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RMweb Gold
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Status Replies posted by BoD

  1. My Wife says I'm indecisive but I'm not so sure ?

  2. Wedding Anniversary today - should I write 'To SWMBO' on the card ???

  3. I want the truth!

  4. woke up this morning, still tired from yesterday at work. Started at 8am, left at 7.30pm after parents' evening. Got home just in time to get a cuddle from my 16 month old daughter before she went to bed. Yes Mr Gove we do need to extend the school day don't we??

  5. Had Fish & Chips for tea tonight sat overlooking Whitby harbour, yummmmm!

  6. Codgitating...Well it is just the weather for it innit...

  7. My work effort has collapsed since reaching 10,000 words on Monday.

  8. The Police have phoned to say they have got fingerprints off the items the thieves dropped so hopefully they will match known local scum.

  9. Keyboards and spilt coffee are not a good

  10. Loco modding with Ravel's Bol

  11. That embarrasing moment when you claim something only to realise your lack of knowledge makes your supposition incorrect.

  12. The angel on my shoulder says plod on with the half finished stuff the devil tells me to start something new

  13. Well after a little research it is looking like i am going to be making a smaller version of Invergordon station for the layout :D

  14. Where shall I take my ladder this weekend ?

  15. has just left the County Court, after appearing in front of a District Judge who just happened to be his old University lecturer 22 years ago... :-O

  16. Another 11 weeks or so and the nights start drawing in again.

  17. I only put the snow shovel away last week

  18. Bod+scalpel=disaster

  19. Bod+scalpel=disaster

  20. is on 9999 posts, most of that waffle, will have to make the next one a goodun

  21. has just seen the worst pirate copy of a film ever, taken with a camcorder in a cinema, his hand shakes, he hides the camera up his shirt when staff walk past, films his popcorn and people walk between him and the screen. It is then uploaded to the web advertising itself as a "good quality version"

  22. has just seen the worst pirate copy of a film ever, taken with a camcorder in a cinema, his hand shakes, he hides the camera up his shirt when staff walk past, films his popcorn and people walk between him and the screen. It is then uploaded to the web advertising itself as a "good quality version"

  23. thinking of unused wagon fish names

  24. OK, apart from Roman Numerals, snails, aquaducts, ravioli, Times New Roman, latin, sandles, leather kilts, roads, sewerage and big noses, what have the Romans ever done for us?

  25. I've finished the cobbling!

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