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Everything posted by Benbow

  1. Hi Allan Just a comment as I can't quite see in your photos but Cotswold stone roofs have diminishing stone sizes as you move up the roof. This site is quite informative. www.stoneroof.org.uk/Tewksbury%20stone%20slate%20roofing.pdf I am amazed at your speed of build! I have to agree with Stubby that it is unlikely that the glass extension would have a stone roof as the weight would probably be too much for the structure to support. Best wishes and Happy New Year Roger
  2. Thanks Allan. How is Immingham by the way? I used to live at East Halton. Couple more pics, it is still very much work in progress. I thought retirement would bring loads of spare time......I wish! All the buildings are from Shillingstone completed just before Bachmann announced theirs. However using card and brickpaper they cost considerably less. I had intended to model Shillingstone but as with most modellers the idea was bigger than the space available! So a branch off the S&D to Shaftesbury was conceived.
  3. This looks like it will be really useful. Please keep posting.
  4. From the info I have it would appear that from the take over of the S&D by the Midland/LSWR in 1876 buildings etc were painted in LSWR colours until 1923 when the change to SR colours started until 1953. Fairly obviously this would not have happened overnight and a period of a year or so would probably have elapsed until everything was re-painted. I am sure much more knowledgeable folks on here will give you chapter and verse! Regards Roger
  5. Well I think that's it! Or is it? Roger Midford SB 1.pdf
  6. Latest incarnation, nearly complete then just got to build it! Roger Midford SB 1.pdf
  7. I have started to produce some parts to make Midford signalbox. I will probably change the woodwork colour to WR brown (arghhh) to suit the period I will be trying to represent. Any observations gratefully received. Roger Midford Signal Box.doc
  8. Hi Chris Thanks. The vehicle you refer to is a mail brake built at Highbridge specifically to carry mail on the 2.40 am down freight. I cheated with the ducket and used a casting! Regards Roger
  9. The trouble with this site is it sends you off looking for things when you should be modelling!! This is the ERG book which I found after much searching in dark places Also three items of stock I made following the techniques outlined in the book in about 1970 if I remember right. The stock is shown on my current project being built. Roger
  10. Chris Yes the advent of cheap reasonable quality copying and printing equipment certainly has opened up the possibilities in recent years. Some years ago I made a number of S&DJR wagons using the techniques in the book. At the time they looked quite good I'm not so sure they would now however! Having said that I rather think that so long as you don't mix the latest super detail stuff with older stock and keep a consistent level/standard of workmanship they can look quite good. I guess that is part of the reason the likes of Buckingham and Borchester looked so good (and still do) is consistency, nothing stands out as being of a much higher standard than anything else. Roger
  11. Back in the '60s ERG (Ernest Rankine Gray) from Bournemouth used to sell a wide range of card rolling stock kits. They also produced a booklet on the subject. I have a copy somewhere, must look it out. Roger
  12. I just knew someone would do a drawing after I had made the bloomin thing
  13. Very nice indeed, well done sir. My sister used to live at Watford with a garden backing onto the railway. I was much younger than her and can rember when I was nowt but a nipper standing at the bottom of her garden and watching Sir WAS steaming past. I always thought it looked magnificent. Regards Roger
  14. Strewth wish I hadn't asked now Thanks to those who have answered my request and I think I am pretty much persuaded to go for one The price certainly seems good for what you get. I think we have probably done the bit about service to death now Regards Roger
  15. Hmmmmm that's a pity, two reports of bad customer relations. Makes me wonder what would happen if there is a problem with the controller. All very well having a guarantee but if you have to fight to get it acknowledged it's not much good. I can't understand why some manufacturers and indeed dealers are so off hand with customers. Thanks for your input Roger
  16. Thanks Rob that sounds encouraging. They certainly seem good value for money Roger
  17. Hi I am considering a Morley controller as the price seems very good for what you get and at the moment they are offering them with no VAT increase. Does anyone have experience of them? I have a mix of older locos Airfix, Mainline, Hornby and latest Hornby, Bachmann. I am looking for decent slow running. Have considered DCC but the cost of conversion and difficulty on some of the older locos has put me off. They are all steam types. Any info gratefully received. Roger
  18. Well that lot should keep him going for a year or two! Roger
  19. I can't answer for Kevin but I used to couple mine into semi permanent rakes using a simple wire connector between vans. Seemed to work OK for me but it might not be much advantage if you have really tight curves. regards Roger
  20. Hi Kevin Good idea to meet. Would have said hello on Saturday but there was a fair crowd round the layout so didn't like to interupt Regards Roger
  21. Good show at the weekend Kevin. My other half thought yours was one of the best...praise indeed!
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