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Phil Parker

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Status Replies posted by Phil Parker

  1. Hello everyone, this is Alan's daughter Sophia. I'm not familiar with the site so apologies if there's a better place to say this, but I just wanted to let you all know that my dad passed away peacefully last night. He always so spoke fondly of the community here, so it's important to me that you know.

    1. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      Very sorry to hear this news Sophia. I'm sure we all send our condolences.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. I really wish Peco put a couple of extra screws in with the point motor adaptor bases, I always end up shearing one off

    1. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      A local hardward store sells them - I ended up buying a load for a few pence for just that reason!

  3. feeling like suicide

    1. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      @faulcon1 You've got lots of freinds on here, and as much support as you need. Let us know what's getting you down and we'll all pull together to help. No need for you to be alone.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hi Phil. Hope all is well.

    Did you have any joy finding the Mostyn plans (Garden Rail 312 Aug 2020)?


    Peter Brown 

    1. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      I've been out of the office today. Will have a look tomorrow  

  5. Hi Phil. Follow Garden Rail and projects therein. Really Great.

    my next project was the Mostyn in August 2020 issue 312. The article referred to down loading plans from RMWeb. Tried to access today but there was no plan visible. Is it too late to retrieve these now?



    1. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      Nope. Probably vanished in the RMWEB transfer. I'll try and get them back in tomorrow.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. 17 children remain this afternoon out of 29 in my class and this has been replicated across our two-form entry school. Most are off following the government advice. So, when do the mass closures start!? 

    1. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      I think "Implementation might be harder" pretty much sums it up. If it wasn't I suspect we'd be there by now already. That said, it still doesn't sort the problem that those children don't get into your super-creche (where bugs will still spread) still have to give up work for 6 months. That's bye-bye to a lot of businesses, anyone like to take a guess at the unemployment figures in a year?

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  7. 17 children remain this afternoon out of 29 in my class and this has been replicated across our two-form entry school. Most are off following the government advice. So, when do the mass closures start!? 

    1. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      When someone works out what to do with the children when they are off? Close the schools and half the NHS has to stay at home to look after them The same for other essential workers including delivery drivers bring food to our doors. You'll also lose a lot of businesses because staff can't come in for 4-6 months - not everyone can work from home!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  8. ll I have just recived my 101th job rejection. Feeling very despondent with the direction my life is going.

    1. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      Sorry to hear that. I clocked up 60 in a year a few years ago. Including one interview that never got back to me. I often wonder if I got the job...


      Good Luck with future applications.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  9. Would there be any chance of seeing a copy of your reply from the DJM administrator? I've rung and e-mailed them to little effect - I have a feeling that dealing with the press isn't their strong point. I'm trying to get the very details you seem to have for the forum so people know what they need to do.


    A copy to phil.parker@warnersgroup.co.uk would be great. I won't publish it directly, until CG&Co. allow me to, but use it for information when trying to keep things under control. 



    1. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      Thanks - I'll sit on it for a while and chase them next week.

  10. Mother in law doesn't like the smell of strong fish. Is it wrong to have smoked kippers for breakfast?

    1. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      Kippers are ALWAYS wrong. Even when mixed with pork for sausages as you can buy them on the Isle of Man.


    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  11. Just occurred to me that the ballast bond glue is just ordinary PVA watered down and put into a posh bottle...

    1. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      Apparently it originates from the construction industry where it used to stabilise full-size embankments.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. Who's idea was it to get the new UK passport made in France.

    1. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      All those go after BREXIT. The Americans are already planning for the day we lose EU protection on the names of food products. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5724833/post-brexit-trade-deals-us-firms-cornish-pasties-scotch-whisky-britain/

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  13. Does spending 20 minutes putting together a kinder toy for my granddaughter constitute real modeling?

  14. I really rather dislike the artificial word 'bookazine'.

    1. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      But it's made like a magazine and not a book.


    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  15. I really rather dislike the artificial word 'bookazine'.

    1. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      The technical name is "one-shot" - bookazine sounds more like the hybrid it is, but if anyone can suggest a better alternative, maybe it will catch on.


    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  16. I added 500 people to my flickr account this week, so far 3 have returned the favour. What's the point....

    1. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      What blueeighties said. If you are only adding these people to gain followers, and 500 in a day would suggest that, calm down and just enjoy it. Tag photos and let people find you naturally. Then any follows are because they like your work.


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  17. HMS QE is leaking 200l an hour, that’s about 2-3 bathtubs full.. seriously why is the BBC making such a fuss of this, they leak more cash every hour than that.

    1. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      The initial report was on the front page of The Sun - everyone else picked this non-story up from there. Presumably, they are allowed to report it, but the Beeb aren't.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  18. parkside o gauge buffer kits are soo annoying, those little rings either keep fallng off or you cloigg the stocks with glue, why cant they just be on the stock casting

    1. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      Try PlasticWeld glue - I think they are made from ABS which is stronger than normaly styrene.


  19. Do bears have Fear of Missing Trout?

    1. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      Are you fishing for compliments? If you are, this is the wrong plaice.


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  20. I really don't like the expression 'bookazine'.

    1. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      Technically, they are normally a "One-shot" but it's not any better. I know what you mean though, bookazine is a clunky term.


    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  21. "DJH Starter kit". Surely a contender for Oxymoron of the Century! ;-)

    1. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      I've built both OO models (one WAS my first 4mm loco kit, so it worked for me) and the 7mm 02. All seemed pretty good to me. Is it the very concept of a kit you have a problem with?


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  22. Suddenly, scratch building rolling stock with plasticard looks somewhat less daunting than it once did.

  23. Just about to use Testor's Dullcote for the first time. Will try out first on a scrap model before using on 4 Class 123 dmu roofs.

    1. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      Mist it on and you'll be fine. Don't forget to cover the windows.


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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