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Everything posted by martin_l_jones

  1. Excellent, just need some GB Heavy Haul Wagons to run behind them !!
  2. I wonder if we could get a photo of every model in the list posted, now that's a challenge, here is a few more of mine to get us going ... /URL]
  3. I wonder if anyone has collected them all ! Here are a few of mine:-
  4. You need to call the mail order line number, it's in model rail but I don't have it to hand...
  5. I'm sure that is the case but Irrespective of a trade price the total sales value for the first 200 models is £30k...
  6. I saw these when they arrived at Newport:- https://www.flickr.com/photos/16645820@N06/14994930590/in/photolist-o1KApB-oR3VFd-oR3Ws3 https://www.flickr.com/photos/16645820@N06/14994927990/in/photolist-o1KApB-oR3VFd-oR3Ws3 https://www.flickr.com/photos/16645820@N06/14448354457/in/photolist-o1KApB-oR3VFd-oR3Ws3 BUT, I don't think these are planned for Newport ?
  7. It was under wraps on the first stage of it's journey...
  8. I wonder whether it's to cover their own costs for the Limited Editions... 200 locos at £150, a whopping £30k
  9. I'm beginning to wonder as to whether the LTM has had negative feedback on the fact that you have to pay up front and have delayed the release of further models or whether there has been a delay in the release date and it's moved back and for the same reason it's been taken off. I would have imagined the models will all be produced at the same time, even with the new livery process I can't see them being batched in 100's surely.....
  10. Agree, although the worst thing is the price hike when they become Limited Editions against a standard release cost.... Although the new printing process could have added a few bob
  11. Just thinking this year will possibly be a bumper year for Class 66's... Two tube map's, a Rainbow a DRS revised livery and a Powerhaul 66, GULP Will they all be delivered on time
  12. It seems a strange scenario to release in batches of 100. Unless it's due to the printing process and they are being made in batches of 100 or to a saleable amount.... Interestingly the Black Tube Loco 66718 is still available to order...
  13. Mark when you pre-ordered did you have to pay upfront as per the Rail Express Models.
  14. This is what came back when i asked the question:- Unfortunately the problem hasn't been rectified. All have a major fault when converted to DCC. The DCC socket is upside down so when fitted with a chip the lights are on the wrong end and the loco runs the wrong way. To fix this you need to swap the wires running to the motor but this only works for DC, if you do this and convert it back to analogue it will run backwards with the lights on the back. There is a fix where you need to change the addresses on your controller, the instructions to change these should be in the instruction manual. Standard decoders: CV49 from 0 to 16 CV50 from 16 to 0 ESU sound decoders: This needs to be done via a lokprogrammer and computer under the following options: Read the decoder (red arrow) > Decoder > Function mapping > Change “front light 1” to “Rear light 1”, “Rear light 1” to “Front light 1” > Write changes to the decoder (green arrow) I don't have any worries about doing this, however you would think for customer satisfaction the models would be withheld and corrected first... My question is do you need to do both, or just correct the CV's if running in DCC ?
  15. Thanks for the pictures Andy, I ordered one on Tuesday, waiting for mine to come. I agree with your comments on the yellow warning panel definitely looks a little pale !.. I was looking at 73205 as a pairing loco, again from Olivias.. Did you have any notification about the wiring issue for DCC on this model ?
  16. Anybody had their hands on one of the GB one's, see they've landed...
  17. Seems like a lack of quality control, just like the Hornby Class 67's all over again, lots of disappointment. And most companies employ a local agent to manage the products into production. The paint colour should be measured against a RAL master... Quite a simple check really. I have a GB on pre-order, I'm hoping for the best
  18. That was my piccie from Flickr, the working runs through Worcester so I've seen it quite a few times, although it's the same rake it does seem to mix up a bit, on this occassion there are 16 Blue and 6 Green. But I'm not too worried about the mix as I've seen them being swapped about, I will probably have to buy enough to make sure I can mix them up in a rake of ten !! Let's hope the project moves to the next stage. Cheers Martin
  19. Look's a very interesting project, I've seen the Greenenergy working several times, have submitted my interest and the triple packs sound a good idea, even better if there were variants of the triple pack, would they be sold as solo items as well like the 'n' gauge one's Something different to run behind all the GB 66's I have... https://www.flickr.com/photos/16645820@N06/8928809938/in/photolist-eB1u7W-eePRb2
  20. Dissapointing yet again, IMHO... At least we have three LE 66's to look forward too.. And possibly something from Rail Exclusive
  21. Not sure whether the new printing process has added cost but they are quite expensive at £150 plus each But they do look very nice....
  22. To be fair it cant be easy...I do wonder how they get to the decision...
  23. Not much of a wow factor reading the feedback...
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