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Everything posted by vaughan45

  1. Oh dear, I go out for a few hours to do charitable works and then come home and read what preceded this Definitely time for some proper railway content...
  2. Weren't the early series fronted by David Vine, with Eddie Waring the Referee - I have childhood memories of David Vine doing this programme & the Horse of the Year show. I only seem to remember Stuart Hall from the programmes in the 70s when Arthur Ellis was the referee?
  3. Yes they frequently were - although I have been told with a droplight down, if you stood on a seat and the wind was in the right direction, you could wash the platforms of the stations not stopped at before Elstree & Borehamwood
  4. I don't seem to remember many blue/grey trains at Bedford, at best they were all blue and usually they were just urgh and that included the insides. I remember travelling in one of non-lavatory, non-corridor units late one night and needing a wee... So of course I got off at Luton used the facilities and caught the next train home
  5. Very possibly, I phoned Cygnet last week on another matter and was told it was at the printers, but the weather may delay the distribution process.
  6. That's a very impressive building - do they serve only vegetarian cuisine or is lamb on the menu, as I am rather partial to a nice Rogan Josh Major Shorthouse - is it time for tiffin yet?
  7. Many thanks, my health is slowly improving, although I'm still only using solvent based items for very limited periods. I must admit that although I have ordered some Modelu pipe fittings, for the warehouse in the photo I have actually used a combination of Scalelink white metal castings and Evergreen strip, but will be switching to Modelu ones for the larger buildings. Regards Vaughan
  8. Quick question - are there any photos of Mutton after closure, when it was visited by Michael Portcullis?
  9. Today I is mainly doing drainpipes.
  10. Possibly, but I'm afraid they were the wrong size!
  11. Agreed, the reaction has been to close ranks around the junta, without understanding or learning from any of the lessons of today. Enough of that now and back to the sanity of the SOS-Junction thread. The bad weather has meant that I was able to fettle, paint and fit a good number of drain pipes on Black Drake Wharf.
  12. Please accept my apologies for not crediting the source of the information - the information was obtained from your exhibition thread on this forum and also the announcement on Phil Parkers daily blog which made specific reference to the campus being closed by the College Estates team, it is useful to see behind the scenes on how such decisions are made and was being used as an example of a good decision making process.
  13. Only today on another forum a Guild member was complaining that a diesel was running on the test track at Kettering.
  14. Not half as much as the equivalent thread on the Guild's own forum!! Ruling Junta
  15. Going off grid for while...

    1. Hroth


      What have Grids done to you?

  16. On the Guilds forum anyone who is in any way critical of todays events is being 'slapped down' by those who perceive themselves as senior. Even a suggestion that someone independent of the hierarchy should review what has occurred appears to have been rejected by the ruling junta, so I suspect you are right.
  17. The issue here is not about the organisation of the show, which had the weather not intervened would have been excellent, as it has been in previous years. The issues are about communication particularly with non-guild members, the attitude of some Guild members towards non-member potential visitors and primarily the apparent failure of the organisers to take account correctly of the weather and travel advice that was being given both nationally and at a local level. What appears to be a lack of contingency planning is also of concern, particularly what seems to the shifting of risk and decision making from the Guild to those attending, which as this is billed as a trade show, is primarily the traders.
  18. Ah, so that's why most of their forum members are known by surname & membership number - I'm Farrer22082, Private third class. I would tell you more, but having signed the Official Secrets Act many years ago, name, rank and number is all I can give.
  19. Many thanks, I suspect I may be black-balled from the Guild for making the information available. If I hadn't just renewed my Guild subscription, then I probably wouldn't bother as other than the quarterly Gazette and reduced exhibition entrance charges for Guild events, I'm not sure what the other benefits are.
  20. It has been reported on the Guild forum that Kettering show will close at 2:45pm - just in case anyone is currently travelling to this apology for a show. What a farce - wonder what the attendance has actually been, hopefully those traders who did attend will have taken enough to make it worthwhile. Makes me ashamed to be a Guild member.
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