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Status Updates posted by Mikkel

  1. By continuing to browse this site, I am agreeing that I like cookies.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Who remembers the bear on the Andy Williams show?

    3. Kylestrome


      "Not Now, Not Ever, NEVER!"

    4. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Cookies with sausages maybe?

  2. 5 tries before I got the numberplate straight. Argh!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Castle


      No Mikkel - set him a real challenge:


      Broad Gauge Brent!

    3. bgman


      YES, YES, YES do it !

      Oh! Please BG Brent mmmmmm my mouth's watering already !

    4. gwrrob


      I'm happy as it is thanks.I'm happy to share your stock though.

  3. Eurovision. Where is Beeching when we need him?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. gwrrob


      You're paying for it this year Mikkel !

    3. Mikkel


      Yes! If only they'd halved the budget and done a model railway exhibition with the rest ;-)

    4. Horsetan


      Dom's paying for it next year!

  4. No major downtime for RMweb for ages, it seems. We must be well over the record.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jaz


      now if only BT can sort our broadband this end.........

    3. 2mmMark




    4. Trainshed Terry
  5. Doggerland - talk about a might-have-been!

    1. ginger j

      ginger j

      an interesting excuse to have various different locomotives from differing countries......the rivet counters would hate such a layout!

    2. Job's Modelling

      Job's Modelling

      directly from Lelytown to Farthing by steamtrain instead of steamboat


    3. Mikkel


      The Atlantis Special. I can just imagine the mix of stock, fantastic :-)

  6. Busy washing my driver's license. Or I won't get the Gaugemaster job ;-)

    1. gwrrob


      What's that about Mikkel.

    2. Horsetan


      He's removing the fingerprints.

    3. Mikkel


      There's an ad on here advertising a job at Gaugenmaster. It requires a clean driver's license. (Yeah I know, sorry!)

  7. Jim's tree on Hemyock. Quite something.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. aberdare


      oo-er! this was a bit of a surprise when I logged on, thank you for all the likes and comments but it's not even finished yet.

    3. Mickey


      i seem to have missed msot the thread so far so ill be addinga few more likes i guess :)

    4. aberdare


      Thanks Mickey, it was a bit erratic over the last year but I hope to keep it ticking over regularly now.

  8. Jumping from grace

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mikkel


      Ha! No, just felt smothered at work today and decided to rock the boat a bit :-)

    3. gwrrob


      smothered in what,chocolate.

    4. Mikkel


      Nothing that exotic :-)

  9. Does the Silhouette Cutter do people? I can think of some I'd like to replace ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mikkel


      But it's such hard work :-)

    3. Job's Modelling

      Job's Modelling

      Take a break, read my new entry and be patience and take your time

    4. Mikkel


      Good advice!

  10. It's a little known fact that there are 160 images of biscuit factories on "Britain from above".

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mikkel


      Oh crumbs! Anyway, who needs to get out when you've got the web. The real world is dangerous you know!

    3. Metr0Land


      You sure it's not 1 factory broken into 160 pieces?

    4. Mikkel


      Actually I was looking for a lineside industry. But biscuit factories are huge!

  11. Google hits for "pastry rmweb": 24.800 !

    1. gwrrob


      pasty surely

    2. Mikkel


      No, pasty only has 567.

  12. Note to self: Do not post too early in the morning. It is much easier when eyes are open.

    1. Job's Modelling

      Job's Modelling

      I mostly start with a mindfulness exercise: the body scan

      And then a good breakfast.

      Helps me to get back to reality.

  13. 601 users online on a Wednesday evening.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jaz


      Ah......very addictive.....I'm surprise it's not a banned substance ;)

    3. gwrrob


      Big Brother on the TV

    4. Mikkel


      Ah, that explains it :-)

  14. Got paint all over, workbench looks like a war-zone, floor is littered with off-cuts. Now *that's* what I call christmas!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. aberdare


      Live feed! Err no, everyone would then see all my mistakes.

    3. Job's Modelling

      Job's Modelling

      Could be great fun to see our effort to achieve a nice painted .....

      You tube has a lot of nice instructive movies ...

    4. Mikkel


      Another option would be to have live webcams filming the layouts, like those on some stations.

  15. One of those days when RMweb produces one amazing layout post after the other.

    1. gwrrob


      What's caught your eye then ?

    2. Mikkel


      Hi Rob, various, but a couple of personal highlights is Dave's Dean Goods in the blogs and allanbuttler's Oswestry works in teh Boxfiles subforum.

  16. I've lost the other half of a horse.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. gwrrob


      Tesco's might have it.Alledgedly.

    3. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      That old chestnut is back then. LOL

    4. Mikkel


      A model horse, gentlemen. A Slaters kit with a horse in two parts. Now left with just one half. A low relief horse maybe?

  17. Welcome to the Railway Modelling Web online magazine, a brand new spirited look at the hobby

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mikkel


      Nah, we've got the mags so who needs this sort of thing? :-)

    3. 69843


      Modellers from around the world sharing ideas? Bah!

    4. Mikkel


      Agreed. It all sounds very unpleasant and stressful!

  18. All this business with wives and off-spring and what not is very time consuming. Whoever came up with that silly idea? Gets in the way of modelling, it does.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Job's Modelling

      Job's Modelling

      Then go with the flow and enjoy their compagny

    3. Mikkel


      Oh allright then :-)

    4. Job's Modelling

      Job's Modelling

      But I know it isn't always easy ( I have experience with that)

  19. Adding rivets whilst dripping nasal mucus. Life is full of challenges.

    1. Horsetan


      You'll be soldering in the toilet next.

    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Ew! How can I get that image out of my head now? oO

    3. Mikkel


      Success! I shall add this to my CV under "Other accomplishments".

  20. New approach to model trees? http://www.the3doodler.com/

    1. Coombe Barton
    2. TomE


      Nice find Mikkel, could be very useful for trees indeed! Much quicker than twisting wire anyway!

  21. Bad request

    1. Tim V

      Tim V

      Read the instructions!

    2. Mikkel


      There are instructions ? :-)

  22. Listening to noisy frogs (real ones, not a political comment!)

    1. Job's Modelling

      Job's Modelling

      Can remember a wet summer morning when they gave a brilliant concert

    2. Mikkel


      Yes it can be very nice. Although here it is not a concert but Chaos :-)

  23. Staring at railway photos from the 1900s and wishing I could enter them. Just for a while though, until dinner time ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mikkel


      Depends where you land, I suppose. Paddington yes please :-)

    3. gwrrob


      That would be fascinating.To catch the train to Penzance would be wonderful.

    4. Mikkel


      Yep. But I'd get off at every station so it would take a while :-)

  24. Today I have been breathing on my wagons.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mikkel


      Ha! Maybe with a strong curry first :-)

    3. Brass0four


      Joking aside, that is a term I'd use for gentle weathering, etc.

    4. steve22


      It's alright dear, I'm not breathing heavy around your pretty little neck - just giving you some weathering...

  25. There's an even little man inside spray cans. He times it so they run out in the middle of a paintjob.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Steve Taylor

      Steve Taylor

      He's under orders from the Democratic Union of Paintworkers: he'd love to keep painting but the brethren say no.

    3. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      It may not be his fault, poor chap. Someone may have stolen his painting mojo...

    4. richbrummitt


      The last can I used had an odd little man in.

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