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Everything posted by 81C

  1. It's clear you have not read and understood what I posted If you posed me a sensible question instead of misquoting me twice I would give you an answer, pick on someone else I don't put up with nonsense like yours.
  2. Not bothered from Farnborough here Just finished diner myself hands covered in paint still, I don't think I will be touching anything of the railway nature until I go and make a mess in the bathroom getting clean there is about 2 hours of painting left to do tomorrow, I hope to run my new locomotive on the layout and watch the GRAND PRIX as well. We won't be watching that tardy carp with the Twerps as GDB calls them either but we will settle down at 9 to was the thriller on BBC4, the TV normally stays off unless there is anything on we specifically want to see so no East Benders,Corrie,Emma tale and any other sh!te they call soaps. enjoy the rest of the week end all Nick
  3. Rob is the right hand wheel set on the LMS wagon sitting in the bearing holes correctly ?. P.I.Kingoles
  4. This one was a simple fix for me, I took the tank off elongate the fixing holes (3) by pulling the tool boxes and tank filler cap off, remove the 3 screws the tank came clear of the chassis I then slotted out the fixing holes towards the rear end of the tender with a broach file just enough for the screws to go back in when the tank relocated in position and pushed forward, then I checking the position of the tank when tightening the screws back up, I made holes just big enough having removed sufficent plastic first time there was a bit of chassis showing when viewed from the top at the rear. Don't take this on if you are not sure I wouldn't like any one to buqqer up their loco. BTW This is one loco I would have like as a CKD kit it would save no end of time wasted on sorting out the build errors.
  5. Greetings all I've finished decorating for the day any one thinking of using Dulux Endurance should be aware you need twice as much paint than normal it's very thick goes on nicely if you don't try and push it through the wall it still required 2 coats but SWMBO is pleased with it me I can be @rsed at moment it's another day that I've ended up totally crackered. My very expensive fold up ladder I use in stair wells folded up on me when taking it down it like trying to fold a deck chair 2 damaged shins, some extremely rude words with a cut in one shin to boot, first aid was done with a smeer of some antisceptic gell was applied and more rude words said, they should do something with that stuff to stop it stinging. HER did take me out for my favorite stir-fry at the local restuarant last night which made a nice change for a Thursday, It's feet up for the rest of the day. enjoy the rest of it Albert
  6. I was hoping to spend a bit of time taking this loco apart mainly to check the gear train has been oiled and was going to note any oddities I came across and report back this will happen next week, I'm in the throws of decorating the landing and stairs at the moment and must finish it by Monday I go for an epijural jab on Tuesday and will have to rest up for 2 weeks afterward so I will have plenty of time to do a shake down. Your Humble Servant Castro L'Greass
  7. Her has finally stopped telling me how to paint after I said if you can do it better get on with it, I wouldn't mind but I use to do it for a living, now I've started calling her Madam Edith and I've hidden the knife block. Roger
  8. Sunny here and I'm waiting to get into the bathroom as usual, another round of decorating today , Happy Birthday Chris (Mrs GDB to others)she deserves to be treated well today having put with Mr Crusty all these years Bob don't go and injure yourself today and spoil the event . Later today I will be running my new loco on the layout having cleared it of bits and pieces thats been dumped on it, any SWMBO items will be throw in the garden for HER to sort out, I must unload the car of garden stuff we went to Fossil day @ Be & Doo yesterday for large pots as it was hissing down when we arrived home the car was left loaded. have a good day all George
  9. It's nice to hear your day went well Tony may your Gods be with you all. Bob
  10. I can't sit on fences with my farmers!!!, I think Mike beat me to that in the Heljan thread but a quick obsevation for build errors are the tender handbrake handle and water scoop handle will need replacement they are too short the copper painted top feed pipe under the footplate could do with treating with Humbrol metalcote however there is a nice checkered fall plate in the bits bag plus brake hoses and spare whistles (they are both the small size) and brake rigging. I can't stress this enough if you don't want to be dissapointed buy one locally so you can see what you get the bent front end faults is only affecting some models they have been put together badly pay a bit less at the discount mail order merchants is not the answer with this one you might a get a duff loco and then have to send it back. First impressions yes I'm glad I bought one there is a wealth of detail on the loco and I don't think it will have any trouble pulling a very big train it's 'kin' heavy it has visual fault we are aware of and most of those can be put right some of the recent photos have exagerated the rivets I would say the are equal to the Kernow saddle tank but everyone perceives things differently I would say the armchair modellers have got it wrong yet again, tell me what was the last perfect loco you bought apart from Hornby's Grange as I haven't see one since. BTW it's got carbuncles splashers and they should be there.
  11. They must be an offshot of WWW Barryboys.com
  12. Pick this up earlier. You need to see the loco before paying for it I'm afaid to say there are constuction issue with them big time I rejected several with bent front ends.
  13. It helps, who knows what the nasty B'stard brigade on here could make of it if you don't. BTW your post was funny . Baring the fun above I collected mine from the store today 3 were rejected with bent front ends I came away happy with a straight one .
  14. A crowd of us were at a Heritage line on booze day when someone done the same thing this time the guilty woman got off the train just before it left, there was the biggest steaming pile you ever did see then one of the wags said to this very large lady is that yours after the train had pulled out she shot him down in an instant she said to him "yours if you want it", guess who had the red face, it put a whole new meaning to a steam railway.
  15. I spent £60 recently on a new battery & leather strap for my posh job a 60th birthday prez from SWMBO I don't wear it too often It's bomb proof scatch proof etc but Im still scared I'll scratch it , day wear is a £20 Superdry rubbery thing which does me bought it on the plane to Spain last year when I got bored on an Easy Jet (rant) Sh!t Heap Airways as there was no decent films on I do wish package tour operators would stop using this garbage airline (end of rant) about an even match for BA we returned by Yueling which were brillant the cabin crew were fantastic. The house painting has cease as I'm crackered and I going to spend a few hours doing some work to my Cornish Riviera coaches. Mal Horrorsons which is close by was closed Sunday there was no tooting of horns all day when the Womble Dcik Heads pull out of their car park in front of other motorist. Laters all Fred
  16. Morning all I'm still with paint brush in the mit the new paint is a lot better that the carp Xulud produced 15 years ago all the landing woodwork now has an undercoat on it the next bit will be the stairs this PM it looks as if I might be painting next week-end to finish this part of the project off it's Hospital and 2-3 weeks rest for me starting next Tuesday, HER has decided to stay out of my way but had to go through a door way that I was painting at the time having said have you got everything from the bedroom earlier. I'm still waiting on news of my 47xx's arrival at the Model Shop I can't wait it will give me an excuse to drop the painting for a while. I'm pleased for Tony everything is going well in Ireland considering the circumstances and hope it continues for him and his dear wife while they are over there. Have a nice day all Sid
  17. Yo All Not seen any rain since I fell out of bed this am at 06:30 the road outside is still wet from an overnite downpour, some good news via email my new loco should I decide to buy it after inspection will be in the shop this week suitable tokens have been secured with all this decorating I'm doing undercoat today it will be applied to all wooden parts including 33 stair spindles (pah) lunch today is eggs on toast "yummy" it will be the first egg of the week-end to be eaten anyway I must get on folks. Have a good day all Gordon
  18. Oi Biggles can you make the picture bigger I can't see nuffink.
  19. Pssss what have those people who are telling the eggy jokes gone no why I thought the thread was going to retun to normal today since when has this thread been normal spose yer right it's never been normal glad you agree now shut up and go back to sleep OK zzzzz Brian
  20. Slow start to the morning as I'm still crackered from yesterday, the paint brush & roller will out again today when I can get myself motivated HER is in the garden as it's not raining here so she won't be up my butt getting in the way later. Have a good day all. John
  21. Cor wot t' ell is going 'ere your thread stuck out on pager 3 Phillipus Seatonus PM me your address matey and I'll send you that thingy job.
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