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Everything posted by muddys-blues

  1. Nice lamps there Jason, "thay luck alreet on't platform" Happy modelling Craig.
  2. Phil....Phil... Phil, you have just phased me out will all your phases !!! loving the signs from Narrow Planet.
  3. Hi David, many thanks for the links, very interesting and creative engineering there. Happy modelling Craig.
  4. Beautiful modelling...just beautiful. Happy modelling Craig.
  5. Just discovered the Ikea APA storage box on the forum, definitely something Llanwrst"esque" to follow my passing visit of Ikea Warrington this coming week....My Wife will go nuts !!! ;-)

    1. CovDriver


      They all do as i've got an APA box for something like a small Cornish diesel fuel point and wagon shop

    2. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      Your nuts for being a Bury supporter..... :)

    3. muddys-blues


      Aye...She reminds me of that burden also !!

  6. Hi David, I am liking the vertical fiddle yard you have, is that self made ? can you stick some more pics on here showing the operating mechanism you have used ? Best regards Craig.
  7. Fancy's doing something "Llanwrst"esque, what do other Gogs think ?

    1. MartinWales


      Good idea-How about Roman Bridge or Bryncir?

  8. Hello Fellow modellers, I thought I would put in a testament to this model shop if you live near the A55 corridor, it really is a great shop, it stocked up with most makes of kits and modellers aids, and very competitively priced with other major model shops, they also do part exchange and have a decent array of 2nd hand stock. Well worth a visit for stocking up on those consumable items. Happy modelling Craig.
  9. Hi Jason, being an exiled Bury lad who knows the Valley area well, you really have caught this station and surrounding area superbly, and your layout topic is one of the top layouts to provide inspiration to fellow modellers. Bravo !!! Happy Modelling Craig.
  10. Is contemplating some Laserglaze for a Hornby 121 upgrade, has anybody tried it yet ?

  11. Bourne End, that's a great simple track plan for a station !! hmmm I keep coming back to this one......

    1. MartinWales


      (Push)Pull yourself together man!

    2. muddys-blues


      I know, I know !! Gawd at this rate I will be getting interested in EM next !!!

  12. Blwddyn Newydd Dda I Pob - Happy New Year to All

    1. MartinWales


      A Flwyddyn Newydd Dda i chwi hefyd Craig!

  13. Beautifully converted there Phil, that is a lovely loco
  14. Is rocking along with Seasick Steve blasting out whilst doing some modelling on "Wellboring"

    1. Kev_Lewis


      Keep on, keepin' on!

    2. skipepsi


      john paul jones and seasick steve on sky arts 1 the other night classy

  15. Is rocking with Seasick Steve playing whilst messing about some modelling on "Wellboring"

  16. Why does a Northern Monkey like me keep being drawn too do a small NSE project ???

    1. MartinWales


      Dont do it Craig!

    2. muddys-blues


      Hi Martin, did you have a good Christmas ? I have always had a liking for a Bourne End type of layout, bogcarts, leave the bay platform end in, and do a reverse as well ! also Toothpaste livery does look good...something Cambrian will come in time though Martin ;-}

    3. MartinWales


      Good Xmas heree Craig-hope yours was O.K. too1 Glad to hear about the Cambrian project!

  17. Why does a Northern Monkey like me, keep being drawn to a NSE side project ???

  18. Nadolig Llawen i pob - Merry Christmas to all

    1. MartinWales


      Nadolig Llawen Craig!

  19. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/141143445624?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 Strewth !!! I remember Hattons giving these away at £54.00 at one time
  20. Scratch building, kit bashing, renumbering, build summat for yourself....go on it's the future of modelling "don'tcha' know"

  21. Sat here in Christie Hospital MC/R "waiting for my Dad" what wonderful people they are here, Merry Christmas to all the Staff and Volunteers, and the very best of luck to all here for treatment

  22. You Shouldn't Do That.......what a tune !!!

    1. Horsetan


      The title would have been good advice to the recently departed manager of Spurs....

  23. Blinking eck !!! My PRS licence quip was only tongue in cheek, I didn't think it would send this
  24. Is tinkering around with some Wills & Ratio kits, very therapeutic

  25. Is tinkering around with some Wills & Ratio kits, very theraputic

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