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Everything posted by 43110andyb

  1. Work has started on the platform area and the only survivor will be the covered access steps down from the road. The other platform buildings would have in all likelihood have been removed (not an easy decision as they are superb!) by BR and replaced by a covered shelter (yet to be constructed). I have attached Dave's photos of the start of his work to be repaint into a 'BR' corporate shade of gray.
  2. Tonight post football match Beer is a birthday present from my wife! Defiantly not local from the Isle of Wight! Garlic beer! Luckily not pungent as the name suggests but a slight hint comes through in the aftertaste! Very nice!
  3. Some oik threw this one over the wall and onto my platform shelter
  4. At last a game of footy on a Thursday and a post match beer to report! An amazing beer from the Black Sheep fold in Masham- Riggwelter 'Riggy' 5.7% a dark and strong Yorkshire Ale.
  5. Dave has continued work on the yard board and the signal box now has had a lick of paint. I have attached a photo (posted by Tony Wright) from earlier in the thread to show the box from both sides and before re-paint in its original colour.
  6. Some very good info here- http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/71391-british-railways-ole-part-one-plain-track/
  7. A few more photos of the yard board now that the grass has been thinned back and toned down-
  8. Also a stock update as I managed a mornings work on two carflats I received for Christmas! With the addition of a some suitable period cars and maybe a few more flats the start of one of many trains we will need to stock the layout. A pic of the first flat half way through weathering on the work bench-
  9. Christmas out of the way and after picking up the next boards Dave has been busy! First station board on the work bench- platform stripped, back scene painted and the start of the yard looking like it might during the mid 80's.
  10. After a family walk in Arkengarthdale finishing with a pint of Black Sheep Special Ale in the Red Lion Langthwaite a Christmas present from the wife- Tan Hill Ale 3.9% and after the walk was only around 5 miles from Tan Hill very apt!
  11. Christmas lunch cooking demands a strong beer- St Austell Proper Black seems to fit the bill- 6.0% black IPA is strong enough to deal with the sprouts!
  12. No advice on the speech but at our wedding we insisted on the speeches before the meal then at least we could relax enjoy it knowing the speeches were behind us and not sat nervously trying to eat and think ahead.
  13. A lovely bright morning in Thirsk with a little fog!
  14. A beer tonight from the York Brewery- Guzzler 3.6% -again a great beer and yet again another Yorkshire beer love in from me! We're getting some great new brewery's in Darlington (Durham) so I'm not forgetting my own 'land of the prince bishops' for beer but at the moment Yorkshire for me leads the way to date!
  15. Very strange that they used a Swindon map as it was mostly filmed around West Yorkshire, plenty of Sam Smiths pubs around that area mind! Edit- just found out after a bit of digging that scenes for 'Denton' station were filmed at Wakefield Westgate.
  16. In York today for Xmas drinks, last stop York Tap before the train a nice selection of keg brews on offer!
  17. Thanks for posting this, I remember getting a safety video on the mole plough when I was a trainee technician back in the early 90's and it must have been filmed in the 60/70's - it was in black and white as I remember and hi-viz was non existent (even by early 90's standard). I have searched YouTube without luck but found this which may be of interest - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0dKDZD_HRL4
  18. There are parking bays also at York (old biscuit warehouse) with the original S&T van registrations going back years. I will have to try and get a photo.
  19. I think we have stumbled into a sub thread for beer drinking detectives! -Anymore anyone?
  20. Thanks- I had totally forgotten about that episode where he drank the pale ale (I think it was 'Driven to distraction'). The episode I remember was in his house and there was a Nut Brown bottle on view but I can't remember the episode unfortunately!
  21. Tonight's after match tipple is a Nut Brown Ale from Samuel Smiths. 5% brown Ale and quite difficult to pick up in Darlington. I picked up this bottle from an Ale house/shop in York- The House of the Trembling madness! Well worth looking up if your in York. A bonus point if anyone can name the detective that liked this particular beer when relaxing at home?
  22. May be of interest- Signal sighting distance chart from NR SMS part Z
  23. My son (10) has shown an interest in military models so we veered from railways into tanks for this project- Tamiya 1:32 Panther. With only a little guidance and assistance he's done most of the work including airbrush and weathering powder techniques. 1st attempt complete were now starting a MtI.SPW half track.
  24. A few more pics of the scenery overhaul from Dave- back scene repainted and work undertaken on the trees. The line pictured leaving the main board was originally the iron stone spur but we are going to have its future/80's use as a ballast spoil tip- loaded Grampus or alike arriving and empties leaving.
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