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Accurascale Fran

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Accurascale Fran

  1. If ever a layout justified a small camera on a flat wagon giving a drivers eye view it's this one! Well done, I saw it at Warley a few years back when it was at a much earlier stage and I was impressed then, it's just getting better and better. Well done!
  2. Looks impressive to me, but I'm not a Wizzo hardcore fan, I do like them though. As for the valence and coupler, it sounds like you are taking a similar approach to the Paddy Murphy 201 Irish locos. If you need any close up pics on how they were done, let me know and I'll send them on. I'm sure its pretty straightforward though!
  3. Nice pic of overhauled and repainted 60 074 out on test to Barrow Hill today http://www.flickr.com/photos/onemananhisdog/6641591439/lightbox/
  4. Put my new 22 through its paces today, long running in session followed by a haulage test, always do it before adding detail in case there is an issue.Lovely model and runner!
  5. Another bit of silly postage! http://www.ebay.ie/itm/Jouef-oo-inter-city-coaches-/140643593754?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_M&clk_rvr_id=286076380176
  6. Glad to report it could haul a decent load up some tough gradients when we put my D5705 to the test on Friday Running on DCC, with a cheap 3 function Bachmann decoder on board. Could've handled a longer train we reckon.
  7. Installing wire grab irons is a pain in the behind!

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      You're meant to install them on the model not yourself...

    2. Accurascale Fran

      Accurascale Fran

      Icould insert a rude joke here about someone getting better access but I'll take the higher ground!


  8. My D5705 arrived in Dublin this morning. What a stunner, well done Heljan and Hattons. Now make a decent stab at our Metrovicks and I'd celebrate with my credit card!
  9. Another 'cracker' here. Looking for a cheap one to transplant the internals into a Lima ped. This one might prove to be popular though with those bids already. No mention of the crack by the seller, they might not have noticed themselves.
  10. All Queen fans; go to google and press the play button :)

  11. Thought that adding the parts to a vitrains 47 was time consuming, until I encountered a Kato SD70MAC!!!

  12. I believe I saw the tail end of a documentary recently about the making of this film. The car used was a Mercedes W116 S class, with the Ferrari sound dubbed over.
  13. Is getting increasing frustrated at stripping down and rebuilding his BLI GS4. :(((((

  14. Another vote for Johnny Cash's version of Hurt. I also like his version of Personal Jesus. Whiskey in the Jar by Thin Lizzy was a great take on an old Irish trad song.
  15. Not long back from the Murphy Models 201 loco launch. Lovely looking loco!

  16. Anyone know what paints are suitable for a repaint of a HNRC Class 37?

    1. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      Use the Questions section of the forum instead of the status updates

    2. Accurascale Fran

      Accurascale Fran

      I have already asked in the weathering, painting and transfers section a few days ago.


  17. Thanks for that John, that sounds ace! I will be sure to steer us in that direction and sign up with Colonial! Roll on October! Another mention must go to Ulrich Models, who were very helpful when I was ordering one of their gas turbine sound chip kits but had a payment issue. Their customer service was second to none, and the twin speaker kit was a joy to install. sounds good too! The tender was left off due to tunnel clearance issues! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__NXyTrAiWc
  18. Easpecially with the new all singing, all dancing Murphy's 201 around the corner. Gone are the days of Lima 201 ransoms!
  19. Excellent, I'm off to Orlando later this year. Will have to look them up. My girlfriend will be delighted Now to research any good lineside spots in Orlando or surround areas for a video or two....
  20. Online I have used MB Klein and Trainworld. Have also visited Trainworld's store in Brooklyn on both occasions I have been to NY. Both are good for mail order and have shipped everything to Ireland for a decent rate. Once used Factory Direct Trains to buy a BLI AC6000 for buttons. I believe they are BLI's factory store. They were also good. A mention should go to the UK's very own Model Junction. Have bought freight cars, wheel sets and Kadee's and once again recieved very good mail order service. A great place for all different bits, but the exchange rates and prices push their loco prices a bit too high for me personally.
  21. Excellent post Brush Veteran. Its good to hear that the right care and steps are being taken. I'm sure people wouldn't mind waiting a bit longer for a correct model than rushing out an incorrect one.
  22. For an 'inaccurate' model the last batch Heljan released didn't hang around on the shelves too long. Should prove an interesting head-to-head as the Dapol one has a promised release date around the same time. I'm eagerly awaiting the 22 as it will be my first ever Dapol loco. Hopefully it will be good enough to encourage me to buy more of their products!
  23. A friend of mine has one of those Eureka HO garratt's with DCC sound and they are a damn impressive, beautifully smooth loco. I think they were about 750 euro, which is a lot of money. But for DCC sound, nicely weathered, smooth running giant locomotive (and they are made in limited numbers iirc) I think its a fair price. Was even tempted to get one myself!
  24. is confused by Fastline freight colours for a respray...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Accurascale Fran

      Accurascale Fran

      I was wondering if the top of the bodyside black or dark grey and what colour the roof was on both 56's and 66's?

    3. big jim

      big jim

      its black, actually jarvis black, available from railmatch

    4. Accurascale Fran

      Accurascale Fran

      Brilliant, same for the roof?

  25. Can anyone explain the 'opening the box of my new such and such loco' videos on youtube? Bizarre!

    1. james-htfc


      I can understand people doing reviews but when half the time is spent unpacking an item with shoddy camera work and in poor light then it really is pointless!

    2. ozzyo


      It's because they can.

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