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Everything posted by wagonbasher

  1. If I do have a blind spot, I haven't seen it. Andy
  2. Fantastic, love the stock detail in the passing decades and the commentary. Andy
  3. Stumbled across this thread. What was or is cemntation in bawtry? I know what cementation is and I know bawtry. Is that the name of a company Andy
  4. Of course the manning wardle kits that RT produce are pure contractors railway although they clearly were used in all kind of industries. Andy
  5. Is it a sort of railway version of life on mars. A class 47 finds itself in the Edwardian Black Country. Andy
  6. I work for a part of Tarmac in a modern office overlooking Wolverhampton station. We have a sort of social room, it is part kitchen, part canteen, part meeting room with hard and soft seating. The room has a big TV screen which at times is used for presentations etc but most of the time it is just the TV. I wonder in there at times taking telephone and conference calls because most of the time it is empty but the telly is always on. I dump things like Jeremy Kyle etc. and at a point in the day I hunt for westerns and war films. Not because I have time to sit and watch them but I like to think I am educating and broadening the minds of my colleagues. Today.... I found John Wayne in The Comancheroes. It was on for most of the lunch whilst I ate my jacket potato when a senior manager sat down and dumped it for the news. I did my bit as long as it lasted Andy
  7. work on the doors was slower this morning, chucked a couple. Will post something soon Andy
  8. I made a start yesterday morning before the family awoke. From the sides I needed to remove, the corner straps, door stops, the doors bottom runner and bolt heads Then 10 thou plasticard to over clad the planking. The prototype ply van has the doors upper rail extended right across the full with of the wagon side. Not sure why its like it but I have replicated it anyway. The side still needs trimming off. Andy
  9. Is that the one where old dimple chin goes on and on about barbed wire? Andy
  10. Old Gringo's layout is called Once Upon a Time in The West and although it is 'geographically similar' to the film it is not a western themed layout. I did however mae a few characters to wait on the station Andy
  11. re In 4mm it would be PECO wonderful wagons, the plastic springs are springs... they do 7mm wagons, if they are the same, is that what you were thinking about Andy
  12. But seriously folks...... There is no under frame kit. PM's with Paul Gallon and Rob Pulham steered me to this kit: Parkside Kit PS45 LNER 12 ton goods van This is the diagram 94, its the right wheelbase, it has all of the right brake gear, buffers, axle guards and the 'box' on top is the right size overall. Chris's desired wagon differs from the kit in that it has steel solebars / headstock and the kit is all wooden, and as a plywood wagon the sides are all smooth but the kit is planked. The idea is to remove all of the raised detail on the body sides and clad in thin plasticard before adding the right strapping and doors etc. Also need to replace the solebars and headstocks I took delivery of the kit this week thanks to H and A models. Watch this space Andy
  13. over an hour and a half since I posted this... it is just me then Andy
  14. What intrests me is that in the film, Calamity Jane she is transformed into a fashionable well dressed, well groomed woman. I preferred her in her buck skins.. is that just me? Andy
  15. but... This is the point.. he finds the Poncho in the last 15 mins of TGTBATU. So he finds it 1865 for example and he rides into Fist full in 1873 or later wearing the Poncho. Its a prequel (at least as far as his clothes are concerned Andy
  16. Presumably the stone quarry would still need some coal, so limestone out and coal back in the same wagons sounds likely? Andy
  17. That is a shame. I like El Tel was at that Stafford show that was hit by the snow on the Friday. Its not nice as all of your hard work collapses around you Andy
  18. I know it... big clock from memory Andy
  19. That is a terrific detail. Since actors appear repeatedly in all of the films often playing similar characters even when they have already died clearly means they are meant to be separate unconnected films. The only anomaly is clients out fit. In all three he wears the poncho (not until the end of TGTBATU), in all three he wears that scruffy sheepskin waistcoat and he has the same gun belt. On a different 'connection', in the fist full of dollars donkey shoot out, at the point they all realise that this is serious and is going to get nasty, the central Baxter gunman spits, Clint's eyes are distracted for a second and someone draws. The results are inevitable . That spit just before....... is an important theme in Josy Wales. Andy
  20. I have just remembered that the lee van clef character dies in the good the bad and the ugly so if that was a prequel to the two other movies it can't be the same charactot Andy
  21. I also think the music the musical locket tune in 'A few dollars more' is the same as the empire theme in star wars It could just be me Andy
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