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Everything posted by lyneux

  1. I'm afraid that Coastal's offering isn't recorded from a 59 either. I was told that it was an American loco with the same emd 645 engine and with UK sounds mixed in (e.g. horn rather than bell). So it's close but still not 100% authentic. Guy
  2. Unfortunately being a 2 day show doesn't help if you're the organiser of the show! Will have to pass I'm afraid! Guy
  3. Yes, the blue and white stripes are too low on the painted sample. Quite noticeable if you look at the horizontal row of protrusions below the door handles. These are blue on the prototype but white on the painted sample.
  4. John, George, Tom and myself are pleased to welcome you to DEMU Showcase 2018 on 2nd/3rd June at Burton on Trent Town Hall. There are some details here on our website: http://www.demu.org.uk/showcase/showcase-2018 More details to follow! Guy
  5. Sadly, this coincides with DEMU Showcase! As one of the organisers it would be rude not to be there. Guy
  6. Have a look at my post here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/67511-improving-the-Hornby-apt/page-2&do=findComment&comment=978377 Guy
  7. Well said! Noise' like this doesn't help anyone. It just makes the useful content even harder to find in this very noisy place.
  8. Just came across this thread as I've been doing something similar myself. Excellent step-by-step progress and kudos for your dedication to 'getting it right'! A few questions about some of the later details: - Bufferbeam - whose detailing components did you use? - Wipers - again, whose ones are these? Thanks, Guy
  9. If you are asking what I will buy? ARC / Yeoman PGAs. I'd probably have at least 60 of them. To do justice to the PGAs you've probably got to do a good cross-section of the variants (so that you can exploit the livery variations). But given that you are doing the CAD yourselves you could probably design clever tooling with inter-changable parts to achieve this? This is where your approach (doing your own CAD) probably excels over others? I started doing this myself as a brass kit... maybe I'll finish it one of these days? Guy
  10. Keen to know when Hanwell will go from 2 to 4 TPH. Hoping it is in May this year when TFL take over Heathrow Connect. Also wondering if this means we'll finally get a service after 9pm and on Sundays too! Hopefully the new timetable gets published soon. Guy
  11. I cycle over this on my way to work. Any angle in particular that you're after? Guy
  12. Really good post Andy. Keen to see more details of the work you did (perhaps on the next one?). Thanks, Guy
  13. Looking very good! Well done both. Guy
  14. Looking very good! Well done both. Guy
  15. Re: mk3/3a body swapping: it's worth getting some prototype photos and looking at the underframe. Compare for example two TFs: the panel configuration is totally different. Not sure about TSOs but is suspect it is the same story. Guy
  16. Spot on response. It's an optical illusion. The greys are all the same. Just hold your hand or piece of paper over the stripes to see this. Guy
  17. Sure, but I wouldn't sell my Hornby/Lima ones just yet. The Oxford HST trailers may never happen... conflict of interests with the CEO of both companies... cough cough...
  18. This was my thought too Mark. Or even just masking them off and using a fine paintbrush shouldn't be too hard. Unfortunately though, it looks as though (unlike the Shawplan etched frames) there is no divider between the inner and outer frame - it's all just one piece. So whatever correction is made, getting the silver line straight could be problematic. I'm not that bothered about the door locking lights either as they should be reasonably easy to remove (although patch-painting exec dark grey will be required). Guy
  19. Is it just me who is finding the comparison between the Oxford Mk3as and the Lima and Hornby Mk3s a bit strange? The fact of the matter is, there are significant visual differences between the Mk3a and Mk3 starting with the roof vents that are not easy to change without quite a bit of cutting/filling/filling. Before you mention the buffers, electrical connections, under-frame detail differences etc. So the comparison isn't really valid. We should really be comparing these to the Jouef Mk3. For Mk3as, these look pretty good for the price (bar the door profile around the droplight as pointed out by Jon on post 801). Not owning any Mk3as (although lots of Hornby and Lima Mk3s), I'm considering a couple of rakes for a future WCML layout. Guy
  20. The big questions for me are: 1) Will the fictitious solebar disappear? 2) Will they get the curve of the cab roof right this time? Having said that, it's a bit late for me now as I've already spent several 10s of hours effort on the one I'm doing for Whatley (D5222)! Guy
  21. I'm not so sure about the window frames though. They look very heavy, especially on the blue grey version. I'll probably reserve judgement until I see one in the flesh. The Hornby solebar is not too hard to correct (no repaint required). Window frames are another matter. I wont be selling my Hornby ones just yet! Guy
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