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cary hill

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Everything posted by cary hill

  1. I see that 14 different models are proposed - thank goodness only 5 look likely to tempt me. No "King Richard III" proposed though (I like a "local" connection however spurious) - I think I'll start the "moan" on the other thread now, or I could do a bit of modelling.
  2. Apparently not. I would be up for a BR version eventually. Late 2015/early 2016 delivery seems very "quick" by current norms but I wouldn't mind a bit of slippage to get the finances in order.
  3. Yes, I'm reasonably pleased so far considering we've played Everton, Chelsea and Arsenal. Arsenal were a bit disappointing, they seem to be overstocked with nearly identical midfield busybodies passing....passing...until somebody shoots wide or over the bar and that Sanogoals bloke at centre forward doesn't exactly look full of goals. Just a pity that Konchesky played Sanatogen onside for Arsenal's goal and Ulloa didn't finish the best chance of the second half, but I'd have taken a point before the game.
  4. Bus 270 KTA (Bristol SUL) is doing it's best to get to the bridge at Brent as soon as it can. The pre-war Route 177 Kingsbridge to Brent Stations is quickly revived after the Kingsbridge branch Prairie is declared a total failure at Kingsbridge Station. Seen here speeding away from Avonwick to make up for lost time after an emergency toilet break earlier at Loddiswell. FJ 8967, the other bus in the Brent convoy, is seen earlier in the year "racing" GWR Steam Railmotor 93 along the Looe Branch. The scene vaguely reminds me of the race in the "Titfield Thunderbolt". One of the photos has only had 90 views but deserves more. http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8206/8204159878_910fe8e88e_b.jpg http://bus-and-coach-photos.com.s3.amazonaws.com/10225.jpg
  5. There was quite a lot of action in South Brent yesterday which made the front page of a Special Edition of the Souths Hams Gazette: It seems the good people of Brent made the Centaurs pay dearly for their foolishness if that headline is accurate.
  6. It's not an official Captain Kernow Enterprises video release but he likes it - see last paragraph of screenshot below
  7. Perhaps it was practising for this: http://www.tvagwot.org.uk/kingsbridge.htm Note the photograph mentioning : 1945 Bristol K which leads to this: http://www.bristolsu.co.uk/k/operatordetails/westernnational/ftt703.htm Registration No. FTT 703 Fleet No. 352. and a quick search of Modelbuszone leads to this: http://www.modelbuszone.co.uk/ooc/dd/407/97854.htm Registration No. FTT 704 Fleet No. 353 Result - well nearly. Pity it was rebuilt with new body work in 1955 - so no good for 1947, but you need a bus more buses for a 1957 buses on bridge cliche.
  8. Cambiasso told to forget all about winning trophies as he signs for a final career fat pay cheque struggling Leicester City. "Ever since I left Argentina I've always dreamed of playing in the English Premier League for a struggling East Midlands club. Today I'm living the dream." Let's hope he lasts longer than our last Serie A import - Robbie Savage's mate - mind you I like to think that he picked some of the man management skills he later put to good use at Manchester City whilst at Leicester.
  9. If your local model shop can't oblige several are on eBay at the moment and not all at silly prices: http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_odkw=western+national+leyland+titan&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xwestern+national+leyland+titan+td1&_nkw=western+national+leyland+titan+td1&_sacat=0
  10. It's not this bus is it? A Leyland Titan TD1 with open staircase (1927?) One of the origins of the phrase "with a face like the back of a bus". I think this bus, a Leyland PD1, which took me to school (it's even got the correct route number) is much better, although I'm pretty sure they weren't used by Western National and are out of period for Brent anyway.
  11. I shall have to look that up in the thread, I can remember a "red" Devon General OB appearing but no green buses
  12. Dear Captain Kernow, I couldn't wait to get down to Brent after I read your comments above. All was well as per the top photograph, as I walked up from the village, with a promising glimpse of the signal box. As soon as I crossed the road an impenetrable Google Map Street View forest suddenly sprang up completely obscuring "the view" of Brent Station that you promised. Seriously misleading information..... These are the sausages, with trimmings and cooked on a fireman's shovel, that I was going to send you to help with your Summer Sizzler Sausage Appeal: They have been eaten in Leicestershire.
  13. When a school bully finally leaves the playground his cronies can't hack it for long, because nobody's scared of them.
  14. Moyes ain't to blame.See list below of Fergie's duff or underperforming signings 2007-13 1.Nani £17m. 2.Anderson £20m 3.Ashley Young £17m 4.Bebe £7m 5.Owen Hargreaves £17m 6.Tomascz Kuszczak £2m 7.Zoran Tosic £7m 8.Dimitar Berbatov £30m 9.Gabriel Obertan £3m 10.Mame Biram Diouf £3m 11.Javier Hernandez £6m 12.Chris Smalling £7m 13.Nick Powell £6m 14.Alexander Buttner £4m 15.Wilfried Zaha £10m Fergie kept his motivational skills right until the end, but his "eye" for a good signing had been failing for several years.
  15. Yes the fuel economy of a Tiger I tank, when used as an SUV, is rated from "extremely poor to absolutely disgraceful" according to several motoring website reviews. Apparently a full 150 gallon (£900?) tank full of fuel might just get me to Bath, as long as "off-roading" is strictly limited. Latest: Trip from Bovington to Hattons and return by Tiger tank cancelled - going by Virgin Trains to collect my Hornby Wellington - Walk Up Wool to Liverpool Lime Street First Class Open Return - £543 - bargain!
  16. I'd like to see one based on the "Where are the Hornby Models?" thread some of the earlier ranting there would fit in quite well with the video clip that is used. Expand it to "Hornby and Bachmann..." and you might be able to cover V1/V2s as well....might be bad taste though....
  17. Funnily enough my photo has "Fake "Russian" Tiger 2001" written on the back. I suppose the "Wellingtons" should really be Typhoons or similar if we're being pedantic Never mind I've removed the offending "fake" Tiger and I'm going to start again with a blank canvas: Vollig Zerstort. p.s. The picture is a fake, but the Vulcan isn't, it's just out of period. "Re-enacting" a Port Stanley Airport bombing run at Cosby Victory Show (2009) about 3 miles from where I live.
  18. A couple of Autumnal views from Monsal Head: Looking North towards Cressbrook and Millers Dale with Netherdale Farm and it's noisy geese down below. Looking East West down Monsal Dale towards Finn Wood with the Monsal Trail and Viaduct in the centre of the picture. Edit: Can't tell the difference between East and West
  19. "Played" is a bit of an exaggeration - "Eleven complete strangers in blue shirts wasted over 90 minutes searching for a mislaid game plan at the King Power last night" would be more accurate. Another one of Pearson's silly Cup XI's - he even had his son playing and two youth development players making their first team debuts in central midfield = madness. Thanks are due to Newton Heath F.C. for being even worse last night and deflecting attention away from the King Power.
  20. According to a sketch diagram in Peter Kay's "Exeter-Newton Abbot - a Railway History" Brunel's original Sea Wall with High Level Walkway was 14-16 ft high from the foundations. so perhaps you are only a tad too high after allowing for sand covering the toe section of the wall.
  21. Not 1946, but there is a picture (photo 69) of two T9's in "Newton Abbot to Plymouth" (Middleton Press - Mitchell and Smith) in BR livery, like the ones provided by Mr Spams, and recently seen on ANTB. It is dated 20th September 1958 with Class T9 nos 30712 and 30716 recorded climbing hard up Hemerdon Bank with the 4.32 p.m. Plymouth to Exeter stopping train with 4 ex-GWR coaches (M Set?) and Full Brake (?) on. They had worked a special to Plymouth via Okehampton earlier in the day and are working back to Exeter with unchanged headcode discs. Hopefully 2ManySpams hasn't got those two T9s
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