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Everything posted by Graham108

  1. I know it will be costly but have you considered having the loft 'converted' into a proper room without the trusses - I can guarantee if you continue with it as it is you will soon lose interest. I've just moved from a house with a similar loft structure - I spent many months just setting up with a 4-track run with 18-track fiddle yard - it all worked but the difficulties faced in completing it were a battle from start to finish. The number of times I bashed my head / shoulders on the trusses moving from one bit of track to the next; getting under the baseboards to do the wiring; heat / dust issues to name but a few. I never even got round to doing much scenery and the running sessions were few and far between as the environment just wasn't conducive to spending much time in it.
  2. Email from Rails for an extra 15% off their eBay shop - quote April15 - expires 11:59 on the 18th - https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/railsofsheffield?utm_source=Klaviyo&utm_medium=campaign&_kx=mfLzLVAUTJX_rRsgbmmknaY4b6mMnMR6jp9X2Mnis8_qnSFePN1n7xZw98DdvMB7.RXkVMS&utm_campaign=New 15% OFF eBay Coupon! Use Code APRIL15&utm_id=01GXZHDJVZHN93WHVYAAZBZRWE
  3. Yorkshire is split into 3 'Ridings' - and South isn't one of them (wasn't it the title of a soap drama similar to Dallas?)
  4. A few others - Edinburgh (pronounced Edinborough), Middlesbrough (pronounced Middlesborough) and Brough (in Cumbria) pronounced Bruff
  5. I guess you mean 'other'! For some of us that doesn't matter (any more).
  6. Are the wagons just stored loose in those boxes? Given the detail on some of the more recent items available from people like Accurascale (there are others!) I'd be very reluctant to store them without them being secure and unable to move around. But I like the idea of easier accessibility and changing of running stock
  7. Well they could be singing the Midnight Train to Georgia (along with Gladys Knight)
  8. Great piece of camerawork - wonder who it refers to (there's so much choice!)
  9. Some other dodgy stuff there now - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11936313/Central-London-crossroads-bizarre-mishmash-road-markings-leaves-motorists-baffled.html?ico=mol_desktop_home
  10. You could try Zetland models - there's R6286C & R6286A on this page - https://zetlandmodelrailways.co.uk/product-category/british-oo-wagons/page/4/ and others here - https://zetlandmodelrailways.co.uk/product-category/british-oo-wagons/page/5/ There may be more ...
  11. Perhaps the driver wanted to put newspaper under them in case there was a frost overnight!
  12. And just like the late DIck Fosbury they're obviously using a unique approach to make sure they get over the bar each time
  13. Or to utilise one of EM's famous quotes - "we're making all the right models, but not necessarily in the right order"
  14. Just a quick question out of curiosity - why is your 92 running with panto down yet the 87's are running with both up!
  15. Do the kids of today watch Blue Peter - is it still broadcast? Unless things have Facebook / Twitter / Instagram ... feeds these days kids won't see them
  16. Can you please clarify what Facebook page to look for - a search for BBMR throws up the British Bone Marrow Registry!
  17. As long as it makes sense to you that's all that matters
  18. Forgive me if I'm being a bit thick here, but with only 1 'switch' governing the exchange sidings, as an example, how will you direct power to individual tracks? Or do you not plan to 'store' locomotives in there?
  19. Not for me I'm sorry to say, but I wish you well with your sales
  20. I recently placed some adverts in the 'Free to a good home' section - as they were taken I selected the 'Hide' option in the Moderator Actions - hitting Save displayed the following (although the posts do appear to have been removed from display):
  21. Aren't we all! But I'm a bit confused by your question and some of the answers. Surely a left-handed person playing a guitar left-handed will be the same as a right-handed person playing a guitar right-handed - albeit in a mirror. As long as the strings top-to-bottom are E A D G B E the chord diagram should be the same - you can get them quite easily - https://www.google.com/search?q=left+handed+guitar+chords&rlz=1C1CHBF_enGB1040GB1040&oq=left+handed+guitar&aqs=chrome.3.69i57j0i512l5j69i60l2.7506j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 If you look at a right-handed guitar the scratch guard will be under the strings - so you may need a purpose-made left-handed guitar or one with two scratch guards.
  22. So the next loco announcement is a 'baby' deltic then!
  23. My money says he was referring to the Class 66 announcement - his reference to Ebay being the Hattons' 66's up for sale
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