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Status Replies posted by BlackRat

  1. why does this row over that Youth PCC girl in Kent remind me of a certain Father Ted episode?

  2. Downes vs Robinson. The mother of all battles.

  3. Painting windows white, just in case N Korea kicks off!

  4. Are teenage dreams so hard to beat? Everytime she walks down the street Another girl in the neighbourhood Wish she was mine, she looks so good

  5. Life's very unfair sometimes. In the last couple days we've heard a couple friends could loose their baby and another friend's wife has been diagnosed with Lymphoma after a couple of years of being in remission from cancer. If you get home tonight and have a healthy wife/girlfriend/husband/boyfriend and healthy children, please appreciate how lucky you are.

  6. thinks someone will have painted a plague cross over the front door by now.

  7. S scale is the Three Bears middle porridge scale - just the right size!

  8. Cleaned the wheels and chipped a Heljan Hymek - what a cracker of a model that is: unpretentious, no frills, but looks the part and runs smoother than a very smooth thing on national smooth things day.

  9. Skiing....it's just like riding a bike!!

  10. Well blow me down with a feather. Mr Brinkly has actually built the baseboards for his layout! Well some of them!

  11. is searching for a second-hand toilet for the Taunton module - you have been warned !!

  12. has just collided with Jon020 at Watford Finescale...

  13. is giving up cigarettes, alcohol and rollerblading for Lent.

  14. I've finished the cobbling!

  15. is studying the works of the poet Ewan McTeagle...

  16. Housework or modelling?

  17. ...is in St Albans show's hotel heaven - my room overlooks the Midland mainline. Passenger and freight trains regularly pass this gaff!

  18. is wondering how to break the news to SWMBO that I want to go to the Doncaster show, all 347 miles away...

  19. Don't mention the war - I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it.

  20. is now very *hic* drunk

  21. Dear RMwebbers: If it all gets too much being 'jolly' with family and relations over Xmas, here's your escape plan http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/collections/p01277qd/steam-railways Please forward link to others in need. Merry Xmas all!

  22. My wife said she'd like something from Model's Own for christmas. I misheard.

  23. Seems I can't post anything on the forum properly except here...!

  24. Come on!...Come on!...Urry up Array Come on,....

  25. Once more unto the breech - Christmas shopping here I come .. perhaps I could start a blog about it.

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