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Status Updates posted by Sasquatch

  1. Good brownie points anyone?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kylestrome


      I'd settle for a cherry genoa. You can save the points.

    3. PhilEakins


      My Dearly Beloved has gone to work on a night duty - just me and a bottle of red ...

    4. Hroth


      I got the first issue of the Dagostini partwork about Mallard and Q/Q1 locos. Better than a fluffy toy...

  2. Had breakfast with Benjamin Bratt this morning.

  3. Had the pleasure of meeting Dale Edwards this weekend, founder of Kadee couplers. Well into his 90s now.

  4. Hair of the dog in the form of an Apocalypse IPA! Nasty business!!

    1. Ozexpatriate


      I don't think 70 IBUs really goes with cornflakes.

    2. Horsetan


      Not as nasty as it coming out the other end...

  5. Has a new glue gun and now some gloves!

    1. newbryford


      Heat resistant gloves I hope!

    2. Horsetan


      Sounds a bit wrong!

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      How far have we come that PPE should now be required for modelling…

  6. has adopted a large cat and just found the most foul smelling monster in the lit tray....Bu@@er!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mallard60022


      Ah, the fragrant whiff of Lynx....................

    3. Horsetan


      "Lynx stynx"?

    4. uax6


      Making virgins smell great.....

  7. has been caught on another game cam.

    1. beast66606


      I'm on YouTube playing Medal of Honour - caught by an adversary !

  8. has been exploring pregrouping London stations on Assassins Creed Syndicate.

  9. has been seen in Happy Camp Ca!

  10. has crawled out from under his rock. Got too hot and crawled back under!

  11. has finally locked himself out of the garage. There he was all set up to start ballasting Queensbury. Instead I had to take the window out and crawl accross the layout to retrieve the keys.

    1. manna


      Wondered what you'd been up to !!

  12. has got a bottle of poison for Mrs. Sasquatch!

    1. Sasquatch


      Chrisitan d'or that is yumm yum....

  13. has got a new SD card and four decent batteries for his camera!

  14. Has had a great evening running all manor of trains on Dunster!

    1. DonB


      Including a GWR "Manner"?

  15. has just been told to "Fix some eggs". looks like it's gonna be one hell of a day.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Metr0Land


      All the Kings horses and all the Kings men couldn't manage that job.

    3. RJL


      When will these comments stop? Some of them are “ cracking” well done all.

  16. has just come down with a new ailment."microstrip blindness".

    1. Mikkel


      A bottle of liquid poly should fix it.

    2. davefrk


      I've got bolthead blindness this week, 104 boltheads and nuts on a Caledonian buffer stop, yeah I couldn't believe it either.

  17. has just realised the Christmas tree needs to come down. Then again I might just finish off the signal builds!

    1. rembrow
    2. davefrk


      Only a few weeks to Christmas anyway.

  18. Has just realised with the drop in the pound how cheap stuff is in dollars at Hattons! Yippeee

    1. Horsetan


      Ev'ry one' a winner, baby,

      That's the truth...

    2. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      "Big Issue?"

    3. HeeleyBridge


      Spare a penny guv?

  19. has just realized we named our dog after a familiar locomotive wheel arrangement?

  20. has made the switch from grease to graphite and must now de-goo many poor runners.

  21. Has sore hands from cutting mortises all afternoon, so no modelling this evening.

  22. has told his dogs that when they get a job and learn to cook they can have sausage sandwiches as often as they want...Until then IT'S ALL MINE!

    1. Sasquatch


      Polska kielbasa, Dijon, mayo, grilled shallots and melted mature chedder on seeded whole wheat. Vs the regular dog chow...


    2. Andrew P

      Andrew P

      That's what my wife says to me, I'm NOT a Kitchen person.

    3. Londontram


      But how can you say no to those big sad eyes?

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