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Sir Terry Wogan dies


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  • RMweb Premium

This is dreadful news, the man that made Eurovision worth watching on account of his commentary (how many other music shows are only worth watching for the commentary?!) and was the voice many of us woke up to for a long time along with his other activities. I stopped listening to Radio 2's breakfast show when he moved on, to compare the ego driven asinine drivel of his replacement with Terry Wogan's show was depressing. RIP Terry, you'll be missed.

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So shocked when I saw the title of this thread I had to check the BBC news website to make sure it was true.


He was such a good, easy going presenter on tv and radio and always seemed do likeable. Children in need will never be the same again.


RIP Sir Terry

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I've done some chortling...never looked good though, a bloke on his own in a car laughing inanely...over the years listening to sketches such as 'Janet & John' on his Radio 2 show.


Well done Terry, you gave a lot of pleasure to many....your charity work was inspirational too.





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  • RMweb Premium

RIP Terry. I wasn't a great fan, but certainly his time on TV and radio through the last six five decades means he's yet another major presence around my life gone.


Re cancer and something needing to be done, there have been and still are lots of advances going on, but if it isn't caught soon enough then it's hard to treat. Some kind of advance in (very) early detection is probably one of the main things needed now.

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This is such sad, sad news. I can't believe it. As a 50 odd year old, he was my morning staple listening throughout my 1970s school years and then I listened to him when travelling to work throughout the 90s/2000s. His gentle fun, mocking (mainly of himself) and Janet & John literally had me crying laughing. Such a fantastic person and radio presenter.


Breakfast radio has been lost since you left.


You are a true great Terry I feel so, so sad today but thank you.


Dave S

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Very sad news, I almost thought it was a hoax when it popped up on a newsfeed page this morning. Happy memories of hearing his dulcet tones wafting out of my Gran's old radiogram in the early '70s, right through the 'who shot JR?' laughter of the early '80s and beyond.... the term 'national treasure' is very much overused these days but our Tel was worthy of the name and then some.


Have a laugh on us Tel while you're up there with Jimmy Young!


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A real loss.


Someone who rather like one of my hero's the late Ronnie Barker, could use the english language to inform and entertain with almost effortless ease. Not sure that there are many left like him with the talent and skill to do the same.

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This is very sad news.

I was never a fan of his radio show but came across him professionally a few times and it was very obvious that he was the same warm and decent human being all the time, not just when he was performing.

One incident that really stuck in my mind was back in the early 1980s when I was directing an extended filmed interview with him for BBC South. We'd come up to London and were using a small TV studio in the basement of  Broadcasting House after he'd come off-air from his radio programme. About half way through, the assistant cameraman managed to drop one of the exposed film tins which of course came open so was ruined. That meant re-filming a whole section of the interview and there was some time pressure but where certain other "stars" who I won't name would have made their irritation abundantly clear, Terry Wogan was far more concerned to reassure the hapless assistant who was obviously feeling pretty bad.  


Another sad loss


RIP Sir Terry

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Having gravitated from Radio Caroline to Radio 1, I moved to Radio 2 long-term as be-suits my age and Terry Wogan's voice was a way of life in a morning while I worked. 'Mulligans Tyre's' had been played several times before I realised it was Mul-of-Mintyre.  The inner chuckle used to make my ribs ache. Rest in peace Sir Terry.

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  • RMweb Premium

My old school once treated a handful of pupils to tickets to sit in the studio of the Wogan chat show during 1986-1987 as a reward for outstanding contributions to school life. It was a deaf school I went to so barely any of these "lucky" people were able to hear well enough to follow the show! My old school's idea of a treat!  :no:


Condolences to Sir Terry's family.

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Oh no! Not the grand Togmeister himself...


Happy to admit that I was never happier listening to his genial wit on the Radio 2 breakfast show in my formative years (when alternative stations would have been regarded as more 'cool'). From sparring with Jimmy Young through to the corpsing on 'Janet & John'.


And would Children in Need have raised quite so much over the years without him expertly treading the fine line between compassion and humour?


Very sad day.

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Sad news indeed.


I used to look forward to the banter between Terry and Ray Moore in the hand over between their programmes at 07.30 whilst driving up to Chiswick from Farnham each morning - certainly made the traffic jams bearable.



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I never liked his TV chat show and that kind of coloured my view of him as a presenter but I always thought him a thoroughly decent guy, very genial and genuine, and his Eurovision presentation style hit just the right note.


Another one who was with us for much of our lives.


RIP Sir Terry.

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