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Status Updates posted by surfsup

  1. Thank You Andy & Team! 

  2. As advertising fails go, I think Lush's new anti Police agenda has to be up there!

  3. Farewell to my colleagues in BTP Scotland. A Sad day when a force is split up for Political gains.

    1. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Be taken over by G4S in E&W soon enough mind. Main reason I got out 3 yrs ago with just enough to pay the mortgage off.

  4. What a Covfefe...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      I don't know what you're talking about.


      I wonder if Mr. Trump has some idea … .

    3. BoD


      It's a Covhop for iron.

    4. micked


      A big summer party at Lady Godiva's place?

  5. Well done Exeter Chiefs! Onwards to Twickenham we go!

    1. bgman


      Chiefs Chiefs Chiefs !

    2. rob D2

      rob D2

      Good game

  6. Back from a week in Scotland and the Edinburgh Fringe. Already wanting to return! And now as a result contemplating a change of modelling regions!

  7. After last weekend, our rugby teams loss vs a team mates birthday might = Beer. erm...

  8. That's my second FGW Rake now modified and ready for painting. This one's got the ex MML TS, ex Virgin / later design TSD, Ex Buffet 425XX TS, Mini Buffet and TC in it!

  9. Gutted to hear that they'll be no more of the wise words from Lieutenant Colonel Phillip Smith, or Where's Simon, Or the Parde. What's the First Rule, Dont Scrap Bluestone 42 BBC!

    1. admiles


      Tis the BBC way. Scrap or ruin the last few half-decent programs they have...

  10. New DT Swiss Forks purchased for the MTB. 2 days later, jubilation turned to anger after finding the bike vandilised outside work. Why do people have to ruin things for others?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. surfsup


      I came across it this afternoon after a long shift in work - Saddle and post stolen, wheels undone but left, broken fork had been played around with, and a free scratch where it had been yanked against the rail Thank god for the D Lock though!

    3. Mallard60022


      Re Dutch Master's coimments. Have a word with the Firm about the encouragement of sustainable transport and their Policy towards it. Then see if there can be some secure bike shed founmd somewhere on site. You may be surprised by their reaction..........

    4. surfsup


      Thanks for the suggestions - I Would love to but unfortunately I'm working in a restaurant in a shopping centre. I did have a convo with the security manager of the premises next door but their cameras face the wrong way to the bike rack. All rather frustrating, and the shopping centre can't do much either. Ho Hum. Time to have a chat with the insurers.

  11. New Mountain Bike Forks bought for the Cube. That'll keep me, and my bank very busy until payday at the end of the week. Ouch!

    1. newbryford


      Good forks mean confidence. I have Rock Shox Reba world cup on my old Trek 8500 and they're ace.

    2. surfsup


      Indeed! I'm replacing my Rockshox with some nice and new DT Swiss - I've had 2 good years out of them but the thread inside has finally given up and an upgrade was due. And given the prices of Fox's with the equivalent product from DT Swiss, your paying for the brand now.

  12. Fantastic Gig by the Manic Street Preachers in Sotton tonight. The Holy Bible plus bit of Generation Terrorists, Everything Must Go, Send Away the Tigers, Postcards and Futurology. What a night, Fantastic band!

    1. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      I stood next to James Dean Bradfield in a shop once.

  13. Good afternoon spent out and about on some of the FGW HSTs on Divert. Can we please replace most of the 159s on the WOE with a HST Fleet please?

  14. Has strong suspicion that as a Ebay seller is being conned by the purchaser.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JZ


      That is why every sale I do is sent signed for.

    3. Horsetan


      Same here. Or I deliver it personally to the buyer if nearby.

    4. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      I find CollectPlus more reliable than Royal Mail these days.

  15. The highs and lows and perils of Rugby. Man of the Match - my best so far... and a severely broken finger in my hand. Ouch

  16. BT Sport Rugby, 15 to 1, The Wrong Mans & The Brilliant Man Down - A Beer and a Night in is calling tonight. And a brilliant tribute to the late and great Rik Mayall at the end of Man Down, RIP Rik!

  17. Further to the last post, just found a few of them on Ebay. What was a good evening now turned into frustation!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Horsetan
    3. surfsup


      That's one of them. Along with the rest of the IE models on there and Longmoor 08 - I know that one well as I bought it for him during my time in Modelzone. Hoping for an unpdate later, one of the give aways for us is the large selling off of an irish collection fairly local while lacking somewhat in descriptions.


    4. Horsetan


      Seller appears to be either Bulgarian or Romanian. May already have previous for this. Wonder if the police will act too late?

  18. Not the end to the day i wanted, Can Anyone in Hampshire keep an eye out for models for sale by the usual means, a friend of mine has been burgled and his models have been targeted :(

    1. surfsup


      His fleet is mostly made up of Irish rolling stock - Murphy Models / Bachmann and Lima, with some additional ltd Modelzone models.

    2. Horsetan


      You need a list of what's been stolen. Then let AndyY know about it.

  19. Best evening of pre season rugby trainibg by far. Match in a few weeks, Happy i am!

  20. Interview day. Better get this one, then it's off for a new start in Torpoint / Raleigh and delightful Gosport / Sultan!

    1. darren01


      Good luck!

    2. skipepsi


      What are you aiming for?

  21. We'll come back one day, we never really went away, went away. One day we will return no matter how much it hurts, and it hurts. Manic Street Preachers.

  22. Nevermind PC Moon being out tonight, PC Storm has turned up instead! Sheet, Ball and Fork lightning and the onset of some very heavy rain too. Not had a storm like this in Hampshire for a while!

    1. TomE


      Watching from Farnborough, must be 3-4 separate storms from Basingstoke across towards London. Amazing!


    2. petethemole


      I could see the lightning from north Southampton late last night but all we got was heavy rain.

    3. GWR88


      Could see the horizon lighting up from east

      Southampton. Absolutely crazy!!!

  23. 60087 Out and about on the 1250 from Barrow Hill to Washwood Heath today with 86701 in tow.

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