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doctor quinn

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Everything posted by doctor quinn

  1. Check out Fallen Flags http://rr-fallenflags.org and Railroad Picture Archives http://rrpicturearchives.net/default.aspx both sites have dated pictures of freight cars and they’re listed by car number. Nick
  2. Hi Lee, I think this the group you’re thinking of https://m.facebook.com/groups/558934654229023?group_view_referrer=profile_browser Also US railroads for UK fans https://m.facebook.com/groups/349607721775626?group_view_referrer=profile_browser US modelling https://m.facebook.com/groups/129205243892769/?ref=group_browse US HO buy & sell group https://m.facebook.com/groups/165859160933905/?ref=group_browse All the best Nick
  3. North British used road to deliver locos to Glasgow docks as the first picture on this page shows https://libcat.csglasgow.org/web/arena/nbl
  4. Big Blue Trains always offers a wide variety of content https://bigbluetrains.com/index.php Diesel Detailer, as you may expect focuses on loco modelling but not exclusively. http://dieseldetailer.proboards.com/ Nick
  5. Hi Steve, Did you sort anything out? If not is this any use? ( It’s a spare bell from a US horn kit)
  6. The way that only the front cab windows slope rather than front and back along with a front hood but nothing at the back reminds me of a Danish Pedershab tractor.
  7. VW Mars red has been recommended to me though after I'd used Tamiya gloss red on my CP Rail fleet.
  8. At Linby Colliery in Nottinghamshire the diesel locos were maintained in the same workshops as excavators and other above ground plant Rowntrees in York had quite a modern shed in the background here that steam Locos would also look at home in Nick
  9. More recently pair of Moyse 4 wheel locos were supplied to Shell Teesport in 1976. I’ve not been able to find a picture online but there is one in the AJ Booth’s book A Pictorial Survey of Standard Gauge Industrial Diesels
  10. OMV is an Austrian oil company, there’s an idea - modern Austria tank farm micro!
  11. All the decal sets that I've seen advertised on eBay in the US have high to eye-watering shipping. Model Junction may still be your best hope - they will order anything that is in stock at Walther's. I've ordered some fairly esoteric detailing bits from them (A-Line reefer units for instance) the only snag is that you may have to wait for a while. Another thought - what exactly do you need - someone on RM Web may be happy to oblige. Nick
  12. While browsing a few blogs i came across this tip on making the metal plates used to bridge the gap between loading docks and boxcars so that forklift trucks can enter http://jssxrailway.blogspot.com/2019/08/loading-dock-bridge-plates-plus-dt.html
  13. Hi Keith, Looking good, Grand Central Terminal is one of my favourite stations. The loco looks like to be an Athearn F7, the body is secured by clips on the fuel tanks. As regards fitting couplers, I drilled and tapped the metal “tongues” on the chassis to take Kadees. A little trial and error may be required, but recall that a #5 gave a reasonable gap at the front but was a big large at the rear. All the best Nick
  14. Visually very interesting, going to be interesting to see this develop
  15. Hi Paul, thanks for asking, it’s fairly complete and has a couple of invitations for 2020, there are a few things I’d like to do. Some loco & filling stock projects and some on the layout infrastructure. One of the more random things I’m doing is a wagon that was converted from a Gs van to move Nohab engines from Central Workshops to Godsbanegade loco depot
  16. It is with great sadness that I must announce that former Chairman Tony Drew passed away on Saturday 3rd August. Tony was an accomplished EM gauge modeller with a passion for the Great Western in the Gower Penisular which resulted in his layout Rhossili. Tony was also one of the original team behind Skipley which was begun as part of a desire to achieve higher modelling standards within the club. The success of this move may judged by the fact that the layout was on permanent display at the Midland Railway Centre for many years as well as the success of later club layouts such as Trent Lane Junction Although Tony eventually left the club, his interest in modelling remained and he continued to volunteer as a steward at the annual club show. Tony had a dry sense of humour which we will all miss, our thoughts are with his family at this time. The funeral will be held at Bramcote Crematorium, Coventry Lane, Beeston, Bramcote NG9 3GJ, on Thursday 15th August at 13.30. Nick Quinn Vice Chair Nottingham MRS
  17. The problem may not be at your end, it's an issue that seems to occur regularly on eBay and there are discussions on the eBay community boards https://community.ebay.co.uk/t5/Technical-Issues/Pop-up-saying-I-ve-won-an-Amazon-prize/m-p/6094593#M4148 https://community.ebay.co.uk/t5/Technical-Issues/Keep-getting-redirected-saying-I-ve-won-a-prize/td-p/5603662 I had the redirect poroblem in the second thread, what Andy and Brian have suggested above stopped it. Nick
  18. Hi Neil, I have a couple of blue box GP38-2 trucks that you can have if you can use them Nick
  19. His performance as a resistance fighter in Soldaat van Oranje (Soldier of Orange) is brilliant. Newsthump (of all sites) had an obituary that hit the mark https://newsthump.com/2019/07/24/rutger-hauer-lost-like-tears-in-rain/ Nick
  20. Italeri's 8703 FS goods van may be a good place to start as the parts are flat (like an Airfix kit) Neil's thread has some info
  21. Floris Dilz's modelling is wonderful, his Flickr page is here https://www.flickr.com/photos/floris_dilz/
  22. The modeller in this video tints the water by mixing a small amount of acrylic paint into the meduim (it's not Aqua magic)
  23. Cody Grivno has used Tamiya TS5 to repaint CNW heavyweight in the MR Ulimate Guide. Are you trying to match an existing livery, if so you may need to do acustom mix to match a manufacturer's interpretation. Nick
  24. Hi Mike, I just ordered off eBay, though it was in February. Nick
  25. Lima did use the same wheelsets for UK and continental stock, I've used this seller on eBay sucessfully. https://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/benno002-22?_trksid=p2053788.m1543.l2754 They offer a wide variety of axle lengths and wheel diameters in RP25 profile such as here ("ihrer wahl = your choice") https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/20x-H0-RP25-Gleichstrom-Radsatze-Achsen-Ihrer-Wahl-Grose-wahlbar-GS-DC/192759994059?hash=item2ce16416cb:g:HzQAAOSwyZ5UoA2P Nick
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