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mike morley

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Status Replies posted by mike morley

  1. Five migraines in five days. Can I have some new blood vessels, please?

  2. has managed 72mpg to the Biggles(wade) show, where he avoided buying a George Norton LNWR kit. Cake rating: 8.

  3. has managed 72mpg to the Biggles(wade) show, where he avoided buying a George Norton LNWR kit. Cake rating: 8.

  4. has managed 72mpg to the Biggles(wade) show, where he avoided buying a George Norton LNWR kit. Cake rating: 8.

  5. Beetroot chocolate cake, how weird but looks nice.

  6. Have any of the members of this England rugby team actually played the game before?

  7. has done London-Solihull-London at a rate of 73mpg :-)

  8. When I come to power...

  9. has done London-Solihull-London at a rate of 73mpg :-)

  10. I find drinking heavily helps

  11. I saved an Barn Owl today.

  12. I thought my colleague was joking when they told me they knew a guy called Everard Dick...

  13. Is wondering how easy it would be to fit Alan Gibson wheels with 2 mm axles to a Bachmann WD?

  14. is looking at Sarah Siddons' bits. ;-)

  15. Hawks 13, Spartans 2. Follow up to 7-1 win against the Tigers last night. A good weekend

  16. I'm Afraid of Americans...

  17. Thinks to himself is there such a thing a white metal flux paste as I cannot get on with liquids flux

  18. Puzzled why Paypal will not accept my card when trying to buy a Talyllyn calendar but is perfectly happy to accept the same card when buying a new brake light switch just five minutes later.

  19. is looking forward to the new series of The Museum Of Curiosity. #radio4

  20. The end might be nigh. The Yamaha has failed it's MOT.

  21. The end might be nigh. The Yamaha has failed it's MOT.

  22. Windows 10 is awful. And Microsoft Edge is even worse!

  23. You Shook Me All Night Long......

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