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mike morley

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Status Replies posted by mike morley

  1. Two hours to set up a new printer. Remember when all you did was connect them and Windows did the rest?

  2. Two hours to set up a new printer. Remember when all you did was connect them and Windows did the rest?

  3. Just booked a few days in london for feb 1/2 term, wife and youngest off to see kinky boots while I educate the eldest on Book of Mormon (8th times a charm)

  4. Hard to believe, one more year and then I'm a Pensioner ! !

  5. ...has been playing with the marbles of the Gods...

  6. If cooking chicken and chorizo for dinner, it helps to establish whether or not you've got any chorizo BEFORE putting the chicken into the oven.

  7. How on earth can my email session expire while I'm typing to compose an email ?

  8. „This is the gulag Rura Penthe. There is no stockade. No guard tower. No electronic frontier. Only a magnetic shield prevents beaming. Punishment means exile from prison to the surface. On the surface, nothing can survive. Work well, and you will be treated well. Work badly, and you will die."

  9. Blessed are the cheesemakers

  10. Driving test passed with 2 minors and my last UCAS offers received, very happy!

  11. The taped Xmas music playing in Sainsbury's is not only too loud, it also includes a track sung by a man whose voice is seriously off-key.

  12. Dressed green salad, Falafels, Mint, Morocan spiced tomato sauce,Yogurt. Green Olives. Flat Breads and Sumac deconstructed and served three ways with a Feta cheese emulsion and tomato jus...

  13. The taped Xmas music playing in Sainsbury's is not only too loud, it also includes a track sung by a man whose voice is seriously off-key.

  14. The taped Xmas music playing in Sainsbury's is not only too loud, it also includes a track sung by a man whose voice is seriously off-key.

  15. Southern actually came through perfectly, and the flight (BA) is on time. Just time left to get a beer in the lounge before boarding

  16. Are you sure it's definitely the right spelling? Or are you defiantly ignoring the dictionary?

  17. Every time I look at the header pic I think I'm drunk.

  18. Message to Amazon. I willnot be orderng anything from you until you employ a couier who does not think taht throwing a parcel containing a glass item over a six foot fence onto a concrete path during a snowstorm constitutes a 'Safe Place'

  19. Until six weeks ago I'd never seen a Police car chase. I've now seen three.

  20. Until six weeks ago I'd never seen a Police car chase. I've now seen three.

  21. is having prunes, with prune yoghurt.

  22. I don't know HOW I did it, but I've lost a box containing all the pointwork for the station throat...

  23. Back from a late afternoon run in which I managed to see not one but two kingfishers, in two different locations. I choose to believe it was not the same kingfisher.

  24. What I don't understand is this, I do all the accumulated ironing. I get it all done and properly hung up on hangers etc., then each time she somehow finds more stuff to wash and for me to iron! How is this possible?

  25. Good news! I finally can confirm it was the dogs bone that was creating the bad smell outside the back door. Bad news, she's brought it into the living room...

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