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Tim V

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Everything posted by Tim V

  1. A couple more from S4N. I do like the canal. And round the back. And a view along the viaduct.
  2. just spotted a new digital channel, Channel 5 -24. yes it's tomorrows programmes. No sign of tomorrows news though....

  3. Spent a lot of today on the West Somerset travelling behind Thomas the Blue Engine....

  4. You are of course talking colour - not their accuracy! I think the Hornby Dublo models are pretty good on their colour, also more importantly, they look like painted steel, which none of today plastic coaches can get near. If only they were the correct length...
  5. It depends on what you are matching your colour too. Do not be distracted by looking at old photos, red is a notorious colour to reproduce accurately on film, and we are talking about 50 year old photos. For example, I was looking in a book on BR MK1s, the blue and grey in the photos was nothing like I remembered, and differed betwen photos. If we can't get it right from the 80s, what hope for the 50s!
  6. I too had great difficulty starting weathering, but got hold of some spare bodies from Hornby/Bachman and practiced on those. Once I got the hang of it, I was OK. I am also not a spring chicken, but gave it a go.
  7. Spare Multimeter packed up

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tim V
    3. BoD


      Just as well it was the spare then.

    4. Tim V

      Tim V

      Yes, a quick test with my main one showed the problem. Always have two!

  8. Dave 32' rail lengths are right, the Tintern branch at the quarry was still laid in that on the main line - and that was after closure!
  9. Chris Nevard arriving Friday! Frantically cleaning up!

    1. KevinWalsh


      Hide the ukuleles or he'll not get any photography done LOL

    2. RedgateModels


      dust for all your lives!

  10. You didn't mention turn off the SSID broadcast.
  11. Thanks guys, it was Christchurch! http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7066/6948669875_f85871bb0f_o.jpg
  12. Thanks for the quick responses. The pictures of virtually the whole railway, has it been substantially extended at Poole?
  13. Please can anyone help me identify this miniature railway I took some pictures on in 1971. Somewhere between Brockenhurst (where I took some pictures of the goods yard) and Corfe (where I walked the Fayles Tramway). It was notable for having an ex GW signal.
  14. I think that "Cotswold" walling is very good, I bought some a while back and repainted it into a much better match for the local stone - stuck it on the layout. I'm sure you'll find somewhere else to put the spare walling. That backscene is nicely understated.
  15. Why is it that, on an empty road, when you want to cross it, something comes along. Grrrr

  16. Alan I felt it was important to get away from the gearbox rear bearing. IMHO it is bad practice to have a shaft running in the four bearings (in the tolerances we use in model railways) in the chassis as designed. Hence the shaft is running in the front gearbox bearing, and the two motor bearings. It works very well, and the next chassis I build ( a Dave Eveleigh 45XX) will be built in the same way. As David Long says, don't worry about the stresses the gearbox is under. If it was that stressed, something else would give! I would be seriously worried if the gearbox gave way, because it would mean I had made some fundamental flaw in assembly. And because the motor is removable, I would have found that out (by pushing gently) long before putting the chassis motor under power.
  17. Yes, note that the rear of the motor was bracketed to the frames. I posted some pictures earlier, do you need some more? It was a pannier by the way, but the principle is the same!
  18. Look when the steam roller comes into view!
  19. The other side of that cottage appears in the Titfield Thunderbolt, unable to post a screenshot from my Blu-ray copy!
  20. Well done Jerry, and it's not only policemen that look young these days....
  21. Just got the Titfield Thunderbolt on Blu Ray - Fantastic!

    1. queensquare


      Kim bought it for my birthday last year - its amazing the difference it makes especially when we watched it in a friends cinema room. Proper train porn:-)

    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Every time I see 'Blue Ray' I think of Captain Scarlet or Thunderbirds... :-O

    3. Tim V

      Tim V

      You don't now what you're missing Tim!

  22. Looking good Andrew, are you bringing it down Saturday?
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