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Status Updates posted by Sasquatch

  1. ...has a theory  that the universe will one day come down to two black holes which will collide in a final big bang. Question is will the layout get finished first?

  2. has today learned that the expensive sat cam equipment I've been triggering located two miles up the hill, is there to capture images of wolves not Sasquatch afterall.

  3. SOS...___...


    can’t log on 

    need a mod to send email 

    1. AY Mod

      AY Mod

      Use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page to contact me  rather than shouting in random corners of the site. You must have logged on to post a status update!

    2. Sasquatch


      Thanks for the advise Andy. Love the new set up BTW.

  4. has finally locked himself out of the garage. There he was all set up to start ballasting Queensbury. Instead I had to take the window out and crawl accross the layout to retrieve the keys.

    1. manna


      Wondered what you'd been up to !!

  5. has just been told to "Fix some eggs". looks like it's gonna be one hell of a day.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Metr0Land


      All the Kings horses and all the Kings men couldn't manage that job.

    3. RJL


      When will these comments stop? Some of them are “ cracking” well done all.

  6. has just realized we named our dog after a familiar locomotive wheel arrangement?

  7. Our new cat Scatoosh has just acquired a taste for poinsettia.

    1. NHY 581

      NHY 581

      A very distinctive Italian soft cheese. The cat has good taste.

    2. John B

      John B

      Is your cat now dead? If not, I'd advise a trip to the vet ASAP as Poinsettia is highly toxic to cats..



    3. Sasquatch


      Oops. Thankfully he's fine!

  8. Beware when buying chinese electrical products that 1 could be 5. 2 might be 7, 8 is where 4 should be and 12 is 3 and 6 could be 11 or 12.

    1. locoholic


      Do the Chinese make replica Enigma machines?

    2. Hroth


      Or nothing you get is what you expect it to be!

  9. is hiding out in the garage with cold beer and the aircon running, watching the thermometer pass the 100F mark

    1. Londontram


      If your in the garage with the aircon on and the temp is climbing past 100F I'd seriously think about getting the aircon checked out

  10. Is contemplating a trip to the sports bar on Saturday morning

    1. MarkC


      Got to be done...

    2. Mallard60022


      Maradonna is a dic# should be the best chant.

  11. You know you've become a redneck when you have to go outside to get somethin outta the refigerator!

  12. Good brownie points anyone?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kylestrome


      I'd settle for a cherry genoa. You can save the points.

    3. PhilEakins


      My Dearly Beloved has gone to work on a night duty - just me and a bottle of red ...

    4. Hroth


      I got the first issue of the Dagostini partwork about Mallard and Q/Q1 locos. Better than a fluffy toy...

  13. Touch screen gadgets. It's a good job there's not a hammer in the house.

    1. Hroth


      Be glad you don't have those works of the devil that LISTEN to you!

  14. is in the dog house once again. This time it was hangovers from my christmas cake!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hroth


      A Christmas Cake is not a Christmas cake unless you can eat it with a spoon!


      (BoD - a Tbsp a fortnight is remarkably stingy. One a day is more appropriate!)

    3. Regularity


      Andrew: she put a whole bottle of sherry in your sherry?

    4. Hroth


      I think that's the point....

  15. has made the switch from grease to graphite and must now de-goo many poor runners.

  16. Don't look at me in that tone of voice...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      Listen! Can you smell something?

    3. Patrick


      "Shut your mouth and eat your dinner"

    4. Debs.


      "That verbal agreement isn`t worth the paper it`s written on!"

  17. Just found an unused cordless glue gun with 2 packs of long glue sticks at an estate sale for $2. Nice!

  18. is wondering if he's the only idiot to ever get locked out of his truck by his dogs...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DougN


      Yes but you need thumbs to turn the ignition.

    3. davefrk


      Happened to a friend of mine with his old Ford Cortina station wagon and a 'mad' bearded collie.

    4. beast66606


      Yes, your dogs have never been near any of my vehicles.

  19. Full day modeling ahead today.

  20. Five peacocks in our front yard this morning???

    1. mark374


      not the Beyer type then, as heard they have a metalic taste

    2. Tim V

      Tim V

      Four French hens here!

  21. Funny how now that marijuana is legal in Oregon house prices are getting high.

    1. scottystitch


      is there a hashtag for this topic?

    2. bgman


      They'll all be weeded out at some point !

    3. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      I suspect that kids at the local infant schools might not be the only people going on about "Puff the magic dragon".


      Saying that, smoking them out might involve a number of people in a joint effort.

  22. Went to my first estate sale today. About 100 folk showed up early, the company runing it handed out free raffle tickets, Mrs S. won the top $40 prize and we came away with boxfulls of free stuff. Oh and it seems spring has arrived.

  23. has just realised the Christmas tree needs to come down. Then again I might just finish off the signal builds!

    1. rembrow
    2. davefrk


      Only a few weeks to Christmas anyway.

  24. ...neds to take a deep breath, clean off the cutting mat and start again!

    1. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Sounds rather like most of my modelmaking efforts.

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