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Everything posted by amdaley

  1. They are adjustable for all scales according to the adverts. "It is versatile in another way too – While it comes pre-set for 16.5mm or OO/HO track, we include in the pack full sets of spacers for 9mm/N/009/HOe, 12mm/TT, HOm, HO Narrow gauge. OO, HO and ON30… even EM and P4 users are not forgotten either, as we included a set of spacers that works for both!" https://www.dccconcepts.com/product-category/specialised-model-accessories/dccconcepts-rolling-roads/
  2. But that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I'm sure it happens all the time.
  3. The pipe on the right hand side of the Oxford model is the ATC as the Oxford model isn't fitted with front steam heat connections and pipework. Very few Deans Goods were so fitted only those which were used for passenger traffic. Locos in France did in some cases have a small diameter pipe along the full length of the right hand side but this was for the air brake equipment that they were fitted with. The ATC gear having been removed before entering military service in WW2.
  4. Sorry about the delay in getting back to you. The pipe running the whole length of the loco on the left hand side of the footplate is the vacuum pipe.
  5. I use the sticky pads to hold the tortoise while I make sure its working the point correctly. I then place two screws diagonally across from each other. I also found that if the wood was sealed then the pads got a better grip.
  6. I use this method as well. The sticky tape will take out any unevenness in the tortoise base plate as well as holding the motor while the screws are fitted. I use only two screws in opposite corners. I also make sure that the adjustable fulcrum is set so that the point blades are not held over too firmly. They only need to be held over not welded shut. Tony.
  7. Having done some more research I can say the missing bit of pipework along the RH footplate edge (Hanging plate) is not missing at all. That pipe is the ATC conduit which, at the point it stops, should go through the footplate and up the front of the cab into the control gear in the cab, Unfortunately Oxford Rail has missed a bit of pipe out but not the bit along the edge of the footplate. I understand that locos were only fitted with ATC after 1930/1 so any loco intended to be prior to that date needs the pipework removed entirely. This would include 2309 and the WW1 variant of course. Hope the information is of some help to someone in case they think their loco is missing some ATC conduit.
  8. Its not the time limit its the volume. I love sound myself but it must be realistic. A model loco should not make the same volume of sound as a full size loco. During a visit to a UK show some years ago I can remember when a right row broke out between two exhibitors about the volume of sound. One exhibitor has a US themed layout with sound which seemed to come out like a hi-fi at full blast. It was horrendous. As regards to running problems. Its not restricted to DCC alone. Dirty track & dirty wheels are available in DC flavour as well. Tony.
  9. A good quality underlay will help keep any noise down to the minimum.
  10. I presume that price is a joke or is he related to someone from Cartmel Undamaged ! Look at the condition of the box.
  11. Hi Russ. I would run them on DC first just to make sure its not a loco problem rather than a decoder problem. Tony.
  12. Nice looking panels. Are they plastic face aluminium or are they white all the way through ? Tony.
  13. Do you find it difficult to change the points on screen as they seem very small or do you use a stylus ?
  14. Have to say the plain green model looks a lot better than the first effort. Unfortunately its still riddled with mistakes but I guess most modellers won't worry about that. Disappointed with Oxfords effort on the Deans Goods but I suppose it was made to a price & when you do that something has to suffer. A bit more research could have made this a very fine model but then it might have cost a lot more I'm sure.
  15. Thanks Alan I've seen that one. I asked AAH but the answers I got back were kind of vague. Thanks John. I'd heard about the 4 difference but up to now I couldn't get an answer as to whether the Z21 would actually work with NCE items. Do I understand so that I can use the existing accessory decoder numbers taking the 4 difference into account. I also understand that in the latest app there is a switch box to fix the 4 difference. Do you use circuit breakers in your system ? Thanks for that. I saw that fix in a YouTube video.
  16. This thread is about the Z21 app so I wouldn't want to spoil it with questions not related to the app. I will however ask two quick questions if I may & I won't bother the thread any further with questions after that. I have an NCE Power Pro wireless system on my layout. (1) If I got a Z21 for my workbench is there any way I could get the NCE system to work through the Z21 sniffer port or in any other way if I wanted to move the Z21 to my layout ? I have been told by someone else that I can't. (2) Can the Z21 work with my mainly NCE accessory decoders like switch it's, switch 8's + various circuit breakers etc ? Thanks everyone. Tony.
  17. Hi Everybody. There is some information on the new app here. The quality of the video isn't great with a lot of reflections but I think you will get some information from it. I don't have a Z21 myself but was thinking of getting one for my workbench. To be honest I was looking for a reason to buy one As an older modeller i really like to look of it & the way you can see everything you're doing on screen without having to remember lots of numbers etc. I have an NCE Power Pro system at present & was trying to find out if there was anyway to use the Z21 with it. It appears there isn't so I will stick with the NCE system I think. I sent two emails to Roco but even thought I received an automated acknowledgement I never actually got a reply from them. I also sent two emails to Scograil but again no replies which was extremely disappointing. The Yahoo Z21 group was equally pretty useless. I just found it extremely difficult to get solid answers to my questions. Anyway enjoy the video & I hope its of some help to you. Regards. Tony.
  18. Rails having a flash sale on the Deans Goods. https://railsofsheffield.com/
  19. Did you run in the loco before fitting the chip ? Make sure the wheels & track are clean.
  20. Thanks for that Nigel. Good explanation. Tony.
  21. Yes as I've said elsewhere the advantage Roco has is the graphics & the friendly way it allows users to see everything they are doing right in front of them. The Wi-Fi aspect of the Roco is also a good idea although the wireless aspect is nothing new. My NCE Power Pro system is wireless so I can walk around the layout with just a throttle in my hand & no wires attached. I've had my NCE system for years. I was surprised that you couldn't run a loco on the layout & program another on the program track at the same time. There's not much point in having two throttles on your tablet & having to stop everything just to use the program track. I'm sure there's a good reason but I think Roco may have missed a trick there ?
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