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Tim V

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Status Replies posted by Tim V

  1. What ever happened to Boris ?

  2. R.I.P computer :-( I'll make sure i leave a couple of bolts sticking out of each side after your now definately required rebuild. Who'd have thought PC world wouldn't stock new copies of windows 8 though to bring you back to life?!

  3. All I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi

  4. We'd take the path to Jupiter, And maybe very soon. We'd cruise along the Milky Way, And land upon the moon. To our wonderland of stardust, We'll zoom our way to Mars,

  5. Typical. First time in months I have chance to do some serious modelling and the Mek bottle is completely dry. Curse you warm weather!

  6. Its your fault! I told you not to do it, but you went ahead and did it didn't you? Yes you!

  7. is it just me that keeps trying to wipe the dirty smudge of the monitor, just where the "we" in "RMweb" appears on the front page masthead

  8. Raiders of the lost loft!

  9. Spam spam spam spam Spam spam spam Spam, SPAM SPAM, oh spam spam....

  10. Do you think anyone'd mind if I fell asleep for half an hour?....

  11. Soldering white metal - Its like fixing copper pipes only what 's being soldered can also melt -

  12. Great day out at Pecorama on Tuesday. That shop should have a warning on the door!

  13. Bye bye Daewoo :(

  14. is in Bristol for a couple of days. Not bad......not bad at all!

  15. looking forward to next weekend. going to beaconkot model village

  16. One thing that really rerally really irritates me about shopping, is when the shop arbitrarily changes its internal arrangement, so meaning extra time is spent in an environment I want to be out of.

  17. Looks like the BTP have apprehended a graffitti 'artiste' red handed near Lawrence Hill today... a result, by the sounds of it!

  18. Swindon to Kemble

  19. Swindon to Kemble

  20. Marriage is like a pack of cards.At first its all hearts and diamonds but eventually you want either a spade or a club...

  21. Forward the Foundation!

  22. On holiday, in Charmouth. Already planning a trip to Pecorama and a few visits to some old stations.

  23. I would like to hurl the printer out of the window, but I have too much respect for the air molecules it would disturb on its way down...

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