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Everything posted by vaughan45

  1. Well I hate some lights - bright LED ones that turn GWR green into SR Malachite (that's not a proper green you know), energy saving lights that give me a migrane Then there are some of the characters you see at exhibitions - would you want them moving in next door, let alone being in my drawing room on television And its RMWeb not EMWeb Really!!!
  2. Just checked and that's about all I have to offer!!! Maybe its only open to continuous roundy rounds and not one of those fiddleyard to terminus things. Knickerbocker Glory Definition - Layers of ice cream sitting on top of fruit, nuts, ice cream beautifully presented in a tall glass with fruit sauce, clotted cream or whipped cream and topped with a cherry and wafer. Sounds a bit like RMWeb
  3. Ah - Bakeoff et al for railway modellers. I suspect the producers may be looking not to showcase skills, but just cause conflict and re-inforce stereotyping. There seems to be some confusion of layouts or dioramas. Will there be separate categories for them as however wonderful a diorama it doesn't have the complexity or challenges of building a fully functioning layout, What scoring methodology will be used - will an P4 layout score more highly than OO because it is using a more accurate set of track standards? What if a layout looks stunning but runs like a pig on stilts? There are some aspects of this hobby where it is best not to shine a light. Misread the bottom part - thought it was one of those strange ads for Daniella's knickers. Also why doesn't Pat have an email address? S.tirrer
  4. My wife has stuff marked so - Spode china from the 1880s to 1930s!! I did consider buying her a Spode 1880s vomit pot I recently saw advertised as a Valentine's day present. J. Wedgewood
  5. Quite correct - It was Ricky Valance - one hit wonder (Tell Laura... ) from Bedford I believe, who I met in a corner shop once. Big Bopper
  6. Ikea brown boxes in Endeavour (1968) yesterday evening?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. vaughan45


      Good Spot - I missed that one!

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Wasn’t Endeavour from the 18th Century..?

    4. Hroth


      It gets about a bit...

  7. Just Googled 'train porn' and didn't see MRJ in the interesting results - whoops, thought I was posting this on the SOS Junction thread Silly Billy
  8. From the Minerva website this morning it appears to be a GWR Gunpowder Van in GWR & BR liveries for estimated delivery in March 2018
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