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Barry O

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Everything posted by Barry O

  1. Hornby rang to say they would fix it - but it must be in a big mountain of them being fixed as it has not re-appeared as yet.....
  2. I know its late but the weather people may have just about got it right for a change as we are having a smidgeon of snow at the moment in Leeds - traffic chaos looms in teh morning as it may have just about cover the road - so, for me its a day to stay in and do some modelling!
  3. Pete once is enough and we have stuck it out for 33 years - and she still finds model railways something to have a laugh about .....
  4. sunny day in Leeds - if anyone wants to buy a property I have a "spare" two bed terrace in Barrow in Furness for sale currently! As for snow - well its not here yet and if it arrives tomorrow it may mean her indoors can stay here rather than driving round Leeds delivering a variety of music classes to a variety of pupils at a variety of schools. Have a good day and hopefully some time for modelling....
  5. late today due to helping with the Club move into new premises - and no snow ( thank goodness) we just need to move a lot of gear into our new room on Wednesday. Cold but dry
  6. morning all dull in Leeds - apparently we will be moving club rooms in the snow tomorrow! Thoughts with everyone who has relatives not too well... her indoors hasn't got over the loss of her father last year - thankfully the staff at the home he was in plus the District Nurse and her helpers did a good job in keeping him comfortable.
  7. Frosty in Leeds this morning. A car went past which looked like it was covered in snow but as there are no reports on local radio I assume it was just a very heavy frost. Re Teachers - full timers think yourselves lucky - her indoors is a peri and is treated badly at some of the schools she goes to ( unheated rooms, teaching in a store room, no use of staff room so no chance of a hot (or cold) drink etc) and sometimes they don't let her know when the full time staff are taking the children out for the day - wasted journey ( and money) for wifey.....She has been "Ofsteded" more times than most teachers ( one memorable month saw her being "inspected" 4 times - a bit stressful all round. They asked if she wanted voluntary redundancy and haven't bothered to reply to her yet. Shame other than a PGCE she is probably a lot more qualified to do the work she does than a lot of the teaching staff.
  8. bit frosty here lots to do today - including a risk assessment for the new club rooms- frabjoy! Have a good day everyone!
  9. Must admit the mobile mini layouts Bob Harper has in On3 and On2 are very good but when linked into the rest of the train-set - the layout and scenery are absolutely superb!
  10. grey outside but off to be "inducted" in our new club rooms - then I have to compose a Risk Assessment ........ ho hum but it has to be done ... then a big tidy up and a Mashima motor rebuild required. Have a great day everyone!
  11. a red duchess or a green one or did Duchess of Abrecorn manage to get a coat of Blue??

    1. Timara


      There is no evidence that she went into XP blue at all, so it is possible that she went straight from 1946 experimental grey-blue to BR green.

    2. pH


      46234 did get blue. Experimantal grey March 1946. BR blue ('experimental blue' at first) May 1948.

    3. Barry O

      Barry O

      So it will be a green one then...


      Thanks for the update

  12. a red duchess or a green one or did Duchess of Abrecorn manage to get a coat of Blue??

  13. Shopping done - her indoors had a list and she's back peripateting today! Weather O K in Leeds - had a good weekend down south - RAF Hendon very good but shame they forget about the work done by the Dakota boys. Tidying up then back to finishing models - might get some paint sprayed today its so mild....
  14. A guy once asked the security guards at a very special engineering company in the USA to help him to his car with a parcel - which they did - it was only as he was about to leave the site was he stopped and the missile removed from his car! Mind you someone at my first place of work came in every Saturday to buld a full size airplane - indeed he built two - he wasn't on paid overtime but he did use all of the machines
  15. More good stuff from Tony - and its his train set so he can run production Deltics! Hope to see Tony out and about soon!
  16. sunshine! Lots of it in Leeds! Late up due to: Ram Tam, Black Band Porter, nice meal, Champagne, London Firework display and ... Phil Collins on a 2004 concert on one of the satellite channels... Let us all have a GREAT 2013 - best wishes to all
  17. wet , windy and dull in Leeds BUT stick it! I will be (with her indoors) in a good pub eating nice food and drinking Ram Tam for new years eve - like other I am glad to see the back of 2012 and look forward to 2013! May you all have a healthy and prosperous 2013! Remember: to first foot you will need some coal and some silver to be across your door step brought by a stranger at one miute past midnight - the reward - a tincture and good luck, money and a warm home for 2013. May you all have a healthy and prosperous 2013!
  18. sorry for the lateness been busy putting Kaydees on my coaching stock! Weather mild in Leeds and it cant make its mind up - full out sunny/windy/rain at any moment! herself ventured out this am as it was sunny and got soaked!
  19. seems time for the Liverpool Care Plan Don - it just makes everything a little bit easier for all concerned - Gods Speed....
  20. Seeing the Banking Tank takes me back to Aberfeldy a OO layout by Dave Walker and a Sutherland kit of the said loco built by my father - it could pull a house down! Dave then went O gauge with Laxford Bridge .... scatchbuilt Highland Coaches an d lots of wagons
  21. forget them - you need to negotiate with Judith!
  22. DonW = our thoughts are with you - went through this in late October. I hope all is at peace.
  23. Clive yep I meant 04 JE do both versions - Hunslet 05 D2574-2618 being the second version for BR http://www.ukmodelshops.co.uk/judithedge/kit/351 Hunslet 204hp 0-6-0DM BR class 05 being the first version http://www.ukmodelshops.co.uk/judithedge/kit/129 Barry O
  24. JE chassis are not difficult to build up - if I can get them to work anyone can!
  25. Its coming on well - being a Horden lad I like the idea of an SD45-2 - it would have been better than seeing lots of EE Type 3s when the WD, Q6, 9F and J27s had stopped working the coal trains. I only ever saw Morayshire (preserved) when it ran through Horden after the S&D Anniversary get together. Keep up the good work!
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