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Siberian Snooper

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Everything posted by Siberian Snooper

  1. I take it from the continuation of this thread that all the bits managed to make it to the show.
  2. Colin The revised sides make a considerable difference to the overall look, it now really captures the look of these units. SS
  3. The face in the rear cab could be Bob Clegg of the DTG, he quite often does the traveling fitter job.
  4. I got mine from here. http://www.giantshark.co.uk/sector/111/servo?Ops=1817 Was Giant Cod when I got mine. SS
  5. I agree and leave the baseboards at home instead. Hat.... coat..........g.o..i...n....g.....
  6. If the neighbour doesn't find it and wonders where it came from, it will give time team something to scratch their heads over if they go there and dig it up in years to come.
  7. Is the low level track at right angles to the raised track the line to Par Docks? If so Punch and Judy would have no trouble getting under the main line to St. Austell
  8. Them thar loco's look like South African and Rhodesian beast's to me. Fairly close to Rhino's.
  9. Ron This level of detailing is above and beyond the call of duty. I hope the next order of Evergreen strip is correctly packaged. SS
  10. The on train report on Spotlight news showed most of the passengers with flags to wave. SS
  11. Spotlight news tonight has had a large piece on SNG with external and on train footage. SS
  12. I hope not after the extortionate amount we get charged for South West Water's operation clean sweep. SS
  13. From the few viewings that I have had of the interiors of the ladies loos, the grafiti tends to be a lot more graphic in detail than the gents, it fair makes you blush. SS
  14. When marking out fabrications,everything was marked from the datum point to eliminate or at the very least reduce error in the final fabrication. If it didn't fit, it went over the side, if it floated it was OK. I believe a similar test was performed on witches. SS
  15. And I always thought that Spot was the dog in the Wooden Tops, not a shunting Rhino in Brent. You live 'n' learn. SS
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