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mike morley

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Everything posted by mike morley

  1. I think you might have better response if you get Admin to move your question to the Glos/Forest of Dean section.
  2. I get the feeling from my latest attempt to buy my grandson's Xmas present that if you are a previous customer of Amazon it's Amazon Prime or not at all. (After three attempts I chose Waterstones)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. John Tomlinson

      John Tomlinson

      I had just this, unclear website trail and I joined Prime by mistake. I opted out straight away, and the goods didn't turn up! Eventually got them, but now stear well clear.

    3. davefrk


      The guy is now the richest person in the world and his company tries everything to avoid paying tax in various countries so I won't touch Amason now. Local shops for local people I say... Or they will all disappear.

    4. Mallard60022


      Yes Dave; well said mate.

  3. How many box-shifters does a single exhibition need? Really? That many? Wow!
  4. What is the collective noun for multiple Manning Wardles? An envy?
  5. In Gordon Edgar's book on Austerities there is a picture from more or less the same angle but from much closer, revealing a spectacularly overgrown and very modellable retaining wall in the foreground and showing much more detail of that big (and equally modellable) chapel in the background. The caption describes the site as the wagon shop.
  6. The latest Railway Bylines has an article on the Baddesley Garratt with several potentially useful close-up pictures of the "below footplate" area.
  7. Just cooked myself a Japanese katsu curry. The meal was fine, but the resulting washing up will probably take me until the end of the month!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mike morley

      mike morley

      Its only now I've eaten it that I realise I forgot to add the soy and the honey to the katsu sauce!

    3. chris p bacon

      chris p bacon

      Eat the honey and drink the soy sauce, it adds to the experience if done that way

    4. dhjgreen


      I find RTR Katsu is quite acceptable.

  8. Why are English cricket pundits so determined to count chickens?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hroth


      Because all is for the best in the best of all possible worlds!

    3. tractionman


      presumably because the game itself is so dull

    4. Ozexpatriate


      It is a prerequisite of punditry. When there's nothing to say, talk about nothing.

  9. Meet Buccaneer, who - to my shame - has been in this unfinished state for over three months and is quite definitely not the shade of green (Humbrol 131) I expected when I picked up the airbrush.
  10. I've built one, and by Peter K standards it's not bad - not least because it's one of his few kits that came with instructions! The main problems I had were caused by it being designed around components that are no longer available. It's intended to have a rigid chassis, Sharman wheels and 2mm axles and be powered through a Peter K gear bracket by a Canon(?) motor mounted vertically in the firebox. Mines got a compensated chassis, Gibson wheels and eighth-inch axles powered through a High-Level gearbox by a Mashima motor mounted horizontally in the boiler. It's such a tiny loco clearances are ultra-tight everywhere and it took an awful lot of tweaking to get it right.
  11. The stuff they give you to tackle the affects of prostate cancer comes with long lists of the likely side affects, none of which mention the destruction of your taste buds and the resulting ability to turn an expensive Sunday dinner that took many hours to prepare into a meal indistinguishable from something bought from a caravan in a lay-by.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Blackthorn


      Stay positive and strong. It's a horrible disease but it will be beaten!

    3. Mike 84C

      Mike 84C

      I too am sorry to hear that and keep my fingers crossed for good health.Afriend of mine had it and is now a young 78 yrs. Blackthorn is spot on. You can do it!

    4. Fenway Park

      Fenway Park

      Sorry to hear your news. Stay strong. Agreed with Blackthorn

  12. Had the Humbrol varnish intended to seal the Powsides transfers react badly with the Railmatch paint on the wagon side. Bad enough when it's your own wagon, but even worse when it's someone else's.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mike morley

      mike morley

      Doubt it. I've been using Humbrol varnish for years in all kinds of weather without problem but have never had a comfortable relationship with Railmatch and cannot recall ever using the two together.

    3. DougN


      I would go with my current fav. Tamiya spray pack varnish.

  13. I once put my CSP Avonside SS down alongside Andy Cundick's Centre Models version and it looked like one was 00 and the other HO. One or other of them isn't right.
  14. I'm watching those involved with the shop opposite strip the last of the fixtures and fittings before final closure. A fancy Italian clothes shop around here was probably doomed before it even opened, but that doesnt make me any less sad for those involved, particularly not the young woman whose business it was.

    1. Hroth


      People are pushed into "self employment" by the DWP and this is often the result a year or so down the line.


      I do feel sorry for those pushed into a position they are completely unsuited for.

    2. DCB


      Probably the Banks fault. They pressured a friend into liquidation and he came out many thousands of pounds better off than before. The business was highly profitable but had cash flow issues.

    3. Covkid


      I don't envy anyone in retail these days.

  15. Excellent show. I've been to far bigger shows that charged far more to get in but had nothing like the quality of this one.
  16. A few weeks ago a leaflet put through my mother's letterbox informed her that after sitting derelict for half a century, Feltham marshalling yard is going to be turned into a train maintenance depot by South. Western Railway
  17. Never mix different brands of sausage. They are likely to have very different cooking characteristics that leaves you with a breakfast that includes one seriously over-cooked and another seriously under-cooked sausage!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Londontram


      What I can't understand is if you don't want to eat meat you don't want to eat meat so why look for a replacement that looks and tastes sort of like it. I just can't work it out

    3. Hroth


      Its an entryist approach - the vegi substitutes the fake soss for the real one in the deluded hope that the carnivore won't notice the difference.

  18. Was it officially banned or simply something to be avoided if at all possible? I am planning a layout based on a prototype that had the goods shed on the only loop (an arrangement inherited from its horse-drawn origins) and it must have been a nightmare to work in its loco-hauled days if BoT rules prohibited locos running through.
  19. Has anyone ever encountered a form of technology that was less user friendly than a supermarket diy checkout?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Hroth


      No better than an Eliza program....

    3. admiles


      Never have a problem with them personally...

  20. You'd be amazed at how many people think the border is the Severn, not the Wye and that the Forest is in Wales
  21. Or Coleford, Forest of Dean (so almost Wales)
  22. My brother has expressed an interest in my modelling activities and I've been using the 'Share with' facility to send him snippets featuring my layout. It wasn't long before I'd lost track of what I had and hadn't sent him, which was when I discovered that there either isn't a means of logging what has been sent or it isn't readily apparent. Advice, anyone?
  23. A couple of years ago I spent several fruitless days trying to discover where the setter and gauges are usually located. I'd assumed they'd be out on the balcony, somewhere near the handbrake standard, but I couldn't find a single photo of the vicinity that featured even a hint of either.
  24. Something that has become apparent on the large EM gauge layout I'm involved with is that a hefty, powerful, well-balanced 0-4-0 can often be out-hauled up a gradient by a comparatively light, indifferently balanced, under-powered 0-6-0 even when the two locos are roughly the same size.
  25. The set actually on the embankment would be the railway's route while the poles outside the boundary fence were probably serving an upland hamlet or similar.
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