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Everything posted by teaky

  1. 2015 seems to be a particularly good year for blossom (crab apple, eating apple, cherry, quince and more) but I have been struck this last week by how few bees there are around, both honey and bumble. I still haven't seen a house martin or swallow either. The rest of the usual feathered suspects are busy and in fine fettle though.
  2. You are not allowed to take it out of the box until tomorrow! Be good now.
  3. And slightly different than the information in MREmag this morning. Locomotionmodels.com Ivatt Atlantics updateI am pleased to advise that all paid for orders of the locomotionmodels.com GNR, BR and BR Weathered Ivatt Class C1 Atlantics have now been despatched. As yet locomotionmodels.com are awaiting delivery details of the LNER Class C1 models, however it is believed that these models will be available within the next two weeks. Thank you all for your patience. Simon Kohler
  4. eBay is very much a mixed bag Tony. There are some bargains and there some which are the exact opposite. There is a section of RMweb for eBay. A quick scan will give you a feel for what can be found there. Compliments to Geoff on that porter. I particularly like the light shine on his shoes/boots. It would have been so easy to paint them matt like his uniform.
  5. teaky

    EBay madness

    I may be wrong but I thought it was against eBay rules to advertise something you don't have? Unless it was crystal clear that this was a pre-order it sounds like neutral feedback might be justified. In some cases in the past I have left positive, neutral and negative feedback as seemed most fitting but always made an appropriate comment in the text. The fact that you have received the helmet for free may sway your decision. If he feels very strongly about it he can raise the matter with eBay who will, if he provides enough evidence to convince them (unlikely), amend his feedback. Edit - Re-worded. I was being too harsh.
  6. Nope, it's 25.1594913 Apparently, 666 is a mistranslation and the real number is 633.
  7. Para. 1 - Like it. Para. 2 - I think melting at either pole will affect the whole world in terms of water levels. In terms of weather though we might be affected more by the arctic melt affecting north atlantic temperatures.
  8. Sadly, I too have that impression. Many years ago I had a holiday in Malta and took a brief walk one day to the top of the nearest hill where I was shocked to discover the path was covered in empty blue and red shotgun cartridges. I'm not kidding. They were more than one layer thick and extended over the whole hilltop. Some of these "traditions" only date from the last couple of centuries and are often the result of post war shortages. All very understandable. Others are much older. There are some things that must change though. One aspect that is particularly distasteful is that there are many occasions where birds are shot for the sake of it and not even eaten. Malta again has some bad examples of this where "hunters" sit in boats and shoot birds that then fall into the sea.
  9. I noticed yesterday that the Maltese have voted to keep their spring slaughter of migrants. No doubt that is continuing to play its part in reducing our bird population.
  10. No idea. The key question is: has Quackers used this rarity as an excuse to run a 9F on his layout?
  11. Indeed, it seems S15s werethe norm. However... http://svsfilm.com/nineelms/9f.htm
  12. Seems like a lot of effort to build a sludge wagon for the water treatment plant.
  13. Issue 168. Good grief! It's 2mm scale too! Even more impressive.
  14. Lovely. What are the drive arrangements on that one then?
  15. Hi Ian, As well as your example above (3rd kitchen no. 44 standard K-type and 1st brake Catania 12-wheel) there was the Hull portion (1st kitchen Sybil standard K-type, 3rd parlour no. 84 All-steel K-type plus a teak full brake). In addition, there is the two-car Bradford portion of the Harrogate Sunday Pullman which used two cars from the Queen of Scots stock.
  16. There's no doubt about it, this locomotive has a number of engineering challenges. The first few that spring to mind are: i The large driving wheels and getting both the drive to them and enough weight over them with a slimline boiler and open space beneath the footplate. ii Next to no clearance for the front bogie. iii The splashers don't lend themselves to being moulded from plastic. Andy's video indicates that these problems have been given some thought already but does not reveal the current thinking. It will be fascinating to see how they are resolved.
  17. Thanks Andy. I'm glad you decided to post this even with the patchy sound.
  18. I think someone did exactly that with an order for a C1. You could send a PM to LocomotionatShildon to check.
  19. Your response seems a little curt. I am sorry if you feel offended by my wishing to clarify your earlier statement. I would be suspicious of a definition of pest attributed to "land owners and farmers". Such groups do not have a great track record when it comes to birds of prey but also, in their defence perhaps, are a convenient, faceless label for lazy journalists who are simply quoting a couple of people who do not actually represent the majority. According to the RSPB red kites feed on mainly carrion and worms, but are opportunistic and will occasionally take small mammals. That doesn't sound like a pest to me and I am more inclined to believe the RSPB on this one.
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