how funny it is when it's not you!!!!!

  22. Just ordered a Model Rail Limited Edition 128, because I deserve it :-)

  23. The joy of clamps.

  24. Having been cleared medically this afternoon I am enjoying my first pint of beer since 25th September 2013! And my god it tastes good!

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