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John Tomlinson

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Everything posted by John Tomlinson

  1. A number of years since I went, and vowed never again. Everything you list, you might have added "expensive" to "car park", also "very crowded". John.
  2. This confirms the comment of Dunsignalling, that different items have the same part number. I haven't done anything with the parts, other than put them into my little store. I bought them for that "rainy day" when there is a problem, and in general when I order spares I have a quick scan through the supplier's website to see what might be of use, so amortising the postage and packing. I'll open up a BP to see what the difference is sometime and post back. If they are different and won't fit, that makes me even more cheesed off with Hornby's part number system, which is shambolic at best with no structure at all, and no way other than hearsay of knowing when parts for one loco will work on another one. Thanks for the gen. John.
  3. In the last few days I've bought some X8849's from Lendons of Cardiff. AFAIK I didn't get the last of their stock. John.
  4. Interesting point about the guttering. The picture posted by Bernard TPM above (3 posts) does show this when you look closely. It also shows the blue solebars however. John.
  5. I have a strong feeling they were blue, but wouldn't bet the house on it! As you say, goes to a browny goo colour pretty quick. John. P.S. Quick scan through Google, some colour pics showing blue on the footboards which have been scuffed by feet. Otherwise brown goo colour dominates. So looks like blue was the colour, but quickly covered up by dirt.
  6. You've probably done this already, but it's worth checking on the remotored 31 that on each bogie the traction tyres sit on opposite sides. It helps pick-up's a lot if they do, otherwise one side really struggles. I've noticed Hornby seem quite willy nilly as to how the axles are put in at the factory. John.
  7. I never met the man, but his writings were an inspiration. Not only very helpful indeed, but beautifully written in an entertaining way. He was truly a modeller, a maker of things, and whilst accepting the use and quality of RTR items (even decades ago), the importance of personal effort and skill, whether in making parts or improving an offering by a manufacturer, came over loud and clear. John.
  8. That's very helpful indeed Mark, thank you. Lendons of Cardiff are showing these in stock, so when I've thought about any other bits and bobs that might come in handy, I'll do an order! John.
  9. Two things to add to the above; 1) it's doubtful you'll be able to get spares for locos you buy now in 100 years. 2) unless you know something the rest of us doesn't, you'll be quite fortunate to be around to see how it's all worked out by then! Good luck though! John.
  10. I'd look at this question a different way. All our layouts, pretty well without exception, have curves far tighter than prototype. But the bigger the radius, the less wrong it looks. So if you can get a layout design acceptable to you in the space available, by using radius 2, or bigger, I'd go for it. John.
  11. I've just had a very similar problem with my 38xx. Take the motor out and the chassis is very free, motor runs OK, but put them together and it jams. I couldn't see any obvious problems with the gears, but after reading this will have a closer look. I wonder, did you find an answer? Many thanks, John.
  12. To be frank, the repeated quality issues and also the long periods of non-availability of core items, like Sheet 14 covering BR 1948-68, means they've effectively destroyed their own product. A real shame but there it is. Unless someone else takes it on, say Wizard, the range IMHO is finished. John.
  13. That looks very good, and something I must do. You've also shortened the loco/ tender gap to be exactly the same as I've done, with the tender fallplate just overlapping the one on the loco. Makes such a lot of difference to the final appearance. John.
  14. I found myself looking at the Gresley Buffet car pictures and wondering as to its provenance (like Antiques Roadshow!). I think it may be a Kirk kit, as the shape looks pretty good. Hornby did one in their new release Gresley's, but I'd be very surprised if this was one of them. I'm sure it will look great in B/G. My only recollection of them in service is in this livery, they did on occasion appear in Liverpool - Newcastle services, which then ran through Manchester Victoria c.1970. John.
  15. I have an A1 kit for this, complete with Gibson wheels. When I heard about the KR release I thought the unbuilt kit would be a problem for my executors, now I'm not so sure! John.
  16. I've done some East Lancs forward entry examples, and an FS, all some years ago. I remember them being OK, but needing a bit of cleaning up and care. I didn't use the St.Helens style plastic radiator on my East Lancs, getting white metal replacements I think from Bolton Bits. The main issue I find with any bus kit is assembly into components so that it breaks down to be sprayable for painting at the end. My efforts at brush painting have never been satisfactory in my eyes, and so the idea of painting a bit as you go doesn't work for me. It does need some careful planning though, and some improvisation at times. John.
  17. Seems to be a quite common problem on several of their offerings sadly. I e-mailed HMRS when I had a sheet with a similar problem, and was eventually sent a replacement. That was for the BR/GW lining. The replacement was fine. John.
  18. I'm pretty sure that Maunsell (and Bulleid) mainline stock had knuckle couplings, like those on the LNER and BR coaches. SR secondary stock, such as the exL&SWR stock made by Hornby would have screw couplings So Kadees would be the way to go if you're looking for some similarity to prototype. John.
  19. Depending on what theses cost, you might find ebay a better bet. I noticed a D325 green split headcode (of the original issue) in good condition went for £50 yesterday. I'm sure you could recoup something from selling the body. In fact a lot of older production generally seems to go for quite reasonable prices, certainly compared to new issues. John.
  20. Matter closed as far as I'm concerned. John.
  21. "Its NEVER been a struggle........You could ALWAYS get the bits". (My emphasis) Sounds pretty didactic and aggressive to me. I'm glad you've had a good experience, along with others, and indeed me last week! John.
  22. My experience with Bachmann was some years ago, although I can't quite remember how many. I then gave up with them, finding things at East Kent models sometimes. Only very recently I discovered that the approach was now different. I know DJH will not accomodate requests, although they have on occasion had sales of excess stock that have been quite useful. The main thing is that it is good that the situation has changed. I do feel quite strongly that all manufacturers should, for a reasonable period (to be defined), provide an accessible spares service that works. It is a great shame that Heljan, who were ably served by Howes for many years, seems to have gone backwards, with the approach now offered by Gaugemaster less than helpful. John.
  23. Not in the days when you rang up it wasn't. You were subject to an inquest about when and where you bought the product, and asked to send in a receipt to prove you were the original purchaser. There was a clear resistance to enabling anyone to repair pre-owned items, or conduct modifications using Bachmann parts. I remember talking to a Bachmann Rep. once about this at a Show, he advised me to be somewhat economical with the truth if I rang up, so I'd be able to get the bits! Perhaps in future before you leap down someone's throat to tell them in no uncertain terms that they're wrong, you might count to ten and question for a moment that what they've written is based on their experience which may not be the same as yours. As it is you come across as somewhat rude and didactic. John.
  24. I wasn't aware of this facility until a few days ago. Previously, trying to get Bachmann spares was a real struggle, so the new arrangements are a Godsend. Anyhow, thinking of all the various bits and bobs I could do with, I put an order in online over the weekend. It turned up in a little box a few minutes ago, which seems very good service indeed. Easy to use website as well, especially for an old technophobe like me! John.
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