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Status Updates posted by JaymzHatstand

  1. is looking for a source of sprung buffers for the front end of an A3 and V2 in OO without much success! Can anyone point me in the right direction please?!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ozzyo


      you want a pair of Spencer's double acting buffers. You may get more answers if you ask in the right place.

    3. JaymzHatstand


      Thanks for that, I'd tried various searches but not come up with anything, but those few key words may well be the catalyst! The Markits NE type look pretty close, but I can only find a line drawing of them thus far!

    4. Mod6


      As Ozzyo suggests, try the forum instead of SUs

  2. failure to sleep today makes for a long tired night at work later! Grrrrr!

    1. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      I always have this problem when i do my first night shift at work it drives me nuts. Rest in bed all day with the light out works for me :D

    2. JaymzHatstand


      That's my routine for the start of my week, I was just restless and the less I slept, the crosser I got because I wasn't sleeping! Viscious circle!

  3. the paper mache is pretty much done now, tomorrow morning I hope to update my layout thread with some photos! less than two weeks to go now!

    1. Beresford Junction

      Beresford Junction

      Nothing like a bit of pressure.

    2. JaymzHatstand


      Aye, I think wifey will be glad when its done, as the lounge won't be a modelling den anymore (and she gets a weekend of peace and quiet!)

  4. has 2 layouts to prepare for 2 exhibitions, in a months time. Full steam ahead it is then!

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      You can cope... Ta.

    2. JaymzHatstand


      It'll certainly encourage me to get going!

  5. Harlech Castle has had a coat of undercoat and is looking smart! The ballasting on Scrayingham is almost done and the forms for Whitborough's appearance at Thirsk have been sent off! That seems like progress!

  6. Harlech Castle has had a coat of undercoat and is looking smart! The ballasting on Scrayingham is almost done and the forms for Whitborough's appearance at Thirsk have been sent off! That seems like progress!

  7. Harlech Castle has had a coat of undercoat and is looking smart! The ballasting on Scrayingham is almost done and the forms for Whitborough's appearance at Thirsk have been sent off! That seems like progress!

  8. added a large logo 47 to the stud for Whitborough, another re-numbering project!

  9. had his invitation for Thirsk exhibition through the post today, Whitborough Quayside will be out on show this year!

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      You'll have a good day, they look after you well!

    2. Pennine MC

      Pennine MC

      And Worsdell will take your photo if you're good ;-)

  10. had his invitation for Thornaby exhibition through the post today, Whitborough Quayside will be out on show this year!

  11. is back from honeymoon, so will hopefully be getting on with some modelling again sonn! I've got ballast to lay!

    1. SHMD


      I'll just beat Debs here before she adds at least 3 comments and just say - Welcome back. [-)

    2. Debs.


      ..so much comedic potential! :-)

  12. track sides all painted and running surfaces cleaned off. might have to take a break for a week as I've got a wedding to attend and a honeymoon to go on!

    1. Stubby47


      I'm guessing you are the groom ? If so, congratulations !

    2. DonB


      Sure you are getting your priorities right?

      Oh weel, congratulations and best wishes anyway!

    3. JaymzHatstand


      Thanks guys, I am indeed the groom, at least the honeymoon involves rail travel including eurostar and a TGV!

  13. Scrayingham has been re-wired and tested! It all works too! A bit more testing and the new senics can begin!

  14. 70000 Britannia looke rather smart heading South from York this morning. Plenty of clag in the cold air!

  15. was going to do some more wiring today, but a broken computer has stolen my attention. grrr!

  16. the first point on Scrayingham has been wired and tested, two more and the isolating sections to go!

  17. the first point on Scrayingham has been wired and tested, two more and the isolating sections to go!

  18. is wondering if there's going to be a 2012 challenge, iif I catch it early enough I might enter this year!

    1. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      I may announce something around the time of our 7th birthday a month today.

    2. JaymzHatstand


      Thanks for that, I shall await a possible announcement with anticipation and the hope that I can hide whatever it may inspire from the domestic management!

  19. man flu has curtaied all modelling today, patience has all but vanished! I'll just read about other people's exploits instead!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mallard60022


      Bad luck lads. I am suffering from SMMBO saysdecorata de hall so no modelling for me (what's different?)

    3. Mallard60022


      SMMBO is Silly moo etc....

    4. Horsetan


      I don't think Sir Alex was too pleased at Man Flu being dumped out of the FA Cup.

  20. 3 of the 5 roads on my traverser are now fitted, once they're all there and soldered/tested, there'll be an update on the Scrayingham layout thread (at last!)

    1. Beardybloke


      Woo! Your challenge is now to finish the upgrade before the first train runs on Hafod Las Mk.3...

  21. is cutting track for his 009 fiddle yard, it's slow progress, yes, but progress non-the-less!

  22. has finally started soldering bits onto the fiddleyard board for Scrayingham, now I just need some connectors and power can feed through from the rest of the layout! Progress at last!

  23. is glad to see RMWeb back, and would like to thanks Andy and all the others who have spent their fesative season sorting out the various problems and pitfalls that had occurred. All the best for 2012 and fingers crossed for a stable server! Thanks once again!

  24. article on BBC breakfast about 'men in their sheds' but not a mention of celebrity shed fan Pete Waterman, or model railways in general!

    1. beast66606


      Or Rug or Brian D (and others) who are frequently a "man in a shed"

    2. Rugd1022


      Tis a dirty job but someone has to do it!

  25. plenty of EE action at York today, 55022, and a pair of 20s inside 10 minutes of each other! #classictraction

    1. Rugd1022


      "It's 1973, dinner time, and I'm havin' EE!"

    2. Horsetan


      "We're the Sweeney, son, and we 'aven't 'ad our dinner!"

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