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Everything posted by vaughan45

  1. More like a rugby scrum in our house. As a penance I had to pack a consignment of patchwork dogs SWMBO was sending to the highlands (Fochabers) Duck Tape
  2. Strange day - started it by finding a spider in the bath, ended it looking at Abarth Spider brochure Then got into hot water when I told SWMBO that I need something sporty & low maintenance, rather than something high mileage & high maintenance Swiss Toni
  3. Sorry to disagree dear Captain, but I think I would use some of these... And this definitely appears to be a gravy train... as it meets the parameters you have described in your update!!
  4. I've actually used a couple of different methods. First the buildings are given a coat of good quality flat matt emulsion paint from testers brought in the usually DIY outlets, the sandstone paint in the picture is used for the stonework but is a bit too coarse for mortar, For the factories I have used either Laura Ashley Powder Grey or Craig & Rose Tintern Stone, previously I have also used colours from the Farrow & Ball range. I have tried the cheaper emulsions from Crown, Dulux etc., but they seem to flake off plastic or resin surfaces during the second stage of the process. For the Northlight style factory the brick colour was added using pencil crayons in a limited range of reds & browns. The ones I have are from the Faber Castell range, these are rubbed across the surface of the bricks holding the crayon at an angle, so the colour goes on the face of the bricks, but doesn't go into the mortar courses. Talcum powder is then 'pounced' onto the surface using an old large brush and then brushed / blown off. This has the effect of blending the colours and also matting the surface. For a more weathered finish, weathering powders could replace the talc. The 'muck' on the windows is a mix of talc & grey weathering powder. Initially I used this process on the larger factory building, but I wasn't entirely happy with the result, so some of the bricks were then overpainted with thinned Humbrol 70 Brick Red which darkens them, but still allows some of the original colour to shown through to provide some variation. I then went over the brickwork with some more talc. The brick arches above the windows were coloured using a grey crayon and the stonework is the smooth finish Weathershield sandstone. For a building in the centre of the back scene I am experimenting with painting the bricks with brick red paint and then rubbing the crayons over them to add variety and depth of colour, before using the talc. Hope this helps, let me know if you need any more info,
  5. Reminds me of the O Gauge wagon brake gear debacle at the company he was previously associated with...
  6. I currently have a layout of two distinct halves. Progress has slowed as illness has put the use of solvent based paints and glues out of bounds for a while. So although brick painting using acrylic paints has continued at the left hand end, the right hand end which requires further construction has seen little change. I am hoping to get the remaining 'sky' fitted in the next few days and start work on the area in front of the water tower.
  7. I currently have a layout of two distinct halves. Progress has slowed as illness has put the use of solvent based paints and glues out of bounds for a while. So although brick painting using acrylic paints has continued at the left hand end, the right hand end which requires further construction has seen little change. I am hoping to get the remaining 'sky' fitted in the next few days and start work on the area in front of the water tower.
  8. I'm even more confused than usual - I spend a week in the sanatorium on account of not being able to breath and now seem to have lost the plot. Managed to give my captors carers the slip though...
  9. No body has yet mentioned funding - are groups expected to fund the building of the layouts or are the programme makers making a contribution and is there a maximum budget? I'm sure a team that puts all the parts 'out to contract' to get them built chequebook style, could then just undertake the final assembly. Is the whole build expected to be completed in the 9 days or can parts be pre-built and then introduced to the final assembly? Ann Accountant
  10. Saw my GP today for exactly the same problem - metabollock levels. The choice of treatment was steroids or Viagra, unfortunately SWMBO who is a retired clinician thought only steroids would be appropriate L. Imp
  11. Aren't they a bit young to be exposed to a competition like this or are they entering the junior modeller section. What is a junior modeller anyway - one who is young or one that is just starting out in the hobby? M. Sauce
  12. Any who would be the presenter(s)?
  13. Here's some suggestions...
  14. Thought they may have preferred as company...
  15. So really just slightly bigger trams then - they didn't even have proper drivers or firemen - just motormen who twiddled a couple of knobs B. Iggot
  16. I wouldn't want to be on your team as you model diseasels
  17. And another thing, I just looked at your SOS Junction thread and see it's adorned with double entendres and photographs of ladies - I certainly do not think that that is appropriate for a model railway forum, So who do you think you are complaining about my comment? I thought you were a southerner as you model the SR - wasn't that just a electric tramway into London? Also surprised that there would sufficient members who could quality for an elite section!
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