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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted


Hello Folks, Ive not had any chance for some modelling, been too busy mucking about with boilers, I would like to say that 45428 Eric Treacy will be pressure tested next week if all goes to plan, fingers crossed aye. 75029s boiler was lifted on wednesday and also the GWR 2.8.0 3814s boiler was placed on a lowmac and taken up the back field for storage. It was great to see the breakdown crane working up close. awesome piece of machinery. many regards, Chris



Dinorwic Quarry - second installment

Well, the second installment of the Dinorwic photos have finally been shifted onto the new RMweb... Linky   There are still a few other photos on the original RMweb3 thread (linked in the first post on the photo thread), but here's a sample of my poor photography of a good subject from the transferred images



Going Green

The first layer of greenery is starting to appear. It is starting to look like a model railway at last!



Ruston Chassis

Been playing with the Ruston chassis. Sophisticated it isn't. Still, it's taken quite a bit less time to put together!



Replica 4Epb.- Transfers/Detailing done

Hi All,   The EPB is finished bodywise, still waiting for the motorbogie so I can finish the chassis. I still have the interiors to finish but I need to contact Replica to get them. Here are a few pics,         I will post some better pics tommorrow, when the light is better. Comments welcome as always.   Cheers for now, Ian.



still struggling

OK, it is a lovely room, and it is big, but I could do with some more width. This shows why.   You will see that I have put together some very rough card buildings so that I can get an idea how things will look and fit. You will also see Gravy Train's lovely Great Northern hotel, which I want to be a major feature. Now look at the width of the station forecourt. No good. On the old Peterborough I first positioned the hotel where it would be in reality.   This just did a good job of blocking

great northern

great northern

the struggle continues

Well, it is a month since I last reported, mainly because things have'nt gone according to plan. That should read plans, as I am now on number three. When I said the room wasn't big enough I thought I was joking, but alas there is a problem. First though, here is a pic of the room to give everyone an idea.

great northern

great northern

First field visit 20/11/09

Re6/6 and I, accompanied by Captain Kernow who knows a good grice when he sees one, visited Sussex yesterday to have a look at Balcombe station for the first time. Initial reactions were good, and the following photos give an indication of what it is like now - only a double track main line now, all the yard and refuge sidings have gone, but many of the buildings and other features of interest survive.               Train services are very frequent (usual Brighton main line



Some much delayed progress(ish!)

Well work has taken up most of my time of late, so not much modelling done.Now on leave tho so no excuse now I've reminded the family what I actually look like(A reminder too far possibly ). Only a few hours snatched so far but a few details added and a couple more coats of paint on things Okay so technically its still a bad shot but I like it, if I ignore all the unfinished bits it looks like I've got a model railway! The stabling point, probably the most unfinished area now, but I think



What's in the box

I have now got around to taking a picture of what's included in the box. The additions are as you would expect wheels (slaters) and paint/transfers which will be Halfords Rover Damask Red and HMRS when I get there. The roof, floor, solebars and their overlays are all generic part and will need cutting to length for this 50' coach (presumably they are for a 57' one but I haven't measured them).   More progress to follow when I get to it.  

Rob Pulham

Rob Pulham

Some wagon progress at last

Not much has happened on the wagon front recently as I've busy battling an Ian Kirk 2-Bil kit. I have managed to finish this Parkside LNER lowfit. The only major change I made was to use AS buffers. The replacement axlebox cover is due to these being seperate moulding and likely to fall off if you don't use enough glue   This BR pipe wagon is another parkside kit. It took ages to pluck up the enthusiasm to do the 8 door springs. Bending up little bits of metal strip is not my idea of fun. Othe



Bristol Barrow Road Shed

Further progress tonight with the addition of 3 of the 4 pairs of stock rails.   Each stock rail requires a joggle for the switch blade, a number of cosmetic rail joints - each with a Colin Waite fishplate - and a set of funtional chairs where there are no rivets, followed by soldering the stock rail to the rivets.   My new brass Roger Sanders gauge is shown in the photos. This gauge makes fine tuning of the pointwork a pleasure.      



Wilkins Bros

Just been out and lopped those overhanging eaves from the Vollmer building, also cut back the roof at the gable. Looks much better. Another job done, is to make a start on the water tank to go on the roof of the main brewhouse. As I said earlier, this is made from the Will's vari girder pack. After working out the capacity, it may be rather large, but it does look in proportion to the rest of the building. Photos tomorrow with luck. But I do have to iron my uniform shirts and go back to work tom



Forks 1st show

HELP   Forks Trestle is now filling in on november 28th/29th 2009 @ the show in Uppermill I have a passinger train & a logging train plus a small goods train at the mo but look to the CRM for stock transfers to increas trains   O & a Model T railcar   Plus i Need to build the fiddleyards

mozzer models

mozzer models

Clarendon signal finished (nearly!)

Thought it was about time i published something that was finished, so here is a photo of the finished signal.     It's been delayed be the fact that we have been planning an extension for the layout and was unsure if it was going to be repositioned. Now we have decided it's staying put i'll fix it down and set about the operating unit, but more of that later.



Second bite: "The depot"

Hmmm, now what can we build here?   I've decided to move ahead with the next installment in the series of micro-layouts based on the fictional Farthing station. Again, it's Edwardian GWR during the period 1904-1908. Here's a rundown of my thoughts so far.   Concept The basic idea is to model the inside of a large Edwardian goods depot. Or rather: just a section of it, showing maybe 3-4 busy loading docks. I envision an overall roof structure extending over the entire lay


Mikkel in Layout design

Ruston update

Had a very enjoyable day with the Ruston, completing the bodywork. Only managed to put the window surrounds on the inside (doh) didn't I? Everything else pretty much fell together though having the RSU certainly helped some of the overlays.   The chassis is very basic, compared with the 03! I'll go and have a play with that later but in the meantime, some photos are attached.



Wilkins Bros

Did a bit more on the brewery today. Had a look, with the aid of Google Earth, at some of the older breweries around the country and came to the conclusion that I needed a brewery yard. Not completely practical to have it surrounded by building where it was sited, so I am going for the layout in the pictures below. Another kit has been added, a Vollmer kit from an earlier layout. A little work to do on it, like a new roof and a lick or two of paint. The boiler house was removed and now resides a



NGS MAG layout

Further to a question in the "Next Big 'Un" thread on my blog, and the reply I gave there, here are further details about the N Gauge Society's Modern Area Groups (NGS MAG) proposed layout.   This will be a modern N gauge layout based on the Milford container depot near Southampton. It will be able to take advantage of all the recent new top quality container wagons now available, such as the ATM KQA pocket wagon, Dapol FEA-B spine wagon, Dapol IKA megafret, and Farish FIA intermodal, as well



Next Southern Pride Mk1,s plus painting

The next job is 4 Southern Pride Mk1's 3of which have brass sides & one with per-printed sides a Dia 32 Booth Car a Dia 32 Griddle Car a Dia 79 Lounge 1st & the pre- printed Dia 72 open 1st All to be finished in BR blue/gray livery & today i have painted the coach ends blue & made a start on the 1st chassie which is for the Dia 72 Also today i have given the GWR TPO a coat of GWR Cream paint   Sorry no pics today

mozzer models

mozzer models

Recent pictures from Wuerzburger Strasse

In the last few days I worked on my FREMO module Wuerzburger Strasse to get it ready for a model railway exhibition near Mainz. Here are a few pictures.             Markus



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