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Everything posted by vaughan45

  1. Just wonder if I could get a new car crowdfunded, or alternatively like those 'adopt' an endangered species schemes I could ask you all to send me £5 a month towards it's upkeep and I will send you a small model of the vehicle and regular updates on its wellbeing... Naughty step time, I've gone off thread again Swiss Toni
  2. BR 16T Mineral Wagons at Black Drake Wharf
  3. BR 16T Mineral Wagons at Black Drake Wharf
  4. Looking at the flat landscape somewhere in the fens Seriously, I think on some USA film or TV company back-lot, as the number of settings in each programme are quite restricted. Much in the same way as MASH (both film & TV versions) or Daktari. Clarence
  5. Quick update - At the right hand side of the layout the factory yard wall has been completed, an accommodation crossing installed and a corrugated roof and guttering has been fitted to the small warehouse. This building now needs the window frame and downpipe fitting and the roof painted and weathered. The slow business of painting the warehouse bricks continues. A JLTRT 2 plank open kit has been completed and now awaits GWR lettering.
  6. Quick update - At the right hand side of the layout the factory yard wall has been completed, an accommodation crossing installed and a corrugated roof and guttering has been fitted to the small warehouse. This building now needs the window frame and downpipe fitting and the roof painted and weathered. The slow business of painting the warehouse bricks continues. A JLTRT 2 plank open kit has been completed and now awaits GWR lettering.
  7. Wasn't he the talking clock? At the third stroke... Timex
  8. Today has been a day of two half's. This morning, slash & burn gardening as SWBMO is remodelling half of the front garden, which needs to be cleared before the gardener visits later this week, This afternoon spent playing with my new Flockbox. So far managed to flock my finger & my shoe and give myself a hairstyle like Clive's avatar . I must do something about the static from the carpet tiles in the office. E. Shocking
  9. Three shots on my 7mm scale cameo layout Black Drake Wharf, which is still under construction... much still to do including detailed fishplates at the rail joints and weeds in the canal.
  10. Seem to remember the absence of reverse gear allowed them to have the lower road tax as a charged on a motorcycle. Possibly also exempted them from the notorious 'car tax' paid on the purchase price of new vehicles in addition to purchase tax which was later replaced by VAT. I certainly remember both 'car tax' and road tax (excise duty) being chargeable on new cars when I was in the motor trade in the 70s / 80s. Car Tax wasn't chargeable on vans with rear seat conversions, if no rear side windows were fitted.
  11. Nope, neither have I. I thought that if you were posting updates on here or the other 'recognised' forum, once you had submitted your form, that was all you needed to do.
  12. This week has been mainly about some detailing. Firstly a small storage tank has been converted from a medium 4mm one. The tank has had riveted banding applied using plastic strip and Archer raised rivet transfers. The tank will be mounted on four brick piers in the yard of the right side factory I have started installing drains and manhole covers recessed in the wharf cobble surface using items from the Langley etched brass sheet. In addition some small items of freight have been placed to get a feel for what may look effective. The photo shows some items and a manhole (for the drain with an outlet on the wharf wall) posed in front of one of the recently introduced Minerva gunpowder vans.
  13. This week has been mainly about some detailing. Firstly a small storage tank has been converted from a medium 4mm one. The tank has had riveted banding applied using plastic strip and Archer raised rivet transfers. The tank will be mounted on four brick piers in the yard of the right side factory I have started installing drains and manhole covers recessed in the wharf cobble surface using items from the Langley etched brass sheet. In addition some small items of freight have been placed to get a feel for what may look effective. The photo shows some items and a manhole (for the drain with an outlet on the wharf wall) posed in front of one of the recently introduced Minerva gunpowder vans.
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