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Everything posted by vaughan45

  1. Grouting

    1. Hroth


      Its an activity of which I'm aware...


    2. truffy


      I've certainly heard tell of it.

  2. I am trying to acquire a Model Rail / Dapol OO gauge Sentinel loco - any livery, preferably a 'runner'. Immediate payment available
  3. Unfortunately out in rural Norfolk, Parcelforce drivers use the 'Address Problems' non-delivery reason for I can't be arsed to deliver this. I have had experience of this with both overseas and UK deliveries, despite the correct address has being printed on the parcel.
  4. Has anyone else noticed that the Pocketmags version of the September 2020 Railway Modeller has pages 722 to 725 missing? This is supposed to be the layout article about Loctern Quay by Michael Campbell, but it is not present.
  5. Parallel Parked Pedants

  6. Probably all the fault of the 'Roads' lobby - you go to a Bus Station to catch a bus, therefore you must go to a Train Station to catch a train
  7. Silly Burgers - never mind as obesity is one of the key risk factors for Covid-19, particularly in males, many of them may soon be candidates for the morgue.
  8. It should also be remembered that hospitals are not simply doctors and nurses. Assisting these are an army of 'other ranks' such as Health Care Assistants, Theatre Assistants, Cleaners, Porters, Ward Clerks who without their shift allowance premiums would be lucky to earn more than £18k in any year (outside of London). Would I wipe peoples bottoms, clear their vomit and do all those basic care tasks that are absolutely necessary for under 20k per year? - No I wouldn't. I speak as someone who has recently retired from the NHS, earnt the same as a senior ward sister for 'shuffling bits of paper' and always felt slightly guilty about it
  9. Probably all the excess perishable items they panic bought a few weeks ago?
  10. I suspect many of these characters would normally be in 'Ibeefa' or on stag and hen do's in eastern Europe by now. Probably wouldn't visit these areas of the UK in normal times. If the toilets were open do they actually know how to use them?
  11. Free...

    1. truffy


      ...at last?

      ...to a good home?


      ...up your mind?

      ...space to rent?

    2. Free At Last

      Free At Last

      All Right Now?

    3. richbrummitt


      Someone gave him socks. :jester:

  12. A game of dare... dare I go out after 10 weeks 'Shielding' ???

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mallard60022


      Do you feel lucky 'punk'?

    3. Metr0Land


      Don't go anywhere near Margate or Barwell.  There are angry crowds roaming without social distancing, with placards like BLACK ENGINES MATTER

    4. vaughan45


      Maybe I'll just drive somewhere first to check I can!

  13. Cumming soon ' Covid-19' The Second Wave

    1. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      Stone the crows

    2. autocoach


      But you must get a little move on, after all it's what the people want....

  14. My question was a poor attempt at trying to be ironic, given that those 'in power' like to set mythical milestones which really have no meaning in real life, as you have clearly illustrated. As retired member of the NHS, I know that risk will continue and will rise & fall over time, much as it did during the mid-20th Century for conditions such as TB, Diphtheria etc. It is up to the individual to decide what level of risk they are willing to take. This no doubt will be informed over time as it becomes clearer which of the underlying conditions in the groups already identified by the NHS are likely to cause the greatest risk of death. This is illustrated by the recent death of my father, not from Covid-19, but because he was unwilling to risk going to hospital for another serious condition. Unlike some in power I judged the risk of travelling a long distant to attend his funeral last week was still too great, although I suspect I will soon venture out to walk the dog in the village where we live, suitably protected.
  15. Things had started to crumble before the easing of the lockdown in early May, and I suspect we are already seeing signs that the government stipulations will catch up with reality during the next few days. Certainly round here outdoors is taken as front or back garden, providing no one has had to go through the house to get there. None of this is surprising really given the actions of those close to those in power. Looking at pictures from seaside resorts today, social distancing is clearly not being observed and neither will it be when large stores re-open in the middle of June. It will be interesting buying a car whilst social distancing from the sales person and will cars be sanitised before and after you have taken a test drive? If I were a betting man I would bet on the second wave starting in July / August and reaching maximum potential by September as the seasonal flu season starts to kick in. Still it doesn't really matter, as some appear to believe the more oldies that die, the less the state has to pay in pension and associated benefits and elderly care capacity problems are solved as there will be no shortage of care home or other types of accommodation. What I want to know as someone currently 'shielding' is what will miraculously change on 30th June to allow me to go out again - even if I am wearing the face coverings and clear plastic face shields I have acquired ready?
  16. Unfortunately, It is easy to mistake disability for vulnerability. In this instance other than her disability, the lady on the mobility scooter may have no other health conditions relevant to Covid-19, yet I am classed as extremely vulnerable as I have an underlying health condition, but have had my need to self-isolate questioned as I look perfectly fit & healthy to anyone not in the know. However using common-sense on protecting herself and not endangering others is another thing altogether!!
  17. 2m is only effective when people are breathing normally. Without a mask if they are laughing, coughing, sneezing then the projection range is likely to be further. Runners & cyclists also leave a slip-stream so if a cyclist passes you walking you may inhale the blowback. Even Spain has now imposed a requirement for face coverings to be worn which whilst it may not offer that much protection to the wearer, will limit the distance toxins are being breathed out by those infected. Unfortunately there will be a delayed second wave that will occur after the main restrictions end in July as we are currently in a short period of complacency as the numbers fall. Taking into account incubation periods, demands on the NHS are likely to increase from September onwards, just as the annual flu season demand surge gets underway. As someone who is currently 'Shielding' to the end of June - I suspect I won't be going anywhere without a face covering and plastic visor.
  18. I don't think the PM would ever want to use the word 'Remain' in a strap line !!
  19. Looks good to me, but then I have always found whitemetal kits to be a bit of 'black art' and my nemesis. Still it looks like you will get more practicing time as I see the government website timescale for 'shielding' has changed from 12 weeks (from 3rd week in March) to "at least the end of June". Keep well & safe
  20. Interestingly for people like myself who are 'shielding' I see the government have quietly changed the advice on their website from "12 weeks" from 3rd week in March, to "at least the end of June". Whilst thankfully I haven't needed to use the support network that was established, it will be interesting to see how they maintain this as they encourage everyone to go back to work, particularly as many have other roles in local authorities or were volunteering whilst on the government furlough scheme?
  21. Simples, you release the lockdown, let the achievement of herd immunity do it's worst, only treat people in hospital that have a good chance of survival so the NHS is not overloaded. Covid -19 will kill off much of the population over 65 reducing the demand on the treasury for state pensions and at the same time balance the books of the private and employer based pension schemes. It will also help solve the growing demands on the social care and care home sectors. This is already happening anyway as many elderly people or their relatives (particularly those in care homes) will have signed a 'Do Not Resuscitate' form in the past so are unlikely to be admitted to hospital and would just be given end of life care in their place of residence. And before anyone comments, I am someone in the above group and deemed to be extremely vulnerable by the NHS, so probably won't be treated and realistically don't expect to be around in 12 months.
  22. Given that Covid-19 is not the only issue bothering the earth at this time, swarms of super-locusts in Africa, Super killer hornets that can kill humans invading North America, climate change etc. I think the four horsemen of the apocalypse are riding this way at speed, so I fully expect a major conflict started by the USA to erupt - Iran which would engulf the middle east and beyond, North Korea which would draw in China & Russia or perhaps Trump's threats of action against China for exporting Covid-19 could have a military aspect. Favourite timing would be between June and August. Whether I catch Covid-19 or get nuked, I will be surprised if I'm still around in 12 months, which has prompted me to take early retirement!
  23. Regardless of what the government recommend, as someone in an extremely high risk group, I will be wearing both a homemade 3 layer mask and a visor protector when I venture out after the 12 weeks 'shielding'. I am expecting the shielding period to be extended, as a retired NHS non-clinical person, the word on street is that September is being discussed, which appears to tie in with my ASDA 'extremely vulnerable' priority status which their system shows expires at the end of September 2020. The thinking being loosen the lockdown for those less at risk and see if the second spike occurs, before releasing those at high risk and elderly back into the community at large.
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