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Status Replies posted by KevinWalsh

  1. Scientists say the universe is made up of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons: they forgot to mention Morons

  2. can't get it into her head that everything in the new flat cant be brand new and perfect :( wheres my whiskey........

  3. Oh crap, just caught sight of SWMBO's wishlist for her Doll's House Modelling, it's very long and the credit card is now nervous.

  4. And now the Mods are going to ban me as I've done nothing but moan all day. :-D

  5. being an it techie is a patience tester

  6. Just saw a couple of 7 1/4" gauge Class 20s being welded up.

  7. Forgotten how good Lord of the Rings is (the book).

  8. I see a bad moon arisin'....

  9. Revising causes of WW1, saying that it was too much effort not to have a war won't do.

  10. was teaching Excel to first years today - developed a matrix and asked them to calculate some intermediate values - they got their calculators out. I give up!

  11. was going to get an early night but there's something wrong on the internet. ;)

  12. I only want to make one trip to the hobby store this weekend so I'm making an extensive shopping list

  13. Rmwebs 2012 Challenge: To build a high speed rail link between two citys nd through some countryside without upsetting anyone!

  14. Fred Dibnah's railway collection all this afternoon on channel 12. Thats my afternoon complete

  15. Us against whatever ever

  16. Fantastic... anyone from the 80's that had a Sinclair Spectrum that enjoyed games with the AY-3-8912 sound chip being stretched beyond its beepiness will love this radio channel. You'll need Winamp or something similar to play this stream. Listening to this makes me feel 12 again, although that may or may not be a good thing. http://yp.shoutcast.com/sbin/tunein-station.pls?id=1274241

  17. Celebrity Big Brother starts tomorrow...........looks like I'll be getting some modelling done then!

  18. Cheers Phil, Newcastle 3 -0 up.

  19. Hornby's website seems to be well and truly FUBAR'd...

  20. Two wins in a week for my team.What can I moan about ? We're off the bottom !

  21. what a birthday, sat infront of a tv in a quilt with tea! tonsilitis is terrible at this time of year...

  22. Near a tree by a river there's a hole in the ground, where an old man of Aran goes around and around

  23. Went to smiffs today and bought a copy of Model Rail. 'Would you like a free copy of the Sun?' No. 'It will knock 40p of your magazine'. Ok then, i'll take it and throw the paper away. How desperate is that, bribing people to take that foul excuse for a newspaper!

  24. SWMBO as “invited” me to go Christmas shopping tomorrow..........help!

  25. Mission is a gambler The wager, one card to play

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