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Everything posted by edcayton

  1. Is it OK to be funny still? Ed
  2. Good morning all. A helpful young man from the sub-continent phoned yesterday to offer assistance with my recent accident. After I had told him that I had been drinking, had six people in the car and that no, it was entirely my fault that I drove into the back of the other car he became somewhat short and suggested that I was driving a Rolls Royce or a Lamborghini. I tried to tell him we were out in my Model T, but he had gone. Off to see the podiatrist in a minute, then on to cardiac rehab. TTFN Ed
  3. Is this going to be cement traffic again? Ed
  4. I think broken springs are down to "traffic calming" bumps and pot holes. Most A-roads and motorways are relatively free of both of these and therefore the broken springs are not really mileage-related. I have not yet seen any articles in the Mail or the Express blaming them on the EU, so that cannot be true! Ed
  5. I think hoovering once a year is plenty. Ed
  6. Good morning all. I have to take the dog for his service and MOT soon and then I am off to the opticians, Together with my trip to the eye clinic recently I should be able to complete my "renewal of driving licence" form. I only have a three year licence since I have been on insulin, and they have taken away my "grandfather rights" to drive things like steam rollers and lawn mowers. Ed
  7. edcayton

    Top Gear?

    It pains me to say it, but I think the programme has improved over the three episodes. I'll be glad personally if (when?) Evans goes. However, I am very much a fan of Clarkson and most of the females I know can't stand him. I guess the format is changing a little by bringing the new extra presenters on. I'll carry on putting it on the Virgins and hope the improvement continues. Ed
  8. That's what we did and what I thought. In the divorce papers she accused me of being "controlling" with the money! Ed
  9. LMS, LNER and Southern loco's, all painted in GWR livery. Ed
  10. Good morning all. Chris (f) I'm really glad the oncologist visit was good and that you will be in Switzerland at Christmas. Where are you demoing at the weekend? I tend to agree with you that when we have a Parliament stuffed full of people with first class degrees in politics, philosophy and economics then they are in the best position to make the decision. However, we are where we are. Personally, with an Italian wife and two half-Italian kids I don't really think I have an option. My biggest concern is what will happen to the EU if we leave. Yugoslavia again? However, as Andy says, too much politics. I have to go back to the ent ward soon for the follow-up to the nose bleed, and then later to the eye clinic for drops etc. I have a "spider's web" thing in my right which they assure me is resolving. It's all to do with the Warfarin, but what I really really don't want is a stroke so it's a fine balance. Those of you who know me by sight way find that the concepts of me and fine balance don't sit well together! I really do wish all the best to those suffering or, possibly worse, seeing their loved ones suffering. I wish I had Jock's skill in summing up the important items of the day. Hope we are nagging his son to crack on with that model of Hurlford. All the best Ed
  11. Good morning all. Not been here much lately, another stay in the local hospital after the 111 doctor sent an ambulance. This time it was a nose bleed that wouldn't stop. Having a "tampon" rammed up the nostril is not pleasant, nor did it stop the flow. Finally stopped by cauterising. The smell of burnt me together with the amount of blood I had swallowed meant I felt really nauseous for several days. Good news-lost some weight, bad news-put it back on again! @ Andyram-I'm glad I don't have to teach "British Values". At the age of 62 I'm not sure what they are. How do you do this without rubbishing (at least by implication) the values of kids from other cultures? My wife is Italian, but had fled the country because she didn't like several aspects of the culture, so it wasn't really an issue bringing our boys up. Excuse the politics, but because of my now ex-wife and half-Italian kids I feel I have to vote remain, but isn't it a difficult decision? All the best Ed
  12. I thought there was a turn table at Yeovil Junction. Ed
  13. I understand that train chasers are controlled by the same rules as BMW drivers. Ed
  14. Well,for me, that is what it would have been LIKE to be there at that moment, and that makes it a good "picture" (if you like). There are any number of "perfect" photo's of Royal Scot I can look at. How many shots did you take at that time/location? Ed
  15. edcayton

    Top Gear?

    Yes, but it isn't a "new" Top Gear at all really, is it? It is the same format that developed with C,H and M as the presenters. This became absolutely brilliant unmissable TV (catch John Bishop's "best of"), but after several years became tired, and in need of a re-vamp. Unfortunately (deliberately?) circumstances led to the presenting team leaving the show. I don't know how much of the format was down to these guys, and how much to those that remain. But the BBC have decided in their wisdom to keep flogging the dead horse in the same way that VW tried to keep air-cooled rear engined cars beyond their sell-buy date. They chose a presentation team that has split opinion. In my view the worst aspects of the new show have been the start-"tonight I shout a lot and X has a poo" and the end-"and on that bomb shell.....we don't do that any more". I will carry on watching TG despite Evans because it's the only car show on the BBC now. They could save themselves a great deal of money by using different presenters (look at any number on YouTube). The second show was a great deal better than the first and the Extra Gear show is probably better than TG. My son has Amazon Prime, so I will be able to watch The Grand Tour. The title suggests it may not all be cars, this may be for the better. I bet Clarkson and co are looking on with interest. Ed BTW, I will never pay for extra TV channels, still less so if they insult me by carrying advertising too.
  16. I have noticed this when car brake lights are shown on TV (eg BTCC). Ed
  17. I agree that funerals should be a celebration. There is no real cause for sadness if the person has had a good life and reached a good age, especially if you do believe in some kind of afterlife. It is very sad if someone goes before their time, and possibly in the manner of their passing. My Auntie Nancy passed at the age of 88. She had been into town to do shopping (which meant a lot of talking to people and not buying much), got home and put the sun lounger out in the garden and went to sleep. She kept all her faculties to the end and her funeral was packed. The vicar new her well, so the service was personal and moving, but very much a celebration. BTW I have been told that cardboard coffins cost more than wooden ones, and I gather you can no longer have your ashes sent up the chimney of a steam loco. Ho hum. Ed
  18. Son number two has had two job offers. He has taken the one he can walk to, which was also the one he liked the look and feel of most. He was really anxious about not having a job, but his joi de vivre has returned which is really good to see. Ed
  19. Friends picked up their new VW Touran yesterday. What an impressive car! Very easy to get in and out of and two seats in the boot for their grandchildren. So with the new bathroom last week things are looking up for them at the moment. Good. Ed
  20. Oh Polly. A girl driving a steam loco. Be still my beating heart! Ed
  21. edcayton

    Top Gear?

    I'm guessing it's very hard to get them all together at once. They all seem to be doing the sensible thing and not giving up the day job. Ed
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